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This is part of an archived regulation consolidation that is current to December 31, 2019 and includes changes enacted and in force by that date.

"Point in Time" Regulation Content

Wildlife Act

Hunting Regulation

B.C. Reg. 190/84

NOTE: Links below go to reg content as it was prior to the changes made on the effective date. (PIT covers changes made from September 19, 2009 to December 31, 2019)
Section 1 June 17, 2010
April 1, 2012
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2016
March 1, 2017
Section 10 March 1, 2017
Section 11 March 1, 2017
July 1, 2018
Section 12 July 1, 2012
Section 13 December 18, 2017
Section 13.1 April 1, 2018
Section 13.2 April 1, 2018
Section 13.3 April 1, 2018
Section 13.4 June 17, 2010
April 1, 2018
Section 13.5 July 1, 2012
April 1, 2018
Section 13.6 July 1, 2012
April 1, 2018
Section 13.7 April 1, 2018
January 2, 2019
Section 15 July 1, 2016
July 1, 2018
Section 16 March 23, 2010
June 17, 2010
April 14, 2011
July 1, 2012
August 9, 2013
July 1, 2016
April 1, 2018
April 11, 2018
July 1, 2018
Section 16.1 October 26, 2009
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2016
July 1, 2018
Section 16.2 April 1, 2013
Section 17 July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
March 1, 2017
January 2, 2019
Section 17.1 July 22, 2016
Section 18 July 1, 2016
March 1, 2017
December 18, 2017
July 1, 2018
Section 19 June 17, 2010
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
November 10, 2016
Schedule 1 Part 1 October 26, 2009
June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2018
Schedule 1 Part 2 June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2014
November 10, 2016
March 1, 2017
December 18, 2017
July 1, 2018
November 22, 2018
Schedule 1 Part 3 July 1, 2012
July 1, 2016
July 1, 2018
Schedule 2 Part 1 October 26, 2009
June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
July 1, 2018
Schedule 2 Part 2 March 1, 2017
Schedule 2 Part 3 July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
Schedule 3 Part 1 June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
July 1, 2018
Schedule 3 Part 2 June 17, 2010
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2014
March 1, 2017
Schedule 3 Part 3 June 17, 2010
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2018
Schedule 4 Part 1 June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
July 1, 2012
February 13, 2013
August 9, 2013
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
April 11, 2018
July 1, 2018
November 22, 2018
September 6, 2019
Schedule 4 Part 2 June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
July 1, 2012
October 5, 2012
August 9, 2013
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
March 1, 2017
July 1, 2018
September 6, 2019
Schedule 4 Part 3 June 17, 2010
July 1, 2016
July 1, 2018
Schedule 5 Part 1 June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
February 3, 2011
June 16, 2011
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2014
February 6, 2017
Schedule 5 Part 2 June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
February 6, 2017
March 1, 2017
December 18, 2017
April 11, 2018
July 1, 2018
Schedule 6 Part 1 June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
April 14, 2011
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
April 11, 2018
July 1, 2018
Schedule 6 Part 2 June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
April 14, 2011
October 5, 2012
July 1, 2016
November 10, 2016
March 1, 2017
December 18, 2017
April 11, 2018
July 1, 2018
March 6, 2019
Schedule 6 Part 3 June 17, 2010
July 1, 2018
Schedule 7 Part 1 October 26, 2009
June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
July 1, 2012
March 12, 2013
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
April 11, 2018
July 1, 2018
March 6, 2019
Schedule 7 Part 2 June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
February 13, 2013
October 5, 2012
February 13, 2013
March 12, 2013
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
March 1, 2017
April 11, 2018
July 1, 2018
March 6, 2019
Schedule 7 Part 3 June 17, 2010
July 1, 2018
Schedule 8 Part 1 June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
April 11, 2018
July 1, 2018
Schedule 8 Part 2 June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
March 1, 2017
April 11, 2018
Schedule 8 Part 3 June 17, 2010
July 1, 2016
Schedule 9 March 23, 2010
June 17, 2010
October 15, 2010
July 1, 2012
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2016
April 11, 2018
July 1, 2018
March 6, 2019

 Section 1 (1), definitions of "kid" and "spike bull" were added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Section 1 (5) was added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Section 1 (1), definition of "bag limit" BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 67/2012, effective April 1, 2012.

"bag limit" means the maximum number of a species of wildlife or a type of wildlife that a person may take or kill

(a) in the case of mammals, in one licence year,

(b) in the case of birds other than turkeys, in one day, and

(c) in the case of turkeys, in one licence year,

unless another period is specified;

 Section 1 (6) was added by BC Reg 67/2012, effective April 1, 2012.

 Section 1 (1), definition of "mature bighorn ram mountain sheep" BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

"mature bighorn ram mountain sheep" means any bighorn ram mountain sheep that has attained the age of 8 years as evidenced by true horn annuli as determined by the regional manager or his designate, or whose horn tip, when viewed squarely from the side at right angles to the sagittal plane of the skull, extends dorsally beyond the nose bridge plane;

 Section 1 (1), definition of "brow palm" was added by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

 Section 1 (1), definitions of "full curl thinhorn ram mountain sheep" and "possession limit" BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

"full curl thinhorn ram mountain sheep" means any thinhorn ram mountain sheep that has attained the age of 8 years as evidenced by true horn annuli as determined by the regional manager or his designate, or whose horn tip, when viewed squarely from the side at right angles to the sagittal plane of the skull, extends dorsally beyond the nose bridge plane;

"possession limit" means the maximum number of a species or type of wildlife which a person may have in his possession while hunting or returning from hunting, except for migratory game birds where the possession limit applies at all times;

 Section 10 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

Offence – area

10   Subject to section 11 (2), a person commits an offence where he exceeds the bag limit or possession limit for an area as set out in Part 1 or Part 3 of each Schedule.

 Section 11 (1) (part) and (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(1) Subject to exceptions for areas noted in Parts 1 and 3 of each Schedule, a person commits an offence where he exceeds the Provincial bag limit for a species or type of animal as follows:

(2) Where a bag limit in an area is higher than the Provincial bag limit for a species or type of animal, a person commits an offence where he kills more than the number of animals permitted by the higher bag limit less the number of animals of that species or type taken by him anywhere else in the Province.

 Section 11 (1) (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(a) 3 deer;

 Section 12 (a) (i) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

(i)  5 geese in one day,

 Section 12 (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

(b) exceeds the possession limit of

(i)  10 geese,

(ii)  16 ducks,

(iii)  8 canvasback ducks,

(iv)  8 pintail ducks,

(v)  4 goldeneye ducks,

(vi)  4 harlequin ducks,

(vii)  3 times the daily bag limit for game birds, excluding migratory game birds, or

(viii)  10 band-tailed pigeons.

 Section 13 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 239/2017, effective December 18, 2017.

Grizzly bear

13   There is no open season for a grizzly bear less than 2 years old or any grizzly bear accompanying it.

[am. B.C. Reg. 226/98, s. 1.]

 Section 13.1 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 52/2018, effective April 1, 2018.

Black bear

13.1   There is no open season for a black bear less than 2 years old or any black bear accompanying it.

[en. B.C. Reg. 184/90, s. 5; am. B.C. Reg. 226/98, s. 2.]

 Section 13.2 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 52/2018, effective April 1, 2018.

White or blue colour phases of black bear

13.2   There is no open season on white or blue (Glacier) colour phases of the black bear.

[en. B.C. Reg. 184/90, s. 5; am. B.C. Reg. 137/2009, s. 1.]

 Section 13.3 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 52/2018, effective April 1, 2018.

Open season

13.3   There is no open season for a cougar kitten or any cougar accompanying it.

[en. B.C. Reg. 291/2004, s. 1; am. B.C. Reg. 152/2006, s. 3.]

 Section 13.4 was enacted by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Section 13.4 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 52/2018, effective April 1, 2018.

Female mountain goat accompanying a kid

13.4   There is no open season for a female mountain goat accompanying a kid, including a female mountain goat in a group that contains at least one kid.

[en. B.C. Reg. 175/2010, App. 2, s. 2.]

 Section 13.5 was enacted by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Section 13.5 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 52/2018, effective April 1, 2018.


13.5   There is no open season for a lynx that is accompanied by one or more lynx.

[en. B.C. Reg. 80/2012, App 2, s. 3.]

 Section 13.6 was enacted by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Section 13.6 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 52/2018, effective April 1, 2018.


13.6   There is no open season for a bobcat accompanied by one or more bobcats.

[en. B.C. Reg. 80/2012, App 2, s. 3.]

 Section 13.7 was enacted by BC Reg 52/2018, effective April 1, 2018.

 Section 13.7 BEFORE re-numbering by BC Reg 1/2019, effective January 2, 2019.

Offence — protected wildlife

13.7   A person commits an offence where the person takes or kills any of the following:

(a) a grizzly bear less than 2 years old or a grizzly bear in the company of it;

(b) a black bear less than 2 years old or a black bear in the company of it;

(c) a white or blue (glacier) coloured black bear;

(d) a cougar kitten or a cougar in the company of it;

(e) a female mountain goat in the company of a kid or in a group that contains one or more kids;

(f) a lynx in the company of one or more lynx;

(g) a bobcat in the company of one or more bobcats.

[en. B.C. Reg. 52/2018, Sch. 1, s. 1.]

 Section 13.7 (2) was added by BC Reg 1/2019, effective January 2, 2019.

 Section 15 (1) and (2) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(1) In subsection (2), "deer" means mule (black-tailed) deer, white-tailed deer and fallow deer.

(2) For the purpose of section 36 of the Act, a person who possesses the whole carcass or part of a carcass of an elk, moose or deer must leave naturally attached to the carcass or one part of the carcass in the person's possession

 Section 15 (2.1) was added by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

 Section 15 (2) to (5) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(2) For the purpose of section 36 of the Act, a person who possesses the whole carcass or part of a carcass of an elk or moose must leave naturally attached to the carcass or one part of the carcass in the person's possession

(a) if the animal was male, either

(i) that portion of the head that bears the antlers, or

(ii) both

(A) a testicle or part of the penis, and

(B) the animal's tail or another readily identifiable part of the hide not less than 6 cm2, and

(b) if the animal was female, either

(i) that portion of the head that in males normally bears antlers, or

(ii) both

(A) a portion of the udder or teats, and

(B) the animal's tail or another readily identifiable part of the hide not less than 6 cm2.

(2.1) For the purpose of section 36 of the Act, a person who possesses the whole carcass or part of a carcass of a deer must leave naturally attached to the carcass or one part of the carcass in the person's possession

(a) if the animal was male, either

(i) that portion of the head that bears the antlers, or

(ii) all of the following:

(A) a testicle;

(B) a part of the penis;

(C) the animal's unskinned tail, and

(b) if the animal was female,

(i) the animal's unskinned tail, and

(ii) either that portion of the head that in males normally bears antlers, or a portion of the udder or teats.

(3) For the purpose of section 36 of the Act, a person who possesses the whole carcass or part of a carcass of a caribou must leave naturally attached to the carcass or one part of the carcass in the person's possession

(a) if the animal was male,

(i) a testicle or part of the penis, and

(ii) the animal's tail, another readily identifiable part of the hide not less than 6 cm2 or that portion of the head that bears the antlers, and

(b) if the animal was female,

(i) a portion of the udder or teats, and

(ii) the animal's tail, another readily identifiable part of the hide not less than 6 cm2 or that portion of the head that normally bears the antlers.

(4) For the purpose of section 36 of the Act, a person who possesses the whole carcass or part of a carcass of a mountain sheep must leave naturally attached to the carcass or one part of the carcass in the person's possession

(a) if the animal was male, either

(i) that portion of the head that bears the horns, or

(ii) testicle or part of the penis, and

(b) if the animal was female, either

(i) that portion of the head that in males normally bears horns, or

(ii) a portion of the udder or teats.

(5) For the purpose of section 36 of the Act, a person who possesses the whole carcass or part of a carcass of a mountain goat or bison must leave naturally attached to the carcass or one part of the carcass in the person's possession

(a) if the animal was male, either a testicle or part of the penis, and

(b) if the animal was female, a portion of the udder or teats.

 Section 15 (7) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(7) Despite subsections (2) to (6), a person who possesses a portion of a carcass or hide does not commit an offence under section 36 (1) of the Act if

(a) the person did not kill the wildlife in the person's possession,

(b) the person who killed the wildlife possesses a portion of the carcass or hide with the parts attached as required by subsection (2), (3), (4), (5) or (6) until, under section 36 (2) of the Act, section 36 (1) of the Act no longer applies to that person,

(c) the person possesses the portion of the carcass or hide for the purpose of transporting it to a person or destination referred to in section 36 (2) of the Act, and

(d) the person is transporting the portion of the carcass or hide in compliance with section 37 of the Act.

 Section 16 (1) (d) and (e) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 77/2010, effective March 23, 2010.

(d) in region 4, a moose, or

(e) in Zone A of Management Unit 6-25, as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II, as shown on map 2009/2010 Moose Zone A of 6-25, a moose

 Section 16 (1) (f) was added by BC Reg 77/2010, effective March 23, 2010.

 Section 16 (9) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 77/2010, effective March 23, 2010.

(9)  Despite subsection (6), a person commits an offence if the person takes a cow moose in M.U. 7-07, 7-10, 7-16 or 7-23 during the period December 1 to December 7 and fails to submit a front incisor tooth, the complete reproductive tract and a kidney including the attached fat to the Ministry of Environment, 4051 18th St, Prince George, B.C.

(a) within 5 days of the kill, and

(b) with information as to the place and date of the kill.

 Section 16 (1) (d) and (f) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(d) in region 4, a moose,

(f) in the Nass Wildlife Area, as shown on map 2010/2011 Nass Wildlife Area in Schedule 9, a moose

 Section 16 (1) (e) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(e) in Zone A of Management Unit 6-25, as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II, as shown on map 2009/2010 Moose Zone A of 6-25, a moose, or

 Section 16 (1) (g) was added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Section 16 (4) (h) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(h) for a moose in Region 4 or in Zone A of M.U. 6-25, as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II, as shown on map 2009/2010 Moose Zone A of 6-25, an incisor tooth, and

 Section 16 (6) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(6)  A person commits an offence if the person takes or kills a cow moose in Region 6 (Skeena) or in M.U.s 7-1 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 of Region 7 and fails to submit the reproductive tract of the animal to an officer

(a) within 30 days after the date of the kill, and

(b) with information as to the place and date of the kill.

 Section 16 (3.3) was added by BC Reg 70/2011, effective April 14, 2011.

 Section 16 (4) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 70/2011, effective April 14, 2011.

(4)  For subsections (1), (2), (2.1), (2.2), (3) and (3.1) the parts to be submitted are

 Section 16 (4) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 70/2011, effective April 14, 2011.

(b) for a grizzly bear or a cougar, the skull and the hide that bears

 Section 16 (1) (d) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

(d) in region 4, a bull moose,

(e) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 175/2010, App. 2, s. 3 (b).]

 Section 16 (1) (f) and (g) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

(f) in the Nass Wildlife Area, as shown on map 2010/2011 Nass Wildlife Area in Schedule 9, a moose, or

(g) in M.U. 6-19, 6-20 or 6-22 to 6-25, a moose

 Section 16 (1) (h) was added by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Section 16 (4) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

(b) for a grizzly bear, a black bear or a cougar, the skull and the hide that bears

 Section 16 (5) (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 198/2013, effective August 9, 2013.

(a) If a person takes or kills an animal referred to in subsection (1) or (3), the person commits an offence if the person does not report the killing or taking to an officer, within the required submission period listed in subsection (1), (2.1), (3) or (3.1).

 Section 16 (a), (f) and (g) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(a) in Region 2 or 8, an elk,

(f) in the Nass Wildlife Area, as shown on map 2010/2011 Nass Wildlife Area in Schedule 9, a moose,

(g) in M.U. 6-19, 6-20 or 6-22 to 6-25, a moose, or

 Section 16 (i) and (j) were added by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

 Section 16 (4) (b) (part), (c) (part) and (d) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(b) for a grizzly bear, a black bear, a lynx or a cougar, the skull and the hide that bears

(c) for a Dall's, Stone's, California or Rocky mountain sheep,

(d) for a mountain goat, the horns,

 Section 16 (c.1) was added by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

 Section 16 (2) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 52/2018, effective April 1, 2018.

(b) the person uses the services of a licenced guide to kill

(i) an elk in region 2 or 8, or

(ii) a caribou in any region,

and submits the prescribed parts of the big game animal for inspection within 30 days after the last day of the continuous season in which the big game animal was killed.

 Section 16 (2.2) (b) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 52/2018, effective April 1, 2018.

(b) the person uses the services of a licensed guide to kill a grizzly bear, mountain goat or mountain sheep in any region, and the person submits the prescribed parts of the animal to an officer for inspection and measurement

 Section 16 (2.2) (b) (i) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 52/2018, effective April 1, 2018.

(i) within 30 days after the last day of the continuous season in which the big game animal was killed,

 Section 16 (1) (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

(a) in Region 1 or 2 or M.U. 4-08, 4-09, 4-14 to 4-17, 4-31 to 4-33 or 4-38, an elk,

 Section 16 (1) (a) and (g) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(a) in Region 1, 2 or 6 or M.U. 4-08, 4-09, 4-14 to 4-17, 4-31 to 4-33 or 4-38, an elk,

(g) in Region 4 or 8, M.U. 5-3 to 5-6, 5-10 to 5-14 or 6-19 to 6-25 or that portion of M.U. 7-52 outlined in magenta on map 2016 M.U. 7-52 Moose Compulsory Inspection, a moose,

 Section 16 (1) (g.1) was added by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

 Section 16.1 (1) (a) (iv) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 251/2009, effective October 26, 2009.

(iv)  a bison,

 Section 16.1 (1) (b) and (d) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 251/2009, effective October 26, 2009.

(b) in Region 5 or 8, a moose,

(d) in Region 1, an elk,

 Section 16.1 (1) (h) was added by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Section 16.1 (1) (c) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(c) in Region 1, 2 or 4, a wolf,

 Section 16.1 (1) (a) and (h) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(a) in any M.U.,

(i) a bobcat,

(ii) a lynx, or

(iii) a wolverine,

(iv) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 251/2009, App. s. 1.]

(h) in Region 1, an elk,

 Section 16.1 (1) (i) and (j) were added by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

 Section 16.2 was enacted by BC Reg 38/2013, effective April 1, 2013.

 Section 17 (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

(3) A person who hunts big game with a shotgun loaded with single-projectile ammunition is exempt from section 26 (1) (h) of the Wildlife Act.

 Section 17 (l) and (m) were added by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

 Section 17 (1) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(1) A person commits an offence where he hunts

 Section 17 (1.1) was added by BC Reg 1/2019, effective January 2, 2019.

 Section 17.1 was enacted by BC Reg 200/2016, effective July 22, 2016.

 Section 18 (1) (l) and (m) were added by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

 Section 18 (1) (part), (2) (part), (3) and (4) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(1) A person commits an offence where he

(2) A person does not commit an offence under section 78 of the Wildlife Act where he causes or allows a dog to pursue

(3) A person does not commit an offence under section 78 of the Wildlife Act where he causes or allows a dog to pursue game birds between the dates August 1 to April 30 provided the dog is under supervision of the person.

(4) A person does not commit an offence under subsection (1) (d) where he continues to hunt wildlife during a lawful pursuit only season.

 Section 18 (1) (d) (i) and (ii) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(i) on the day on which he has taken his daily bag limit, or

(ii) on or subsequent to the day on which he has taken his seasonal bag limit

 Section 18 (2) (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 239/2017, effective December 18, 2017.

(a) small game, black bear, bobcat, lynx, grizzly bear or cougar, or

 Section 18 (1) (n) was added by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

 Section 18 (2) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(2) A person does not commit an offence under section 78 of the Wildlife Act where the person causes or allows a dog to pursue

 Section 18 (4) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(4) A person does not commit an offence under subsection (1) (d) where the person continues to hunt wildlife during a lawful pursuit only season.

 Section 18 (7) was added by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

 Section 19 (5) items BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

Ecstall Headwaters Conservancy (M.U.s 2-10, 3-16)

Ecstall-Sparkling Conservancy (M.U. 3-34)

Ecstall-Spoksuut Conservancy (M.U. 5-8)

Europa Lake Conservancy (M.U. 5-8)

Jesse Falls Protected Area (M.U. 6-3)

Khtada Lake Conservancy (M.U. 5-9)

Khyex Conservancy (M.U.s 5-8, 5-9)

Kitimat River Park (M.U. 6-11)

Kunxalas Conservancy (M.U. 6-14)

K'uuna Gwaay Conservancy (M.U. 6-3)

SGaay Taaw Siiwaay K'adjuu Conservancy (M.U. 6-9)

Stair Creek Conservancy (M.U. 6-10)

Yaaguun Suu Conservancy (M.U. 8-24)

 Section 19 (5) items "Daawuuxusda Conservancy (M.U. 6-12)", "Damaxyaa Conservancy (M.U. 6-12)", "Duu Guusd Conservancy (M.U. 6-13)", "Kamdis Conservancy (M.U. 6-13)" and "Yaaguun Gandlaay Conservancy (M.U. 6-13)"were added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Section 19 (5) item BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

Denison-Bonneau Park (M.U.s 2-6, 2-11)

 Section 19 (5) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

(5) Except during the open season, for the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, a person must not hunt in the following parks, conservancies and protected areas:

 Section 19 (5) items BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

Atna River Park (M.U. 1-14)

Babine Lake Marine Park (M.U. 6-06)

Bugaboo Park (M.U.s 4-27, 4-34)

Codville Lagoon Conservancy (M.U. 2-6)

Daawuuxusda Conservancy (M.U.s 2-6, 2-11)

Daawuuxusda Conservancy (M.U. 6-12)

Damaxyaa Conservancy (M.U.s 2-10, 2-16)

Dean River Conservancy (M.U.s 2-6, 2-11)

Dean River Corridor Conservancy (M.U.s 2-6, 2-11)

Duu Guusd Conservancy (M.U.s 2-11, 3-33)

Esté-tiwilh/Sigurd Creek Conservancy (M.U. 5-9)

Gunboat Harbour Conservancy (M.U. 5-9)

I7loqaw7/100 Lakes Plateau Conservancy (M.U.s 5-8, 5-9)

Kennedy Island Conservancy (M.U. 5-8)

Khtada Lake Conservancy (M.U. 6-10)

Khutzeymateen Inlet Conservancy (M.U.s 5-9. 6-3)

Khutzeymateen Inlet West Conservancy (M.U. 5-9)

Kitimat River Park (M.U. 6-3)

K'zuzált/Twin Two Conservancy (M.U. 6-11)

Long Island Conservancy (M.U. 6-14)

Mahpahkum-Ahkwuná/Deserters-Walker Conservancy (M.U.s 1-14, 1-15)

Morice Lake Park (M.U. 6-14)

Nadina Mountain Park (M.U. 6-11)

Nanika-Kidprice Park (M.U. 6-14)

Nlháxten/Cerise Creek Conservancy (M.U. 6-14)

Old Man Lake Park (M.U. 6-8)

Qwalímak/Upper Birkenhead Conservancy (M.U. 6-8)

Sanctuary Bay Conservancy (M.U. 6-9)

Sand Point Conservancy (M.U. 6-9)

Tazdli Wyiez Bin/Burnie-Shea Park (M.U. 6-11)

Upper Elaho Valley Conservancy (M.U. 6-12)

Upper Rogers Kólii7 Conservancy (M.U. 6-12)

West Twin Park (M.U. 7-5)

West Twin Protected Area (M.U. 7-5)

Wilkinson-Wright Bay Conservancy (M.U. 6-13)

Yaaguun Gandlaay Conservancy (M.U. 8-26)

Yaaguun Suu Conservancy (M.U. 6-13)

Zumtela Bay Conservancy (M.U. 8-22).

 Section 19 (5) items "Atna River Park (M.U. 6-3)", "Babine Lake Marine Park (M.U.s 6-6, 6-8)", "Bear Island Conservancy (M.U. 6-8)", "Bugaboo Park (M.U. 4-34)", "Codville Lagoon Conservancy (M.U. 5-8)", "Daawuuxusda Conservancy (M.U.s 6-12, 6-13)", "Dean River Conservancy (M.U.s 5-8, 5-9, 5-10)", "Dean River Corridor Conservancy (M.U. 5-9)", "Dzawadi/Upper Klinaklini River Conservancy (M.U.s 1-15, 5-6, 5-11)", "Esté-tiwilh/Sigurd Creek Conservancy (M.U. 2-6)", "Gunboat Harbour Conservancy (M.U. 6-11)", "I7loqaw7/100 Lakes Plateau Conservancy (M.U.s 2-6, 2-11)", "Kennedy Island Conservancy (M.U. 6-11)", "Khtada Lake Conservancy (M.U. 6-11)", "Khutzeymateen Inlet Conservancy (M.U. 6-14)", "Khutzeymateen Inlet West Conservancy (M.U. 6-14)", "Kitimat River Park (M.U. 6-11)", "K’zuzált/Twin Two Conservancy (M.U. 2-10)", "Long Island Conservancy (M.U. 6-8)", "Mahpahkum-Ahkwuna/Deserters-Walker Conservancy (M.U.s 1-13, 1-14)", "Morice Lake Park (M.U. 6-9)", "Nadina Mountain Park (M.U. 6-9)", "Nanika-Kidprice Park (M.U. 6-9)", "Nlháxten/Cerise Creek Conservancy (M.U.s 2-10, 3-16)", "Old Man Lake Park (M.U. 6-9)", "Qwalímak/Upper Birkenhead Conservancy (M.U.s 2-11, 3-33)", "Sanctuary Bay Conservancy (M.U. 6-8)", "Sand Point Conservancy (M.U. 6-6)", "Tazdli Wyiez Bin/Burnie-Shea Park (M.U. 6-9)", "Upper Elaho Valley Conservancy (M.U.s 2-6, 2-11)", "Upper Rogers Kólii7 Conservancy (M.U.s 2-10, 3-15, 3-16)", "West Twin Protected Area (M.U.s 7-3, 7-5)", "West Twin Park (M.U.s 7-3, 7-5)" and "Wilkinson-Wright Bay Conservancy (M.U.s 6-6, 6-8)" were added by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Section 19 (3) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(3) Between April 16 and August 31, inclusive, in each year, for the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season in the following parks and protected areas:

 Section 19 (5) item "Kwanta Estuary Conservancy" BEFORE amended by BC Reg 270/2016, effective November 10, 2016.

Kwatna Estuary Conservancy (M.U. 6-11)

 Schedule 1, Part 1, items 1, 3, 6-8, 13-14 and 18-24 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 251/2009, effective October 26, 2009.

1MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks1-1 to 1-15**Sept. 6 to Dec. 102***
3MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Antlerless (Youth season)1-10**Sept. 6 to Dec. 101***
6BLACK BEAR1-1 to 1-15**Sept. 6 to Dec. 10
Apr. 1 to June 15
7COUGAR1-1 to 1-15Sept. 6 to Mar. 31
Apr. 1 to June 15
8WOLF1-1 to 1-15**Sept. 6 to Mar. 31
Apr. 1 to June 15
13BLUE (Sooty) GROUSE1-1 to 1-15**Aug. 30 to Dec. 315(15)***
14RUFFED GROUSE1-1 to 1-15**Aug. 30 to Dec. 315(15)***
18DUCKS1-1 to 1-15**Oct. 10 to Jan. 228(16)
19COOTS1-1 to 1-15**Oct. 10 to Jan. 2210(20)
20COMMON SNIPE1-1 to 1-15**Oct. 10 to Jan. 2210(20)
21SNOW GEESE1-1 to 1-15**Oct. 10 to Jan. 225(10)
22ROSS'S GEESE1-1 to 1-15**Oct. 10 to Jan. 225(10)
1-3, 1-8 to 1-15**Oct. 10 to Jan. 225(10)
1-1, 1-2, 1-4 to 1-7**Sept. 5 to Sept. 13
Oct. 10 to Nov. 22
Dec. 19 to Jan. 10
Feb. 10 to Mar. 10

 Schedule 1, Part 1, items 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 13 and 14 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

1MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks1-1 to 1-15**First Saturday after Labour Day weekend to Dec. 102***
3MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Antlerless1-10**First Saturday after Labour Day weekend to Dec. 101***
6BLACK BEAR1-1 to 1-15**First Saturday after Labour Day weekend to Dec. 10;
Apr. 1 to June 15
7COUGAR1-1 to 1-15**First Saturday after Labour Day weekend to Mar. 31;
Apr. 1 to June 15
8WOLF1-1 to 1-15**First Saturday after Labour Day weekend to Mar. 31;
Apr. 1 to June 15
13BLUE (Sooty) GROUSE1-1 to 1-15**First Saturday preceding Labour Day to Dec. 315(15)***
14RUFFED GROUSE1-1 to 1-15**First Saturday preceding Labour Day to Dec. 315(15)***

 Schedule 1, Part 1, item 6, BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

6BLACK BEAR1-1 to 1-15**Sept. 10 to Dec. 1
Apr. 1 to June 15

 Schedule 1, Part 1, items 3, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

3MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Antlerless1-10**Sept. 10 to Dec. 101***
19COOTS1-1 to 1-15**Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend and the following 104 days10(20)
20COMMON SNIPE1-1 to 1-15**Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend and the following 104 days10(20)
21SNOW GEESE1-1 to 1-15**Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend and the following 104 days5(10)
22ROSS'S GEESE1-1 to 1-15**Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend and the following 104 days5(10)
23CANADA GEESE; CACKLING GEESE1-3, 1-8 to 1-15**Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend and the following 104 days5(10)
24CANADA GEESE; CACKLING GEESE1-1, 1-2, 1-4 to 1-7**First Saturday in Sept. and the following 8 days;
Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend and the following 43 days;
third Saturday of Dec. and the following 22 days;
Mar. 10 and the preceding 28 days
25BAND-TAILED PIGEON1-1 to 1-15Sept. 15 to Sept. 305(10)

 Schedule 1, Part 1 item 22.1 was added by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Schedule 1, Part 1, items 3, 4, 18 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

ItemSpeciesManagement UnitsOpen SeasonBag Limit
3MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Antlerless1-1, 1-2, 1-4 to 1-6, 1-10**Sept. 10 to Dec. 101***
4FALLOW DEER1-1**Aug. 26 to Feb. 283(3)
18DUCKS1-1 to 1-15**Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend and the following 104 days8(16)

 Schedule 1, Part 1, items 2, 3, 4 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

ItemSpeciesManagement UnitsOpen SeasonBag Limit
2MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Antlerless1-1**Nov. 1 to Nov. 101***
3MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Antlerless1-1, 1-2, 1-4 to 1-6, 1-15**Sept. 10 to Dec. 101***
4FALLOW DEER1-1No closed seasonNBL

 Schedule 1, Part 1, item 26 was added by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1 (6), (8) (part), (12) and (16) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(6)  In that portion of M.U. 1-6 bounded on the north by the southern boundary of the District of Campbell River, on the west by the eastern boundary of the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 138 KV Transmission line right of way, on the south by the southeastern boundary of the Comox Strathcona Regional District and on the east by the mean high water mark on the Strait of Georgia, the open season for antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer is from the first Saturday after Labour Day to December 10, and on Denman and Hornby Islands, the open season for antlerless mule (black tailed) deer is from the first Saturday in October to December 10.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1 (8) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(8)  the open season for antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer is from the first Saturday after Labour Day to December 10.

(12)  On that portion of M.U. 1-15 known as Quadra Island south of the midline of North Gowland Harbour Road and Lakberg Road, the open season for antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer is from the first Saturday after Labour Day to December 10.

(16)  On those portions of M.U. 1-06 known as Denman and Hornby Islands, the open season for mule (black-tailed) deer bucks is from the first Saturday in October to December 10.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1 (6.1) was added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1.1 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Youth season

1.1  It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder must not hunt antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer in M.U. 1-10 during the period from the fourth Saturday in August to December 10 unless that holder is less than 18 years of age.

[en. B.C. Reg. 168/2007, s. 5 (d); am. B.C. Regs. 159/2008, s. 2 (a); 163/2008, App. 5, s. 4 (a).]

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 4 (1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(1)  The open season for hunting with a bow only for

(a) mule (black-tailed) deer bucks and black bear in M.U.s 1-1 to 1-15, is the fourth Saturday in August to the first Friday after Labour Day,

(b) blue and ruffed grouse in M.U.s 1-1 to 1-15 is from the fourth Saturday in August to the Friday preceding Labour Day,

(c) antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer in that portion of M.U. 1-15 known as Quadra Island, is the fourth Saturday in August to the first Friday after Labour Day, and

(d) antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer in M.U. 1-10, is the fourth Saturday in August to the first Friday after Labour Day.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1.1 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2009, effective October 15, 2010.

 Youth season

1.1  It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder must not hunt antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer in M.U. 1-10 during the period from September 10 to December 10 unless that holder is less than 18 years of age.

[en. B.C. Reg. 168/2007, s. 5 (d); am. B.C. Regs. 159/2008, s. 2 (a); 163/2008, App. 5, s. 4 (a); 175/2010, App. 2, s. 8.]

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 4 (1) (d) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2009, effective October 15, 2010.

(d) antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer in M.U. 1-10, is from August 20 to August 31.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 4 (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2009, effective October 15, 2010.

(3)  In those portions of M.U.s 1-4, 1-5 and 1-6 as described in section 1 (8) (a), (b) and (c) of this Part, excluding all Indian Reserve Lands, the open season for hunting with a bow only for antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer is from the fourth Saturday in August to the first Friday after Labour Day.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1.1, 4 (1) (d) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

  It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder must not hunt antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer in M.U. 1-10 during the period from August 25 to December 10 unless that holder is less than 18 years of age.

(d) antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer in M.U. 1-10, is from August 25 to September 9.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1.1, (8) (e) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

(e) big game with a firearm in that portion of M.U. 1-12 contained within the following boundaries:

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 9 (3) was added by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1 (5) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

(5) The open season on fallow deer in M.U. 1-1 is restricted to that portion of Sidney Island outside the boundaries of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve and James Island and above the mean high water mark of both.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1 (7) and (8) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

(7) The open season on antlered and antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer and antlered and antlerless fallow deer in that portion of Sidney Island outside the boundaries of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve and on James Island and above the mean high water mark of both, is August 26 to February 28.

(8) In those portions of M.U.s 1-4, 1-5 and 1-6 that are contained within the following described boundaries:

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1 (8) (d) and (e) were added by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1.1 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

Youth season

1.1   It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder must not hunt antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer in M.U.s 1-1, 1-2, 1-4 to 1-6 or 1-10 during the period from August 25 to December 10 unless that holder is less than 18 years of age.

[en. B.C. Reg. 168/2007, s. 5 (d); am. B.C. Regs. 159/2008, s. 2 (a); 163/2008, App. 5, s. 4 (a); 175/2010, App. 2, s. 8; 301/2010, App. 2, s. 2; 80/2012, App 2. s. 9.]

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1 (8) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 270/2016, effective November 10, 2016.

(8) In those portions of M.U.s 1-1, 1-4, 1-5 and 1-6 that are contained within the following described boundaries:

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1 (8) (d) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 270/2016, effective November 10, 2016.

(d) commencing at the intersection of Dumont Road and the British Columbia Hydro transmission line right of way 763; thence southeasterly along the east side of said transmission line right of way to its intersection with the Nanaimo City boundary near Richards Lake, approximately 1.5 km east of Harewood Lake; thence southwesterly 800 m; thence northwesterly along a line 800 m southwest from the British Columbia Hydro transmission line right of way 763, to position 49° 15' 27" north latitude, 124° 00' 17" west longitude; thence to the point of intersection with the outlet of Witchcraft Lake; thence in a northwesterly direction to the point of intersection with the end of the paved portion of Weigles Road (position 49° 19' 37" north latitude, 124° 10' 07" west longitude); thence northeasterly along the east side of Weigles Road to the intersection of Dumont Road and Biggs Road; thence along the east side of Dumont Road to the point of commencement, including all intervening territory;

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 4 (1) (d) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 270/2016, effective November 10, 2016.

(d) antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer in M.U.s 1-1, 1-2, 1-4 to 1-6 or 1-10, is from August 25 to September 9.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 8 (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

Hunting methods

8   A person commits an offence where he hunts

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 9 (1) (part) and (2) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 239/2017, effective December 18, 2017.

(1) There is no open season for grizzly bear or black bear in those portions of M.U. 1-15 contained within the following described boundaries:

(2) There is no open season on grizzly bear or black bear in those portions of M.U. 1-14 contained within the following described boundaries:

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1 (8) (f) was added by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1 (13) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(13) There is no open season on antlerless deer in those portions of M.U. 1-1 known as Saltspring Island and Gabriola Island.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 1.1 (1) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(1) The open season for antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer in M.U.s 1-1, 1-2, 1-4 to 1-6 and 1-10 is as follows:

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 4 (1) (c) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(c) antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer in that portion of M.U. 1-15 known as Quadra Island, is from August 20 to August 31, and

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 4 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(2) The open seasons for hunting with a bow only listed in subsection (1) do not apply to that portion of M.U. 1-1 comprised of the Gulf Islands other than Gabriola Island and that portion of M.U. 1-5 being the watershed of the south fork of the Nanaimo River.

 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 4 (4) and (5) were added by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

 Schedule, Part 2, section 1 (17) was added by BC Reg 239/2018, effective November 22, 2018.

 Schedule 1, Part 3, section 1 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

(2)  The regional bag limit for mule deer is 2, of which one may be antlerless.

 Schedule 1, Part 3, section 1 (4) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (2), the aggregate bag limit for mule (black-tailed) deer and fallow deer on Sidney Island outside the boundaries of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve and on James Island and above the mean high water mark of both is 3, of which 3 may be antlerless.

 Schedule 1, Part 3, section 1 (7) and (8) were added by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

 Schedule 2, Part 1 item 21 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 251/2009, effective October 26, 2009.

21PHEASANT (Cocks)2-4, 2-8Oct. 11 to Nov. 302(6)

 Schedule 2, Part 1, item 6.1 was added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 2, Part 2, section 11 was enacted by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 2, Part 1, items 3 and 5 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

3MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks2-2, 2-3, 2-18**Sept. 10 to Dec. 152
5MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks2-4, 2-6 to 2-8, 2-13 to 2-15, 2-17, 2-19Sept. 10 to Dec. 152

 Schedule 2, Part 1, items 24, 26, 28, 31, 32 and 34 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

24DUCKS2-2 to 2-10, 2-12 to 2-19**Oct. 10 to Jan. 228(16)
26COOTS2-2 to 2-10, 2-12 to 2-19**Oct. 10 to Jan. 2210(20)
28COMMON SNIPE2-2 to 2-10, 2-12 to 2-19**Oct. 10 to Jan. 2210(20)
31CANADA GEESE; CACKLING GEESE2-2 to 2-4, 2-8, 2-18, 2-19**Sept. 5 to Sept. 13
Oct. 10 to Nov. 22
Dec. 19 to Jan. 10
Feb. 10 to Mar. 10
32SNOW GEESE; ROSS'S GEESE2-4, 2-5**Oct. 10 to Jan. 3
Feb. 20 to Mar. 10
34BAND-TAILED PIGEONS2-2 to 2-19Sept. 15 to Sept. 305(10)

 Schedule 2, Part 1, item 32.1 was added by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Schedule 2, Part 1, items 23, 25, 27, 29 and 30 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

23DUCKS2-11**Sept. 10 to Dec. 238(16)
25COOTS2-11**Sept. 10 to Dec. 2310(20)
27COMMON SNIPE2-11**Sept. 10 to Dec. 2310(20)
29CANADA GEESE; CACKLING GEESE2-11**Sept. 10 to Dec. 235(10)
30CANADA GEESE; CACKLING GEESE2-5 to 2-7, 2-9, 2-10, 2-12 to 2-17**Oct. 11 to Jan. 235(10)

 Schedule 2, Part 1, items 24, 32 and 33 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

24DUCKS2-2 to 2-19**Oct. 10 to Jan. 228(30)
32SNOW GEESE; ROSS'S GEESE2-2 to 2-19**Oct. 10 to Jan. 3
Feb. 20 to Mar. 10
33BRANT2-4**Mar. 1 to Mar. 102(4)

 Schedule 2, Part 1, item 32.01 was added by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Schedule 2, Part 1, items 10 and 18 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

10BLACK BEAR2-3 to 2-17**Apr. 1 to June 15
Sept. 10 to Nov. 30
18BOBCAT2-2 to 2-19Nov. 15 to Feb. 155

 Schedule 2, Part 1, item 11 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

11BLACK BEAR2-2, 2-18, 2-19**Apr. 1 to June 15
Sept. 10 to Nov. 30

 Schedule 2, Part 1, items 32 and 33 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

32SNOW GEESE; ROSS'S GEESE2-4, 2-5**Oct. 10 to Jan. 3
Feb. 20 to Mar. 10
33BRANT2-4**Mar. 1 to Mar. 102(6)

 Schedule 2, Part 2, section 1 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(2) A person commits an offence where he hunts under subsection (1) unless he uses a bow.

 Schedule 2, Part 3, section 4 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.


4   (1) For Canada geese and cackling geese in M.U.s 2-2 to 2-4, 2-8, 2-18 and 2-19, the daily bag limit is 5 and is in addition to the Provincial bag limit of 5 geese, provided that no more than 5 are Canada geese.

(2) For Canada geese and cackling geese in M.U.s 2-2 to 2-4, 2-8, 2-18 and 2-19, the possession limit is 10 and is in addition to the Provincial possession limit of 10 geese, provided that no more than 10 are Canada geese.

(3) For snow geese in M.U.s 2-4 and 2-5, the daily bag limit is 10 and is in addition to the Provincial bag limit of 5 geese, provided that no more than 10 of the geese are snow geese.

(4) For snow geese in M.U.s 2-4 and 2-5, the possession limit is 20 and is in addition to the Provincial possession limit of 10 geese, provided that no more than 20 of the geese are snow geese.

[en. B.C. Reg. 180/96, s. 20 (b); am. B.C. Regs. 168/2007, s. 8; 163/2008, App. 5, s. 7.]

 Schedule 2, Part 3, section 5 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

Black bear

5   The bag limit for black bear in M.U.s 2-2, 2-18 and 2-19 is one.

[en. B.C. Reg. 269/2003, s. 9.]

 Schedule 3, Part 1, table items 7 to 11 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(Youth season)
3-12 to 3-14, 3-17 to 3-31, 3-34 to 3-44**Sept. 1 to Sept. 91***
8WHITE-TAILED DEER Bucks3-12 to 3-14, 3-17 to 3-20, 3-26 to 3-31, 3-34 to 3-44Sept. 10 to Dec. 101***
9WHITE-TAILED DEER Bucks3-15, 3-16, 3-32, 3-33**Sept. 1 to Dec. 101***
10WHITE-TAILED DEER Bucks3-46Sept. 20 to Dec. 101***
11MOOSE Bulls3-12 to 3-20, 3-26 to 3-44, 3-46**Sept. 20 to Oct. 311

 Schedule 3, Part 1, table items 8.1 and 11.1 were added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 3, Part 1, items 8.1 and 9 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

8.1WHITE-TAILED DEER Bucks3-46Sept. 10 to Dec. 101***
9WHITE-TAILED DEER Antlerless3-12, 3-20, 3-26 to 3-44, 3-46**Oct. 10 to Oct. 311***

 Schedule 3, Part 1, items 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41 and 42 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

35DUCKS3-12 to 3-20, 3-26 to 3-44Sept. 10 to Dec. 238(16)
36COOTS3-12 to 3-20, 3-26 to 3-44Sept. 10 to Dec. 2310(20)
37COMMON SNIPE3-12 to 3-20, 3-26 to 3-44Sept. 10 to Dec. 2310(20)
3-12 to 3-20, 3-26 to 3-44Sept. 10 to Dec. 235(10)
3-19, 3-20, 3-26 to 3-29, 3-36, 3-37Sept. 10 to Sept. 20;
Oct. 1 to Dec. 23
Mar. 1 to Mar. 10
41MOURNING DOVES3-12 to 3-20; 3-26 to 3-44Sept. 1 to Sept. 305(10)
42BAND-TAILED PIGEONS3-13 to 3-17Sept. 15 to Sept. 30 5(10)

 Schedule 3, Part 1, item 39 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

3-12 to 3-18, 3-30 to 3-35, 3-38 to 3-44Sept. 10 to Dec. 235(10)

 Schedule 3, Part 1, items 11.1, 14, 16 and 29 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

11.1MOOSE Bulls3-12 to 3-20, 3-26 to 3-33**Oct. 15 to Nov. 151
14BLACK BEAR3-12 to 3-20, 3-26 to 3-33Apr. 1 to June 15
Sept. 1 to Nov. 30
16BLACK BEAR3-46Apr. 1 to June 15
Sept. 20 to Nov. 30
29SHARP-TAILED GROUSE3-31Sept. 10 to Nov. 305(10)

 Schedule 3, Part 1, item 11.2 was added by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Schedule 3, Part 1, item 15 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

15BLACK BEAR3-34 to 3-44Apr. 1 to June 30
Sept. 1 to Nov. 30

 Schedule 3, Part 1, items 19, 20 and 23 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

19WOLF3-12 to 3-20, 3-26 to 3-33Sept. 10 to June 153
20WOLF3-34 to 3-44Aug. 1 to June 15NBL
23RACCOON3-12 to 3-20, 3-26 to 3-44No Closed SeasonNBL

 Schedule 3, Part 1, items 11, 11.2 and 41 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

11MOOSE Bulls3-34 to 3-44. 3-46**Sept. 20 to Oct. 311
11.2MOOSE Bulls3-12 to 3-14, 3-18 to 3-20, 3-26 to 3-30**Nov. 1 to Nov. 151
41MOURNING DOVES3-12 to 3-20; 3-26 to 3-44Sept. 1 to Sept. 305(15)

 Schedule 3, Part 2, section 1 (6) and (7) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(6)  It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder not hunt mule (black-tailed) deer bucks and white-tailed deer bucks in M.U.s 3-12 to 3-14, 3-17 to 3-31 and 3-34 to 3-44 during the period September 1 to September 9, excepting bow only seasons, unless that holder is less than 18 years of age.

(7)  The open season for hunting mule (black-tailed) deer bucks and white-tailed deer bucks with a bow only in M.U.s 3-12 to 3-14, 3-17 to 3-31 and 3-34 to 3-44, is September 1 to September 9.

 Schedule 3, Part 2, section 1 (8) was added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 3, Part 2, section 2 (4) was added by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Schedule 3, Part 2, section 8 was enacted by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Schedule 3, Part 2, section 6 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(2) A person commits an offence where he kills a bull moose as described in subsection (1) and does not, while returning from hunting, keep the antlers of the moose and the species licence under which the moose was killed, together and available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 3, Part 3, section 1 (1) and (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(1)  The bag limit for mule (black-tailed) deer is two, of which only one may be a buck and only one may be antlerless.

(2)  The bag limit for white-tailed deer is one.

 Schedule 3, Part 3, section 1 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

(2) The bag limit for white-tailed deer is two, of which only one may be a buck and only one may be antlerless.

 Schedule 3, Part 3, section 1 (1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

1   (1) The bag limit for mule (black-tailed) deer is two, of which only one may be a buck.

 Schedule 4, Part 1, items 1 to 13.2 and 16 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

1MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks
(4 pt. or better)
4-1 to 4-6, 4-20 to 4-26,
4-34 to 4-37, 4-40**
Sept. 10 to Nov. 151***
2MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks
(4 pt. or better)
4-7 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-19,
4-27 to 4-33**
Sept. 10 to Sept. 301***
3MULE (Black-tailed)
DEER Bucks
4-38, 4-39Sept. 10 to Dec. 101***
4MULE (Black-tailed)
DEER Bucks
4-7 to 4-9,
4-14 to 4-19,
4-27 to 4-33**
Oct 1. to Oct. 201***
5MULE (Black-tailed)
DEER Bucks
(4 pt. or better)
4-7 to 4-9,
4-14 to 4-19
4-27 to 4-33**
Oct. 21 to Nov. 101***
DEER Bucks
4-1 to 4-7,
4-20 to 4-26,
4-34 to 4-37,
Sept. 1 to Sept. 91***
DEER Bucks
4-8, 4-9, 4-14 to 4-19,
4-27 to 4-33, 4-38, 4-39**
Sept. 1 to Sept. 92***
DEER Bucks
4-1 to 4-7, 4-20 to 4-26,
4-34 to 4-37, 4-40
Sept. 10 to Nov.301***
DEER Bucks
4-8, 4-9, 4-14 to 4-19,
4-27 to 4-33
Sept. 10 to Nov. 302***
DEER Bucks
4-38, 4-39Sept. 10 to Dec. 102***
DEER Antlerless
(youth/senior seasons)
4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40**Oct. 10 to Oct. 201
12ELK Bulls (6 pt.)4-1 to 4-7, 4-18 to 4-30,
4-34 to 4-37, 4-40**
Sept. 10 to Oct. 201
13ELK Antlerless
(youth/senior season)
4-2 to 4-6, 4-20 to 4-22, 4-26**Sept. 10 to Sept. 201
13.1MOOSE Bulls (2 pt.)4-07 to 4-09, 4-14 to
4-18, 4-29 to 4-33,
4-36, 4-37, 4-40
Sept. 20 to Oct. 311
13.2MOOSE Bulls (2 pt.)4-01 to 4-02, 4-05,
4-06, 4-19 to 4-26,
4-34, 4-35
Oct. 15 to Oct. 311
16MOUNTAIN GOAT4-37**, 4-39**, 4-40Sept. 10 to Nov. 301

 Schedule 4, Part 1, items 7 to 9, 12, 13.2 and 16 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

7WHITE-TAILED DEER Either sex4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40Nov. 1 to Nov. 301***
8ELK Bulls (6 pt.)4-1 to 4-7, 4-18 to 4-30, 4-30 to 4-37, 4-40**Sept. 10 to Oct. 201
9ELK Bulls (6 pt.)4-8, 4-9, 4-14 to 4-17, 4-31 to 4-33, 4-38Oct 1 to Oct. 201
12ELK Antlerless4-2 to 4-5, Zone X of 4-3 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-3'Sept. 20 to Sept. 301
13.2MOOSE Bulls (2 pt.)4-1, 4-2, 4-5, 4-6, 4-19 to 4-26, 4-34, 4-35Oct. 15 to Oct. 301
16MOUNTAIN GOAT4-27 to 4-30, 4-34, 4-36 to 4-40**Sept. 10 to Nov. 301

 Schedule 4, Part 1, items 2, 3, 8, 13, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

2MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40**Oct. 1 to Oct. 311***
3MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks (4 pt. or better)4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40**Nov. 1 to Nov. 151***
8ELK Bulls (6 pt.)4-1 to 4-7, 4-18 to 4-30, 4-34 to 4-37, 4-40**Sept. 10 to Oct. 201
13ELK AntlerlessZone X of 4-3 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-3',
Zone C of 4-6 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone C of 4-6'**
Sept. 10 to Sept. 191
31DUCKS4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40Sept. 10 to Dec. 238(16)
32COOTS4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40Sept. 10 to Dec. 2310(20)
33COMMON SNIPE4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40Sept. 10 to Dec. 2310(20)
34SNOW GEESE; ROSS'S GEESE4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40Sept. 10 to Dec. 235(10)
4-1 to 4-9; 4-14 to 4-40Sept. 10 to Dec. 235(10)
36MOURNING DOVES4-1 to 4-9; 4-14 to 4-40Sept. 1 to Sept. 305(10)

 Schedule 4, Part 1, items 2.1 and 13.01 added by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Schedule 4, Part 1, item 9 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

9ELK Bulls (6 pt.)4-8, 4-9, 4-14 to 4-17, 4-31 to 4-33, 4-38**Oct 1 to Oct. 201

 Schedule 4, Part 1, item 13.01 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 53/2013, effective February 13, 2013.

13.01ELK AntlerlessZone X of 4-3 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone Z of 4-3'**Sept. 10 to Sept. 14 Oct. 1 to Oct. 311***

 Schedule 4, Part 1, items 12 and 13.01 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 198/2013, effective August 9, 2013.

12ELK AntlerlessZone X of 4-3 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-3'Sept. 20 to Sept. 301
13.01ELK AntlerlessZone X of 4-3 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone Z of 4-3'**Sept. 10 to Sept. 141***

 Schedule 4, Part 1, item 13 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 198/2013, effective August 9, 2013.

13ELK AntlerlessZone X of 4-26 as shown on map '2012/2013 Elk Zone X of 4-26',
Zone C of 4-6 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone C of 4-6'**
Sept. 10 to Sept. 191

 Schedule 4, Part 1, items 1, 11, 13.1, 13.2, 16, 18, 21, 35 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

1MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks (4 pt. or better)4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40**Sept. 10 to Sept. 301***
11ELK AntlerlessZone A of 4-23 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 4-23'**Sept. 10 to Sept. 301
13.1MOOSE Bulls (2 pt.)4-7 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-18, 4-29 to 4-33, 4-36 to 4-40Sept. 20 to Oct. 311
13.2MOOSE Bulls (2 pt.)4-1, 4-2, 4-5, 4-6, 4-19 to 4-26, 4-34, 4-35Oct. 15 to Oct. 311
16MOUNTAIN GOAT4-27 to 4-30, 4-34, 4-36, 4-37, 4-39, 4-40**Sept. 10 to Nov. 301
18COUGAR4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40**Sept. 10 to Feb. 281***
21LYNX4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40Dec. 1 to Dec. 311
4-1 to 4-9; 4-14 to 4-40Sept. 10 to Dec. 2310(30)

 Schedule 4, Part 1, items 2, 2.1 and 3 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

2MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks4-1, 4-2, 4-6 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-19, 4-21 to 4-25, 4-27 to 4-40**Oct. 1 to Oct. 311***
2.1MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks (4 pt. or better)4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-20, 4-26**Oct. 1 to Oct. 311***
3MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks (4 pt. or better)4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40**Nov. 1 to Nov. 101***

 Schedule 4, Part 1, items 18.1, 18.2, 18.3 and 35.1 were added by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Schedule 4, Part 1, items 6, 10 and 19 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

6WHITE-TAILED DEER Antlerless4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40Oct. 10 to Oct. 312***
10ELK Bulls (spike bull)Zone X of 4-3 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-3',
Zone C of 4-6 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone C of 4-6',
Zone A of 4-23 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 4-23'**
Sept. 10 to Sept. 191
19WOLF4-1 to 4-4, 4-9, 4-14 to 4-16, 4-19, 4-21 to 4-26, 4-32, 4-34 to 4-36**Apr. 1 to June 15
Sept. 10 to Mar. 31

 Schedule 4, Part 1, items 13 and 26 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

13ELK AntlerlessZone C of 4-6 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone C of 4-6'**Sept. 10 to Sept. 191
26WOLVERINE4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40Nov. 1 to Jan. 311

 Schedule 4, Part 1, item 14 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

rams only
4-1, 4-2, 4-21 to 4-25,
Sept. 10 to Oct. 251

 Schedule 4, Part 1, items 10 and 18.1 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

10ELK Bulls (spike bull)Zone X of 4-3 as shown on map '2016 Elk GOS
Zone X of 4-3', Zone C of 4-6 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone C of 4-6',
Zone A of 4-23 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 4-23'**
Sept. 10 to Sept. 191
18.1COUGAR4-5, 4-20Sept. 10 to Feb. 281

 Schedule 4, Part 1, items 18 and 36 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

18COUGAR4-1 to 4-4, 4-21 to 4-26, 4-34 to 4-36Sept. 10 to Jan. 311***
36MOURNING DOVES4-1 to 4-9; 4-14 to 4-40Sept. 1 to Sept. 305(15)

 Schedule 4, Part 1, item 21.1 was added by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

 Schedule 4, Part 1, item 21 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 239/2018, effective November 22, 2018.

21LYNX4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40Dec. 1 to Dec. 311

 Schedule 4, Part 1, item 11 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 192/2019, effective September 6, 2019.

11ELK Antlerless4-2, 4-3, 4-20, 4-21, 4-22**Sept. 1 to Sept. 301

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 1.1 (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(a) in M.U.s 4-7 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-18, 4-29 to 4-33, 4-36, 4-37 and 4-40 from September 20 to October 31, or

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 2 (4) was added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 2.1 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Elk (antlerless)

2.1  (1)  Despite Part 1 of Schedule 4, the open season for antlerless elk from September 10 to September 20 is restricted to the following zones as identified in Schedule II of the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, B.C. Reg 134/93:

(a) zone X of M.U.s 4-2 to 4-5;

(b) zone X of M.U.s 4-20 to 4-22;

(c) zone X of M.U. 4-26;

(d) zone C of M.U.s 4-6 and 4-7;

(e) zone C of M.U. 4-21.

(2)  It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder not hunt elk in the area described in subsection (1) during the period September 10 to September 20, excepting bow only seasons, unless the person is less than 18 years of age or 65 years of age or older.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 6 (2) (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(a) white-tailed deer bucks in M.U.s 4-1 to 4-9 and 4-14 to 4-40 during the period September 1 to September 9, unless the person is less than 18 years of age, or

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 8 (6) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(b) September 10 of the year until 72 hours after the regional manager has published that the total number of female cougar killed in M.U.s 4-1 to 4-4, 4-21 to 4-26, 4-34 to 4-37 and 4-40 since April 1 of that year is 15.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 8 (9) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(b) September 10 of the year until 72 hours after the regional manager has published that the total number of female cougar killed in M.U.s 4-5 to 4-8 and 4-20 since April 1 of that year is 5.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(1)  The open season for hunting with a bow only for mule (black-tailed) deer bucks and white-tailed deer in M.U.s 4-1 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-40 is September 1 to September 9.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (6) and (9) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(6)  The open season for hunting with a bow only for white-tailed deer in M.U.s 4-1 to 4-5, 4-7 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-37 and 4-40 is December 1 to December 20.

(9)  The open season for hunting with a bow only for white-tailed deer bucks in M.U.s 4-38 and 4-39 is December 11 to December 20.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (10) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(10)  The open season is September 1 to September 9 for hunting with a bow only for antlerless elk in zone X of M.U.s 4-2 to 4-5 for elk, zone X of M.U.s 4-20 to 4-22 for elk, zone X of M.U. 4-26 for elk, zone C of M.U.s 4-6 and 4-7 for elk and zone C of M.U. 4-21 for elk, as described in Schedule 2 of the Limited Entry Regulation (B.C. Reg 134/93).

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (12) (a) and (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(a) in M.U.s 4-7 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-18, 4-29 to 4-33, 4-36, 4-37 and 4-40 is September 1 to September 19, and

(b) in M.U.s 4-1, 4-2, 4-5, 4-6, 4-19 to 4-26, 4-34 and 4-35 is September 1 to October 14.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 5 (3) was added by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 6 (2) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

(b) antlerless white-tailed deer in M.U.s 4-1 to 4-9 and 4-14 to 4-40, during the period October 10 to October 20, excepting bow only seasons, unless the person is less than 18 years of age or 65 years of age or older.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (11) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

(11)  The open season for hunting with a bow only for white-tailed deer in M.U. 4-06 is December 1 to December 31.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (13) was added by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 17 (1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

(1)  A person commits an offence if the person kills a Mule (black-tailed) deer buck in M.U.s 4-01 to 4-06, 4-20 to 4-26, 4-34 to 4-37 and 4-40 during the open season from September 10 to November 15, or in M.U.s 4-7 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-19 and 4-27 to 4-33 from September 10 to September 30, and from October 21 to November 10, unless the buck has at least 4 points on one antler, not including the brow tine, each point being at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) in length.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 17 (3) was added by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 2 (2) and (4) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

(2)  For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season on a bull elk from September 10 to October 20 in M.U. 4-1 to 4-7, 4-18 to 4-30, 4-34 to 4-37 or 4-40 unless the bull elk has at least 6 tines (points) on one antler, and each of the 6 tines is at least 2.5 cm in length.

(4)  For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season on a bull elk from October 1 to October 20 in M.U.s 4-8, 4-9, 4-14 to 4-17, 4-31 to 4-33 and 4-38 unless the bull elk has at least 6 tines (points) on one antler.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 2.1 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

(2)  It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder not hunt elk in Zone X of M.U. 4-3, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-3', or Zone C of M.U. 4-6, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone C of 4-6', during the period September 10 to September 19, unless the person is less than 18 years of age or 65 years of age or older.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (4) and (10) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

(4)  The open season for hunting with a bow only for bull elk in M.U.s 4-1 to 4-7, 4-18 to 4-30, 4-34 to 4-37 and 4-40 is September 1 to September 9.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (10) (d) was added by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 21 was added by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 17 (1) and (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 293/2012, effective October 5, 2012.

(1)  A person commits an offence if the person kills a Mule (black-tailed) deer buck in M.U.s 4-1 to 4-9 and 4-14 to 4-40 during the open season from September 10 to September 30 and November 1 to November 15, unless the buck has at least 4 points on one antler, not including the brow tine, each point being at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) in length.

(2)  A person commits an offence if the person kills a Mule (black-tailed) deer buck during the open season described in subsection (1) and does not, while returning from the hunt, keep the antlers, together with the species licence under which the animal was taken, available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 2.1 (2) (a) and (c) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 198/2013, effective August 9, 2013.

(a) Zone X of M.U. 4-3, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-3', during the period September 10 to September 14,

(c) Zone X of 4-26, as shown on map '2012 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-26', during the period September 10 to September 19

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 1.1 (1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

(1) For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season on bull moose, unless the bull moose has no more than two tines (points) on one antler,

(a) in M.U.s 4-7 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-18, 4-29 to 4-33 and 4-36 to 4-40 from September 20 to October 31, or

(b) in M.U.s 4-1, 4-2, 4-5, 4-6, 4-19 to 4-26, 4-34 and 4-35 from October 15 to October 31.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 2.1 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

Elk (antlerless)

2.1   (1) It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder not hunt elk in Zone A of M.U. 4-23, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 4-23' during the period September 10 to September 30, unless the person is less than 18 years of age or 65 years of age or older.

(2) It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder not hunt elk in

(a) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 198/2013, App. 2, s. 3.]

(b) Zone C of M.U. 4-6, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone C of 4-6', during the period September 10 to September 19

(c) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 198/2013, App. 2, s. 3.]

unless the person is less than 18 years of age or 65 years of age or older.

[en. B.C. Reg. 175/2010, App. 2, s. 18; am. B.C. Regs. 80/2012, App. 2, s. 19; 198/2013, App. 2, s. 3.]

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 8 (3) and (6) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

(3) Despite Part 1 of Schedule 4, the pursuit only period for cougar in M.U.s 4-1 to 4-9 and 4-4 to 4-40 is from December 1 to February 28.

(6) The open season for cougar in M.U.s 4-1 to 4-4, 4-21 to 4-26, 4-34 to 4-37 and 4-40 is the shorter of the following periods:

(a) September 10 to February 28;

(b) September 10 of the year until 72 hours after the regional manager has published that the total number of female cougar killed in M.U.s 4-1 to 4-4, 4-21 to 4-26, 4-34 to 4-37 and 4-40 since April 1 of that year is 20.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 8 (8) and (9) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

(8) The open season for cougar in M.U.s 4-9, 4-14 to 4-19, 4-27 to 4-33, 4-38 and 4-39 is the shorter of the following periods:

(a) September 10 to February 28;

(b) September 10 of the year until 72 hours after the regional manager has published that the total number of female cougar killed in M.U.s 4-9, 4-14 to 4-19, 4-27 to 4-33, 4-38 and 4-39 since April 1 of that year is 10.

(9) The open season for cougar in M.U.s 4-5 to 4-8 and 4-20 is the shorter of the following periods:

(a) September 10 to February 28;

(b) September 10 of the year until 72 hours after the regional manager has published that the total number of female cougar killed in M.U.s 4-5 to 4-8 and 4-20 since April 1 of that year is 10.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (10) (a) and (d) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

(a) Zone X of M.U. 4-3, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-3';

(d) Zone X of 4-26, as shown on map '2012/2013 Elk Zone X of 4-26'.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (10.1) was added by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (12) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

(12) The open season for hunting with a bow only for moose

(a) in M.U.s 4-7 to 4-9, 4-14 to 4-18, 4-29 to 4-33 and 4-36 to 4-40 is September 1 to September 19, and

(b) in M.U.s 4-1, 4-2, 4-5, 4-6, 4-19 to 4-26, 4-34 and 4-35 is September 1 to October 14.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (12.1) was added by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 2.1 (1) (a) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(a) Zone C of M.U. 4-6, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone C of 4-6', or

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (10.1) (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(a) Zone X of M.U. 4-3, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-3';

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 1.1 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(2) A person commits an offence where he kills a bull moose and does not, while returning from hunting, keep the antlers and an incisor tooth of the moose and the species licence under which the moose was killed, together and available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 2 (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(3) A person commits an offence where he kills a bull elk in Region 4 – Kootenay and does not, while returning from hunting keep the antlers of the elk and the species licence under which the elk was killed, together and available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 3 (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(3) A person commits an offence where he hunts, takes or kills a mountain sheep in Region 4 – Kootenay unless it is a full curl bighorn ram mountain sheep.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 8 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.


8   (1) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 190/87, Sch. s. 11.]

(2) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 195/99, s. 21 (c).]

(3) Despite Part 1 of Schedule 4, the pursuit only period for cougar in M.U.s 4-1 to 4-4, 4-21 to 4-26 and 4-34 to 4-36 is from November 15 to February 28.

(4) In addition to section 18 (2) of Division 7, a person does not commit an offence under section 78 of the Act if he or she allows a dog to pursue cougar or accompanies a person who allows a dog to pursue cougar during the period and in an area set out in subsection (3) of this section provided he or she

(a) is not in possession of a firearm, and

(b) is in possession of a hunting licence.

(5) Subsection (4) does not apply where the cougar is subsequently injured or killed.

(6) The open season for cougar in M.U.s 4-3, 4-4 and 4-26 is the shorter of the following periods:

(a) September 10 to January 31;

(b) September 10 of the year until 72 hours after the regional manager has published that the total number of female cougar killed in M.U.s 4-3, 4-4 and 4-26 combined since April 1 of that year is 15.

(7) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 226/98, s. 13 (b).]

(8)-(9) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 72/2014, App. 2, s. 14 (b).]

[am. B.C. Regs. 173/86, s. 17; 190/87, Sch. s. 11; 225/92, s. 24; 212/93, s. 25; 288/95, s. 26; 180/96, s. 29; 236/97, s. 13 (b); 226/98, s. 13 (b); 195/99, s. 21 (c); 216/2000, s. 21 (b); 168/2001, s. 15; 190/2002, s. 12 (d); 269/2003, s. 13 (b); 291/2004, s. 13 (a); 152/2006, s. 14 (b); 168/2007, s. 12 (c); 143/2009. App. 4, s. 15; 175/2010, App. 2, s. 20; 72/2014, App. 2, s. 14.]

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 15 (10.1) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(10.1) The open season for hunting with a bow only for antlerless elk is September 1 to September 19 in the following areas:

(a) Zone X of M.U. 4-3, as shown on map '2016 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-3';

(b) Zone X of M.U. 4-25, as shown on map '2014 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-25'.

 Schedule 4, Part 2, section 2.1 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 192/2019, effective September 6, 2019.

Elk (antlerless)

2.1   (1) It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder, unless the holder is less than 18 years of age or 65 years of age or older, not hunt elk during the period September 10 to September 19 in

(a) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 130/2016, App. 2, s. 12.]

(b) those portions of M.U.s 4-2, 4-3 or 4-20 to 4-22 described in subsection (2).

(2) The open season for antlerless elk is from September 1 to September 30 in only those portions of M.U.s 4-2, 4-3 and 4-20 to 4-22 which are contained within any of the following private lands:

(a) in Zone 1,

(i) Lot 3002 or 10305,

(ii) Plan XI, Sub City Lot 15 of D.L. 312,

(iii) S.L. 2 of D.L. 312,

(iv) S.L. 4, Plan 5772 of D.L. 312,

(v) Plan 4381 of D.L. 6029,

(vi) Plan NEPX40, Sublot 1 of D.L. 311, or

(vii) Lot 1, Plan NEP18047 of D.L. 312;

(b) in Zone 2,

(i) Lot 780, 4834 or 8899,

(ii) S.L. 13 or 14 of D.L. 310, or

(iii) S.L. 10 of D.L. 4590;

(c) in Zone 3, D.L. 10937, 14298, 14299, 15892 or 16121;

(d) in Zone 4, S.L. 5, 6, 7, 8 or 11 of D.L. 310.

[en. B.C. Reg. 72/2014, App. 2, s. 13; am. B.C. Reg. 130/2016, App. 2, s. 12.]

 Schedule 4, Part 3, section 1 (2) and (4) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(2)  In M.U.s 4-1 to 4-7, 4-20 to 4-26, 4-34 to 4-37 and 4-40 the bag limit for white-tailed deer is two, only one of which may be a buck.

(4)  The bag limit for mule (black-tailed) deer is one.

 Schedule 4, Part 3, section 1 (3) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(3)  In M.U.s 4-8, 4-9, 4-14 to 4-19, 4-27 to 4-33, 4-38 and 4-39, the bag limit for white-tailed deer is two, only one of which may be antlerless.

 Schedule 4, Part 3, section 1 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(2) The bag limit for white-tailed deer is 2, only one of which may be a buck.

 Schedule 4, Part 3, section 7 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.


7   The bag limit for cougar is one.

[en. B.C. Reg. 168/2007, s. 13.]

 Schedule 5, Part 1, item 4.1 was added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 5, Part 1, items 4 and 4.1 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

4WHITE-TAILED DEER Bucks5-1 to 5-5, 5-12 to 5-14**Sept. 10 to Nov. 301***
4.1WHITE-TAILED DEER Bucks5-1 to 5-5, 5-12 to 5-15**Sept. 1 to Sept. 91***

 Schedule 5, Part 1, items 10 and 11 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 12/2011, effective February 3, 2011.

10WOLF5-1, 5-3 to 5-9, 5-12 to 5-14Aug. 1 to Mar. 31;
Apr. 1 to June 15
11WOLF5-2, 5-15Aug. 1 to Mar. 31;
Apr. 1 to June 15

 Schedule 5, Part 1, item 11 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 109/2011, effective June 16, 2011.

11WOLF5-1 to 5-6, 5-12 to 5-15Aug. 1 to Mar. 31;
Apr. 1 to June 15

 Schedule 5, Part 1, items 5, 24, 25, 26 and 27 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

5MOUNTAIN SHEEP Rams5-2, 5-3, 5-4**Sept. 10 to Oct. 201
24DUCKS5-1 to 5-15Sept. 15 to Dec. 258(16)
25COOTS5-1 to 5-15Sept. 15 to Dec. 2510(20)
26COMMON SNIPE5-1 to 5-15Sept. 15 to Dec. 2510(20)
5-1 to 5-15Sept. 15 to Dec. 255(10)

 Schedule 5, Part 1, section 27.1 was added by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Schedule 5, Part 1, items 2 and 3 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

2MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks (4 pt. or better)5-1 to 5-15**Sept. 10 to Sept. 30
Nov. 1 to Nov. 10
Nov. 21 to Nov. 30
3MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks5-1 to 5-15Oct. 1 to Oct. 311***

 Schedule 5, Part 1, item 3.1 was added by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Schedule 5, Part 1, item 7 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg. 25/2017, effective February 6, 2017.

7CARIBOU5-12**Sept. 1 to Oct. 151

 Schedule 5, Part 2, section 14 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 White-tailed deer

14  The open season for hunting white-tailed deer bucks with a bow only in M.U.s 5-01, 5-02, 5-13 and 5-14 is from September 1 to September 9 and December 1 to December 10.

[en. B.C. Reg. 168/2001, s. 18.]

 Schedule 5, Part 2, section 16 was enacted by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 5, Part 2, section 9 (5) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

(5)  For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season on mule (black-tailed) deer bucks during the period November 21 to November 30 unless the buck has 4 or more points (tines) on at least one antler, excluding the brow tine, and each of the points (tines) is at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) in length.

 Schedule 5, Part 2, section 14 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

 White-tailed deer

14  The open season for hunting white-tailed deer bucks with a bow only in M.U.s 5-1 to 5-15 is from September 1 to September 9 and December 1 to December 10.

[en. B.C. Reg. 168/2001, s. 18; am. B.C. Reg. 175/2010, App. 2, s. 24.]

 Schedule 5, Part 2, section 16 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

 Youth seasons

16  It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder not hunt white-tailed deer bucks in M.U.s 5-1 to 5-15 from the period September 1 to September 9, excepting bow only seasons, unless that holder is less than 18 years of age.

[en. B.C. Reg. 175/2010, App. 2, s. 25.]

 Schedule 5, Part 2, section 6 (1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

(1) For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season on mountain sheep ram in M.U.s 5-02, 5-03 and 5-04 unless it is a full curl mountain sheep ram, except as provided under the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, B.C. Reg. 134/93.

 Schedule 5, Part 2, Section 1 (7) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(7) There is no open season on mountain goat in M.U. 5-15 contained within the following described boundaries:

commencing at the point of intersection of the midline of Matthew River and the midline of Connection Creek; thence in a general southerly direction along the midline of Connection Creek to the most southerly point thereof; thence due East to the point of intersection with the midline of Cameron Creek; thence in a general southerly direction along the midline of Cameron Creek to the point of intersection with the midline of Mitchell Creek; thence in a general easterly direction along the midline of Mitchell Creek to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of Mitchell Lake; thence in a general easterly direction along the natural boundary of Mitchell Lake on the northerly shore thereof to the point of intersection with the midline of the unnamed stream flowing southerly into Mitchell Lake at approximately 120º 32' 00" West longitude; thence in a general northerly direction along the midline of said unnamed stream and a prolongation thereof to the point of intersection with the northerly boundary of the watershed of said unnamed stream; thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundary of the watershed of said unnamed stream and a prolongation thereof to the point of intersection with the midline of Matthew River; thence in a general northerly and westerly direction along the midline of Matthew River to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of Ghost Lake; thence in a general westerly direction along the natural boundary of Ghost Lake on the northerly shore thereof to the point of intersection with the midline of Matthew River; thence in a general westerly direction along the midline of Matthew River to the point of commencement.

 Section 5, Part 2, section 4 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 25/2017, effective February 6, 2017.


4   (1) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 177/89, s. 43.]

(2) For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season for caribou in M.U. 5-12 unless the caribou has one antler which bears at least 5 points (tines), including the tip of the main beam, above the rear point and each of the 5 points is at least 2.5 cm in length.

(2.1) For the purposes of subsection (2), if the rear point of an antler is missing, the first rear-facing point will be used as the rear point.

(3) A person commits an offence if he or she kills a caribou and does not, while returning from hunting, keep the antlers of the caribou and the species licence under which the animal was killed, together and available for inspection by an officer.

[am. B.C. Regs. 205/85, s. 15 (c); 173/86, s. 24; 177/89, s. 43; 225/92, s. 32; 212/93, s. 30; 203/94, s. 28; 180/96, s. 33; 226/98, s. 15 (b); 168/2001, s. 18; 222/2005, s. 17 (a).]

 Schedule 5, Part 2, section 9 (6) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(6) A person commits an offence where he kills a mule (black-tailed) deer buck as described in subsections (5) and (9) and does not, while returning from hunting, keep the antlers of the deer and the species licence under which the deer was killed, together and available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 5, Part 2, section 5 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 239/2017, effective December 18, 2017.

Grizzly bear

5   (1) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 195/99, s. 24 (a).]

(2) There is no open season on grizzly bear in the following portions of M.U. 5-7:

(a) the watershed of Genesee Creek, downstream of Walkus Lake;

(b) to (d) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 225/92, s. 33.]

[am. B.C. Regs. 203/91, s. 39; 277/91, Sch. 1, s. 2; 225/92, s. 33; 195/99, s. 24 (a).]

 Schedule 5, Part 2, section 1 (1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

(1) There is no open season on mountain goat in portions of M.U.s 5-5 and 5-6 contained within the following described boundaries:

commencing at the point of intersection of the west branch of Mosley Creek and Hell Raving Creek; thence northerly, westerly and southwesterly along Hell Raving Creek to the headwaters; thence westerly along the height of land to the headwaters of Colwell Creek; thence northerly along Colwell Creek to Klinaklini River; thence northerly along the Klinaklini River to Bussel Creek; thence northerly along Bussel Creek to the main northerly tributary flowing southerly into Bussel Creek; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of the watershed of the said tributary and a prolongation thereof to the most westerly point on the natural boundary of McClinchy Lake; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the watersheds of McClinchy Lake and the adjacent northerly unnamed stream flowing northerly into Whitton Creek to the most southerly and westerly point on the natural boundary of the unnamed widening of Whitton Creek; thence northerly along the natural boundary of the unnamed widening of Whitton Creek on the westerly shore thereof and along Whitton Creek to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of Charlotte Lake on the westerly shore thereof; thence northerly and easterly along the natural boundary of Charlotte Lake on the westerly and northerly shores thereof to the point of intersection with the unnamed stream flowing southerly into Charlotte Lake from the unnamed lake northwesterly of Charlotte Lake; thence northerly along the unnamed stream and a prolongation thereof to the adjacent northerly unnamed stream flowing northerly into Kappan Creek; thence northerly along the said unnamed stream and Kappan Creek to the point of intersection with the first unnamed stream flowing easterly into Kappan Creek; thence westerly along the said unnamed stream and a prolongation thereof to the most adjacent unnamed tributary of Telegraph Creek; thence westerly and northerly along Telegraph Creek to the intersection with the unnamed stream flowing westerly into Telegraph Creek from Mount Kappan; thence due West to the easterly boundary of Tweedsmuir Park; thence northerly along the Tweedsmuir Park boundary to the intersection with Highway 20; thence easterly and southerly along Highway 20 to the intersection with the Bluff Lake Road in the vicinity of Tatla Lake; thence southerly along Bluff Lake Road to the intersection with Mosley Creek; thence southerly along Mosley Creek to Middle Lake; thence following the south shore of Middle Lake to Mosley Creek; thence southerly along Mosley Creek to the point of commencement.

 Schedule 5, Part 2, section 1 (9) to (12) were added by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

 Schedule 5, Part 2, section 1 (1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(1) There is no open season on mountain goat in portions of M.U.s 5-5 and 5-6 contained within the following described boundaries:

commencing at the point of intersection of Colwell Creek and the Klinaklini River; thence northerly along the Klinaklini River to Bussel Creek; thence northerly along Bussel Creek to the main northerly tributary flowing southerly into Bussel Creek; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of the watershed of the said tributary and a prolongation thereof to the most westerly point on the natural boundary of McClinchy Lake; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the watersheds of McClinchy Lake and the adjacent northerly unnamed stream flowing northerly into Whitton Creek to the most southerly and westerly point on the natural boundary of the unnamed widening of Whitton Creek; thence northerly along the natural boundary of the unnamed widening of Whitton Creek on the westerly shore thereof and along Whitton Creek to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of Charlotte Lake on the westerly shore thereof; thence northerly and easterly along the natural boundary of Charlotte Lake on the westerly and northerly shores thereof to the point of intersection with the unnamed stream flowing southerly into Charlotte Lake from the unnamed lake northwesterly of Charlotte Lake; thence northerly along the unnamed stream and a prolongation thereof to the adjacent northerly unnamed stream flowing northerly into Kappan Creek; thence northerly along the said unnamed stream and Kappan Creek to the point of intersection with the first unnamed stream flowing easterly into Kappan Creek; thence westerly along the said unnamed stream and a prolongation thereof to the most adjacent unnamed tributary of Telegraph Creek; thence westerly and northerly along Telegraph Creek to the intersection with the unnamed stream flowing westerly into Telegraph Creek from Mount Kappan; thence due West to the easterly boundary of Tweedsmuir Park; thence northerly along the Tweedsmuir Park boundary to the intersection with Highway 20; thence easterly and southerly along Highway 20 to the intersection with the Bluff Lake Road in the vicinity of Tatla Lake; thence southerly along Bluff Lake Road to the intersection with an unnamed creek flowing westerly out of Horn Lake; thence westerly along the unnamed creek to the confluence with Sapeye Lake, thence northerly and westerly along the natural boundary of Sapeye Lake on the westerly and northerly shores thereof to the confluence with an unnamed creek flowing northerly out of Sapeye Lake; thence northerly along the unnamed creek to the confluence with Waterlily Lake; thence northerly and westerly along the western shore of Waterlily Lake to the confluence with Sapeye Creek; thence westerly along Sapeye Creek to the headwaters; thence westerly along the height of land to the headwaters of an unnamed tributary flowing into the Klinaklini River; thence northerly and westerly along the unnamed creek to the confluence with the Klinaklini River; thence southerly and westerly along the Klinaklini River to the confluence of an unnamed creek flowing out of Miner Lake; thence westerly along the unnamed creek to the confluence with Miner Lake; thence southerly and westerly along the northern shore of Miner Lake to the confluence of an unnamed creek flowing northerly and easterly into Miner Lake; thence southerly and westerly along the unnamed creek to the confluence with an unnamed creek flowing northerly and easterly out of Ole Ecks Lake; thence southerly and westerly to the headwaters of an unnamed creek that flows southerly and westerly into Colwell Creek: thence southerly and westerly along the unnamed creek to the confluence with Colwell Creek; thence northerly and westerly along Colwell Creek to the point of commencement.

 Schedule 5, Part 2, section 6 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(2) The open season for hunting mountain sheep rams is from September 10 to October 20 in that portion of M.U. 5-04 contained within the following described boundaries:

commencing at the confluence of the Chilcotin River and Chilko River, proceeding southwesterly along the midline of the Chilko River to its intersection with Chilko Lake; thence southerly along the eastern shoreline of Chilko Lake to its intersection with Nemaia Creek; thence easterly along the midline of Nemaia Creek to its intersection with Konni Lake; thence easterly along the southern shoreline of Konni Lake to its intersection with the Nemaiah Valley Road; thence easterly along the midline of the Nemaiah Valley Road to its intersection with the Taseko Lake Road (Davidson Bridge Rec Site); thence southerly approximately 8.5 km along the midline of the Taseko River; thence easterly approximately 10 km to Tête Hill; thence southeasterly approximately 4 km to unnamed lake; thence southerly along the midline of unnamed lake and outlet stream, to Groundhog Creek; thence easterly along the midline of Groundhog Creek to its intersection with Big Creek; thence northerly along the midline of Big Creek to its intersection with the Chilcotin River; thence westerly along the midline of the Chilcotin River to the point of commencement at Chilko River.

 Schedule 6, Part 1, items 8, 12 and 15 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

8WHITE-TAILED DEER Bucks6-3, 6-7 to 6-11, 6-14,
6-15, 6-30**
Sept. 10 to Nov. 301
12MOOSE Bulls6-17 to 6-29Aug. 15 to Nov. 151
15MOUNTAIN GOAT6-7, 6-17
to 6-30**
Aug. 1 to Oct. 151

 Schedule 6, Part 1, item 9 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

9WHITE-TAILED DEER Bucks6-1, 6-2, 6-4 to 6-6Sept. 10 to Nov. 151

 Schedule 6, Part 1, item 8.1 was added by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

 Schedule 6, Part 1, table item 11 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

11MOOSE Bulls6-3, 6-11 **Sept. 10 to Nov. 151

 Schedule 6, Part 1, item 21 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 70/2011, effective April 14, 2011.

21BLACK BEAR6-1 to 6-30**Apr. 1 to June 30
Sept. 1 to Nov. 30

 Schedule 6, Part 1, item 21.1 was added by BC Reg 70/2011, effective April 14, 2011.

 Schedule 6, Part 1, items 17, 31 to 38 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

17MOUNTAIN GOAT6-3, 6-11, 6-14 to 6-16**Aug. 1 to Nov. 151
31DUCKS6-1, 6-2, 6-4 to 6-10, 6-15 to 6-30Sept. 1 to Sept. 4
Sept. 7 to Nov. 30
32DUCKS6-3, 6-11 to 6-14Oct. 1 to Jan. 138(16)
33COOTS6-1, 6-2, 6-4 to 6-10, 6-15 to 6-30Sept. 1 to Sept. 4
Sept. 7 to Nov. 30
34COOTS6-3, 6-11 to 6-14Oct. 1 to Jan. 1310(20)
35COMMON SNIPE6-1, 6-2, 6-4 to 6-10, 6-15 to 6-30Sept. 1 to Sept. 4
Sept. 7 to Nov. 30
36COMMON SNIPE6-3, 6-11 to 6-14Oct. 1 to Jan. 1310(20)
6-1, 6-2, 6-4 to 6-10, 6-15 to 6-30Sept. 1 to Sept. 4
Sept. 7 to Nov. 30
6-3, 6-11 to 6-14Oct. 1 to Jan. 135(10)

 Schedule 6, Part 1, items 21, 27, 37 and 38 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

21BLACK BEAR6-1 to 6-11, 6-14 to 6-30**Apr. 1 to June 30
Sept. 1 to Nov. 30
27WOLVERINE6-1 to 6-11, 6-14 to 6-30Sept. 15 to Jan. 151
6-1, 6-2, 6-4 to 6-10, 6-15 to 6-30Sept. 1 to Sept. 4
Sept. 7 to Nov. 30
6-3, 6-11 to 6-14Oct. 1 to Jan. 1310(30)

 Schedule 6, Part 1, items 39 and 40 were added by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Schedule 6, Part 1, item 12 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

12MOOSE Bulls6-17 to 6-29**Aug. 20 to Oct. 311

 Schedule 6, Part 1, items 12.1 and 12.2 were added by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

 Schedule 6, Part 1, item 21.1 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

21.1BLACK BEAR6-12, 6-13**Apr. 1 to June 30
Sept. 1 to Nov. 30

 Schedule 6, Part 1, items 10 and 12 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

10MOOSE Bulls6-1 to 6-11, 6-15 and 6-30Oct. 20 to Oct. 261
12MOOSE Bulls6-17 to 6-29, other than Zone A of 6-19 and 6-23, as shown on map '2016 Moose GOS Zone A of 6-19'**Aug. 20 to Oct. 311

 Schedule 6, Part 1, items 12.1 and 12.2 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

12.1MOOSE BullsZone A of 6-19 and 6-23, as shown on map '2016 Moose GOS Zone A of 6-19'**Aug. 20 to Aug. 311
12.2MOOSE BullsZone A of 6-19 and 6-23, as shown on map '2016 Moose GOS Zone A of 6-19'**Sept. 1 to Oct. 311

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 3 (9) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(9)  There is no open season for mountain goat, except as provided in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation (B.C. Reg. 134/93), in that portion of M.U.. 6-20 described as Spatsizi Park in Schedule 2 of the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 6 (11) (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(a) Highway 37, from the Junction of the Dease Lake turnoff to the Yukon border (6-23, 6-24);

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 6 (11) (e) to (i) and (t) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(e) Adsit Lake Road (6-24);

(f) Goldpan Road (6-23);

(g) Jade/Boulder Road (6-19);

(h) Todagin Mountain Mining Access Road (6-20);

(i) the road and trail locally known as the Barrington Burn Road from the junction near Telegraph Creek (6-22);

(t) the Klappan Rail grade (M.U.s 6-19, 6-20).

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 6 (11) (u) was added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 6 (14) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(14)  Despite subsection (2), there is no open season for moose in that portion of M.U. 6-15 shown as M.U. 6-15 zone B on Moose Map 14.1/17 in Schedule II to the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, except as provided in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, B.C. Reg. 134/93.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 6 (16) was added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 8 (6.1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(6.1)  Despite subsection (6), there is no open season for thinhorn mountain sheep in Zone E of M.U. 6-25 as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II as shown on map 2009/2010 Mountain Sheep Zone E of 6-25.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 13 (6) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(6)  The open season for hunting antlerless white-tailed deer with a bow only in M.U.s 6-7 to 6-11, 6-14, 6-15 and 6-30 is December 1 to December 10.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 13 (2), (5) and (6) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

(2)  Subject to subsection (3), the open seasons for hunting white-tailed deer buck with a bow only in M.U.s 6-1 to 6-11, 6-14, 6-15 and 6-30 are September 1 to September 9 and December 1 to December 10.

(5)  The open season for hunting antlerless white-tailed deer with a bow only in M.U.s 6-1 to 6-11, 6-14, 6-15 and 6-30 is September 1 to September 9.

(6)  The open season for hunting antlerless white-tailed deer with a bow only in M.U.s 6-3, 6-7 to 6-11, 6-14, 6-15 and 6-30 is December 1 to December 10.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 13 (7) was added by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 18 was renumbered and 18 (2) and (3) were added by BC Reg 70/2011, effective April 14, 2011.

 Schedule 6, part 2, section 11 (4) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 293/2012, effective October 5, 2012.

(4)  For subsections (1) and (3), a person commits an offence if he or she kills a mule (black-tailed) deer buck during an open season for mule (black-tailed) deer bucks in Region 6 - Skeena and does not, when returning from hunting, keep the antlers of the deer and the species licence under which the deer was killed, together and available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 6 (17) and (18) were added by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 6 (14) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 270/2016, effective November 10, 2016.

(14) Despite subsection (2), there is no open season for moose in Zone B of M.U. 6-15, as shown on map '2010 Moose GOS Zone B of 6-15', except as provided in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, B.C. Reg. 134/93.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 2 (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(3) A person commits an offence where he kills a caribou in an open season described in Part 1 for Region 6 – Skeena and does not, while returning from hunting, keep the antlers of the caribou and the species licence under which the caribou was killed, available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 4 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 239/2017, effective December 18, 2017.

Grizzly bear

4   (1) Coastal. There is no open season on grizzly bear in that portion of M.U.s6-14 and 6-15 contained within the following described boundaries:

commencing at the point of intersection of the natural boundary of Skeena River on the right bank thereof and the easterly boundary of the watershed of Exchamsiks River, thence in a general northerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Exchamsiks River to the point of intersection with the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kateen River; thence in a general northerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kateen River to the point of intersection with the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kwinamass River; thence in a general northerly and westerly direction along the easterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Kwinamass River to the point of intersection with the easterly boundary of Burton Creek; thence in a general northerly direction along the easterly boundary of Burton Creek to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of Nass River on the southerly shore thereof; thence in a general southerly direction along the natural boundaries of Nass River, Nass Bay, Iceberg Bay, Portland Inlet, Nasoga Gulf, Kwinamass Bay, Steamer Passage, Khutzeymateen Inlet, Steamer Passage, Emma Passage, Union Inlet, Work Channel, Quottoon Inlet, Work Channel and Davies Bay to the point of intersection with the midline of Lachmach River; thence in a general southeasterly direction along the midline of Lachmach River to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of Skeena River on the right bank thereof; thence in a general easterly direction along the said natural boundary of Skeena River to the point of commencement.

(2) Transition. There is no open season on grizzly bear in that portion of M.U.s6-3 and 6-9 contained within the following described boundaries:

commencing at the point of intersection of the prolongation of the midline of Highway 16 and the midline of Highway 25 in Terrace District Municipality; thence in a general southerly direction along the midline of Highway 25 to the point of intersection with the prolongation of the midline of the existing secondary road south of Hirsch Creek Park in Kitimat District Municipality leading to Minette Bay; thence in a general southerly direction along the said prolongation and the midline of the said existing secondary road to the point of intersection with the south boundary of District Lot 308, Coast Land District, Range 5; thence more or less west along the south boundary of the said District Lot 308 to the point of intersection with the natural boundary of Minette Bay on the easterly shore thereof; thence in a general southerly direction along the natural boundaries of Minette Bay and Kitimat Arm on the easterly shores thereof and in a general easterly direction along the natural boundary of Kildala Arm on the northerly shore thereof to the point of intersection with the southerly boundary of the watershed of Dala River; thence in a general easterly and northerly direction along the southerly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Dala River to the point of intersection with the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kitimat River; thence in a general northerly direction along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Kitimat River to the point of intersection with the easterly boundary of the watershed of Williams Creek; thence in a general northerly and westerly direction along the easterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Williams Creek to the apex of Copper Mountain; thence westerly in a straight line to the northeast corner of District Lot 1430, Coast Land District Range 5; thence more or less west along the north boundary of the said District Lot 1430 to the east boundary of District Lot 373; thence more or less north and east along the east and north boundaries of District Lot 373 to the point of intersection with the midline of Highway 16; thence in a general southerly direction along the midline of Highway 16 and the prolongation thereof to the point of commencement.

(3) There is no open season for grizzly bear, except as provided in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation (B.C. Reg. 134/93), in that portion of M.U. 6-16 described as Meziadin in Schedule 2 of the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation.

(4) There is no open season for grizzly bear, except as provided in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation (B.C. Reg. 134/93), in that portion of M.U. 6-21 described as Mt. Edziza Park in Schedule 2 of the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation.

(5) There is no open season for grizzly bear, except as provided in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation (B.C. Reg. 134/93), in that portion of M.U. 6-20 described as Spatsizi Park in Schedule 2 of the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation.

(6) There is no open season for grizzly bear during the period September 1 to November 15 in that portion of M.U. 6-08 contained within the following described boundaries:

commencing at the point of intersection of the midline of Babine River and the natural boundary of Nilkitkwa Lake on the northerly shore thereof; thence in a general northerly direction along the midline of Babine River to the point of intersection with the midline of Nilkitkwa River and including all intervening territory for 1 km on either side of the midline of the said portion of Babine River.

[en. B.C. Reg. 205/85, s. 17 (b); am. B.C. Regs. 177/89, s. 56; 180/96, s. 43.]

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 6 (16) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

(16) Despite item 12 of Part 1 of Schedule 6, the open season for bull moose in Zone K of M.U. 6-20, as shown on map '2010 Moose GOS Zone K of M.U. 6-20', is September 15 to October 15.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 6 (19) was added by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 18 (2) and (3) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

(2) The open seasons for black bear in M.U.s 6-12 and 6-13 are April 1 to June 30 and September 1 to November 30.

(3) Despite subsection (2), the seasons will close 72 hours after the regional manager has published that 4 black bears have been killed by hunters holding a hunting licence and a species licence for black bear in management units 6-12 and 6-13 combined and the prescribed parts of the bears have been submitted to an officer for inspection and measurement under section 16 (3.3).

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 6 (9) and (17) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(9) Except as provided in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation (B.C. Reg. 134/93), in those portions of M.U.s 6-3 and 6-11 described as Smithers - Moose in Schedule 2 of the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, the open season for bull moose is October 20 to October 26.

(17) For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season for bull moose in Zone A of M.U.s 6-19 and 6-23, as shown on map '2016 Moose GOS Zone A of 6-19', during the period September 1 to October 31 unless the bull moose

(a) has no more than two points on one antler,

(b) has at least one antler with a distinct brow palm bearing three or more points, or

(c) has at least one antler which has at least ten points.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 6 (11) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(11) There is no open season for moose during the period September 25 to October 10 within 400 meters of:

(a) Highway 37, from the junction of Highway 37 and Highway 37A to the Yukon border (6-23, 6-24);

(b) the road locally known as Blue River Road, east from Highway 37 to the Blue River Indian Reserve #2 (6-23);

(c) the trail locally known as One Ace Mountain Road, west from Highway 37 to One Ace Mountain (6-24);

(d) the road locally known as McDame Road, southeasterly from Highway 37 near Good Hope Lake to Atan Lake (6-23);

(e)-(i) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 175/2010, App. 2, s. 28 (b).]

(j) Twenty Mile Road (east of the Hyland River), south from the Alaska Highway to the Liard River (MU 6-23);

(k) the road locally known as Midway Mine/Silvertip Road, south from the Yukon border to the mine site (MU 6-24);

(l) that portion of the Alaska Highway in MU 6-25;

(m) the road locally known as the Smart River Road, north from the Alaska Highway to the Yukon border (MU 6-25);

(n) the road locally known as Log Jam Creek Road, north from the Alaska Highway to the Yukon border (MU 6-25);

(o) Highway 7 from the Yukon border to Atlin (MU 6-25);

(p) the road locally known as Surprise Lake Road or Discovery Avenue from Highway 7 to Surprise Lake (MU 6-25);

(q) the road locally known as Bull Creek/Blue Canyon Road/ Spruce Creek road to the junction with Bull Creek (MU 6-25);

(r) the road locally known as Warm Bay/O'Donnell Road (MU 6-25);

(s) the road and trail locally known as Gladys Lake / Rufner / 4th of July Creek Road from Highway 7 to Gladys Lake;

(t) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 175/2010, App. 2, s. 28 (b).]

(u) Highway 51 from Dease Lake to Telegraph Creek.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 6 (20) was added by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

 Schedule 6, Part 2, section 2 (6) was added by BC Reg 43/2019, effective March 6, 2019.

 Schedule 6, Part 3, section 2 (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(3)  The bag limit for white-tailed deer is one.

 Schedule 6, Part 3, section 1 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.


1   The daily aggregate bag limit for

(a) blue (Sooty and Dusky), spruce (Franklin) and ruffed grouse is 10.

(b) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 216/2000, s. 28.]

[en. B.C. Reg. 288/95, s. 36; am. B.C. Reg. 143/2009, App. 4, s. 25.]

 Schedule 7, Part 1, item 10 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 251/2009, effective October 26, 2009.

Bucks (4 pt.)
7-19 to 7-22,
7-31 to 7-35,
7-43 to 7-47,
7-54 to 7-56**
Nov. 1 to Nov. 301

 Schedule 7, Part 1, items 1, 2, 6, 9, 12, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34 and 39 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

1MULE (Black-tailed)
DEER Bucks
7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30, 7-37 to 7-41**Sept. 10 to Nov. 201
2MULE (Black-tailed)
DEER Bucks (4 pt.)
7-19, 7-36, 7-42, 7-43,
7-48 to 7-52, 7-57, 7-58**
Sept. 10 to Oct. 5.1***
6MULE (Black-tailed)
DEER Antlerless
7-2 to 7-5, 7-7 to
7-10, 7-12, 7-13,
7-15, 7-17**
Nov. 10 to Nov. 201
7MULE (Black-tailed)
DEER Antlerless
(youth season)
7-2 to 7-18,
7-23 to 7-30, 7-37
to 7-41**
Sept. 10 to Nov. 201
Bucks (4 pt.)
7-19, 7-36, 7-42,
7-43**, 7-48 to
7-50, 7-57, 7-58**
Sept. 10 to Oct. 51
Zone A of M.U. 7-20 as
described in the Limited
Entry Hunting Regulation,
Schedule II as shown
on map 2008/2009
Elk Zone A of 7-20
Nov. 1 to Nov. 301
23ELK Bulls (6 pt.)7-19, 7-22, 7-31, 7-36,
7-43, 7-44 and those
portions of M.U.s 7-20,
7-21, 7-35, 7-45 and
7-46 located outside
Zone A of M.U. 7-20 as
described in the Limited
Entry Hunting Regulation,
Schedule II as shown on
map 2008/2009 Elk Zone
A of 7-20 **
Sept. 1 to Oct. 311
24ELK Bulls (3 pt.)Zone A of M.U. 7-20 as
described in the Limited
Entry Hunting Regulation,
Schedule II as shown on
map 2008/2009 Elk Zone
A of 7-20
Sept. 1 to Oct. 311
25ELK Bulls (6 pt.)7-37, 7-41, 7-57,
7-58** and Zone B of
M.U. 7-42 as described
in the Limited Entry
Hunting Regulation, Schedule II,
as shown on map 2009/2010
Elk Zone A and B of 7-42
Aug. 15 to Oct. 311
33MOUNTAIN GOAT7-36, 7-42, 7-43**,
7-50 to 7-52, 7-54,
Aug. 25 to Oct. 151
34CARIBOU Bulls (5 pt.)7-42, 7-50 to 7-54,
Aug. 15 to Sept. 301
39COUGAR7-19 to 7-22, 7-31
to 7-36, 7-42 to 7-58
Dec. 1 to Feb. 281

 Schedule 7, Part 1, items 2.1 to 2.4 were added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 7, Part 1, item 4 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

4MULE (Black-tailed)
DEER Bucks (4 pt.)
7-2 to 7-15, 7-24
to 7-26**
Nov. 21 to Nov. 301

 Schedule 7, Part 1, items 7.1 and 27.1 were added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 7, Part 1, items 8, 10, 11 to 13, 23, 24 and 27.1 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

7-2 to 7-18, 7-23
to 7-30, 7-37
to 7-41**
Sept. 10 to Nov. 301
Bucks (4 pt.)
7-20 to 7-22,
7-31 to 7-35,
7-43 to 7-47,
7-54 to 7-56**
Nov. 1 to Nov. 301
7-2 to 7-5, 7-7 to
7-10, 7-12, 7-13,
7-15, 7-17**
Nov. 10 to Nov. 201
7-2 to 7-5, 7-7 to 7-10, 7-12, 7-13, 7-15, 7-17,
Zone A of 7-20 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-20'
Nov. 1 to Nov. 301
Antlerless (youth season)
7-2 to 7-18,
7-23 to 7-30,
7-37 to 7-41**
Sept. 10 to Nov. 201
23ELK Bulls (6 pt.)7-19 to 7-22, 7-31, 7-36, Zone A of 7-43 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-43', those portions of 7-20, 7-21 and 7-46 located outside Zone A of 7-20 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-20'**Sept. 1 to Oct. 311
24ELK Bulls (3 pt.)7-35, 7-44, 7-45, 7-58, Zone A of 7-20 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-20', Zone B of 7-43 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone B of 7-43'Sept. 1 to Oct. 311
27.1ELK antlerless7-35, 7-44, 7-45, 7-58, Zone A of 7-20 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-20', Zone B of 7-43 as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone B of 7-43'Sept. 15 to Oct. 311

 Schedule 7, Part 1, items 40, 41, 45, 57 to 63 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

40COUGAR7-2 to 7-9, 7-16 to 7-18 and 7-23Sept. 10 to Mar. 312
41WOLF7-2 to 7-9, 7-16 to 7-18, 7-23Apr. 1 to June 15
Aug. 1 to Mar. 31
45LYNX7-2 to 7-58**Nov. 15 to Feb. 151
57DUCKS7-2 to 7-58**Sept. 1 to Nov. 308(16)
58COOTS7-2 to 7-58**Sept. 1 to Nov. 3010(20)
59COMMON SNIPE7-2 to 7-58**Sept. 1 to Nov. 3010(20)
60SNOW GEESE7-2 to 7-58**Sept. 1 to Nov. 305(10)
61ROSS'S GEESE7-2 to 7-58**Sept. 1 to Nov. 305(10)
7-2 to 7-58**Sept. 1 to Nov. 305(10)
63WHITE-FRONTED GEESE7-2 to 7-58**Sept. 1 to Nov. 305(10)

 Schedule 7, part 1, items 6 and 42 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

6MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Antlerless7-2 to 7-5, 7-7 to 7-11, 7-15, 7-17**Nov. 10 to Nov. 201
42WOLF7-10 to 7-15, 7-24
to 7-30, 7-37 to 7-41
Apr. 1 to June 15
Aug. 1 to Mar. 31

 Schedule 7, part 1, item 3 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 103/2013, effective March 12, 2013.

3MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks (3 pt.)7-20 to 7-22, 7-31 to 7-35, 7-43 to 7-47, 7-54**Nov. 1 to Nov. 301***

 Schedule 7, Part 1, items 38 and 40 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

38BLACK BEAR7-2 to 7-58Apr. 1 to June 15
Aug. 15 to Nov. 15
40COUGAR7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-25Sept. 10 to Mar. 312

 Schedule 7, Part 1, items 38.1 and 40.1 were added by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Schedule 7, Part 1, items 1, 2, 2.1, 2.4, 7, 7.1, 15, 18, 20, 27 and 41 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

1MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks7-2 to 7-11, 7-15 to 7-18, 7-23, 7-26 to 7-30, 7-37 to 7-41**Sept. 10 to Nov. 201
2MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks (4 pt.)7-2 to 7-11, 7-15, 7-26**Nov. 21 to Nov. 301
2.1MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks (4 pt.)7-12 to 7-14, 7-24, 7-25**Sept. 10 to Sept. 301
2.4MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks (4 pt.)7-12 to 7-14, 7-24, 7-25Oct. 20 to Nov. 151
7MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Antlerless7-2 to 7-11, 7-15 to 7-18, 7-23, 7-26 to 7-30, 7-37 to 7-41**Sept. 10 to Nov. 201
7.1MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Antlerless7-12 to 7-14, 7-24, 7-25Oct. 1 to Oct. 191
15MOOSE Calves7-2 to 7-15, 7-17, 7-18, 7-24 to 7-30, 7-38**Oct. 10 to Oct. 251
18MOOSE Bulls7-19, 7-22, 7-31, 7-36, 7-42 to 7-58**Aug. 15 to Aug. 311
20MOOSE Bulls7-20, 7-21, 7-32 to 7-35**Aug. 15 to Aug. 31
Sept. 1 to Sept. 30
Oct. 16 to Oct. 31
27ELK Bulls (6 pt.)7-48, 7-51, 7-52, 7-53, 7-54**Sept. 1 to Sept. 101
41WOLF7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30, 7-37 to 7-41Apr. 1 to June 15
Aug. 1 to Mar. 31

 Schedule 7, Part 1, item 28 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

28ELK antlerless7-50** and Zone A of M.U. 7-42 as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II, as shown on map 2009/2010 Elk Zone A and B of 7-42**Aug. 20 to Oct. 311

 Schedule 7, Part 1, items 2.5, 2.6 and 18.1 were added by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

 Schedule 7, Part 1, item 15 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

15MOOSE Calves7-2 to 7-15, 7-17, 7-18, 7-24 to 7-30, 7-38**The first Friday in October and the following 10 days1

 Schedule 7, Part 1, items 2.1, 2.3, 18, 18.1, 19, 20, 26, 27, 32, 38, 39 and 55 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

2.1MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks (4 pt.)7-12 to 7-14, 7-24, 7-25**Sept. 10 to Sept. 30
Oct. 20 to Nov. 15
2.3MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks7-12 to 7-14, 7-24, 7-25Oct. 1 to Oct. 191
18MOOSE Bulls7-19 to 7-22, 7-31, 7-36, 7-42, 7-43, 7-46 to 7-58**Aug. 15 to Aug. 311
18.1MOOSE Bulls7-32 to 7-35, 7-44, 7-45**Aug. 23 to Aug. 311
19MOOSE Bulls7-19, 7-22, 7-31, 7-36, 7-42 to 7-58**Sept. 1 to Oct. 311
20MOOSE Bulls7-20, 7-21, 7-32 to 7-35**Sept. 1 to Sept. 30
Oct. 16 to Oct. 31
26ELK Bulls (6 pt.)7-49, 7-50** and Zone A of M.U. 7-42 as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II, as shown on map 2009/2010 Elk Zone A and B of 7-42Sept. 10 to Oct. 311
27ELK Bulls (6 pt.)7-48, 7-51, 7-52, 7-53, 7-54**Sept. 5 to Sept. 151
32MOUNTAIN GOAT7-3 to 7-5, 7-17, 7-18, 7-27 to 7-30, 7-37 to 7-41Aug. 15 to Oct. 151
38BLACK BEAR7-19 to 7-22, 7-31 to 7-36, 7-42 to 7-58Apr. 1 to June 15
Aug. 15 to Nov. 15
39COUGAR7-19 to 7-22, 7-31 to 7-36, 7-42 to 7-58Sept. 10 to Mar. 311
55SHARP-TAILED GROUSE7-20 to 7-22, 7-32 to 7-35, 7-44 to 7-49, 7-52 to 7-56, 7-58Sept. 1 to Nov. 153(9)

 Schedule 7, Part 1, item 36 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 43/2019, effective March 6, 2019.

36CARIBOU Bulls (5 pt.)7-37 to 7-41Aug. 15 to Oct. 151

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 2 (1), (7) and (9) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(1)  Despite items 2 and 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 7 for Region 7 – Omineca/Peace and for the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season for mule (black-tailed) deer bucks unless the buck has at least one antler with at least 4 tines (points), excluding the brow tine, and each of the tines is at least 2.5 cm in length.

(7)  It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder not hunt antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer or antlerless white-tailed deer in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 during the period September 10 to November 20, excepting bow only seasons, unless that holder is less than 18 years of age.

(9)  Despite items 2, 3, 9 and 10 of Part 1 of Schedule 7 for Region 7, the mule (black-tailed) deer and white-tailed deer seasons in M.U. 7-43 are restricted to Zone A of MU 7-43 from September 10 to October 5 and Zone B of MU 7- 43 from November 1 to November 30.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 2 (5) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(5)  The open season for hunting any mule (black-tailed) deer and any white-tailed deer with bow and arrow only in M.U.s 7-20, 7-21, 7-32 to 7-35 and 7-44 to 7-47 is from September 1 to September 30.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 2 (7.1) was added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 8.1 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Youth season

8.1  It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder not hunt antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer and antlerless white-tailed deer in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 during the period September 1 to September 9, unless that holder is less than 18 years of age.

[en. B.C. Reg. 168/2007, s. 20 (d); am. B.C. Reg. 159/2008, s. 2 (g).]

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 11 (1), (3), (9), (12) and (13) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(1)  For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season for bull elk from August 15 to September 9 in M.U.s 7-49 and 7-50 and Zone A of M.U. 7-42 as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II, as shown on map 2009/2010 Elk Zone A and B of 7-42 unless the bull elk has at least one branched antler with at least 3 tines (points).

(3)  For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season on bull elk from September 1 to September 10 in M.U.s 7-48 and 7-51 to 7-54, from August 15 to October 31 in M.U.s 7-37, 7-41, 7-57 and 7-58 and Zone A of M.U. 7-42 as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II, as shown on map 2009/2010 Elk Zone A and B of 7-42, from September 10 to October 9 in M.U.s 7-02 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-38 to 7-40, or from September 10 to October 31 in M.U.s 7-49 and 7-50 unless the bull elk has at least one antler from which project at least 6 tines (points).

(9)  The open season for hunting with a bow only for bull elk in M.U. 7-50 and Zone A of M.U. 7-42 as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II, as shown on map 2009/2010 Elk Zone A and B of 7-42 is September 10 to October 31, and in M.U.s 7-02 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30, 7-38 to 7-40 is September 1 to September 9.

(12)  For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season on bull elk from September 1 to October 31 in Zone A of M.U. 7-20 as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II as shown on map 2008/2009 Elk Zone A of 7-20 unless the bull elk has at least one branched antler with at least 3 tines (points).

(13)  For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season on bull elk from September 1 to October 31 in M.U.s 7-19, 7-22, 7-31, 7-36, 7-43, 7-44, and those portions of M.U.s 7-20, 7-21, 7-35, 7-45 and 7-46 located outside Zone A of M.U 7-20 as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II as shown on map 2008/2009 Elk Zone A of 7-20, unless the bull elk has at least one branched antler with at least 6 tines (points).

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 26 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Antlerless elk

26  (1)  Despite Part 1 of Schedule 7, and for the purposes of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, a person may hunt antlerless elk in zone A of MU 7-20, as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II as shown on map 2008/2009 Elk Zone A of 7-20 from September 15 to October 31.

(2)  Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 168/2007, s. 20 (e).]

[en. B.C. Reg. 291/2004, s. 20 (c); am. B.C. Regs. 152/2006, s. 21 (f); 65/2007, s. 1 (b);
168/2007, s. 20 (e); 163/2008, App. 5, s. 18 (f).]

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 27 (4) and (5) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(4)  Despite Part 1 of Schedule 7, and for the purposes of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, a person may hunt antlerless mule deer on private property and Crown land within 2 000 m of private property in M.U.s 7-02 to 7-05, 7-07 to 7-10, 7-12, 7-13, 7-15 and 7-17 from November 10 to November 20.

(5)  Despite Part 1 of Schedule 7, and for the purposes of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, a person may hunt antlerless mule deer in Zone A of M.U. 7-20, as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II as shown on map 2008/2009 Elk Zone A of 7-20 from November 1 to November 30.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 28 (1) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(1)  Despite Part 1 of Schedule 7, and for the purposes of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, a person may hunt antlerless white-tailed deer on private property and Crown land within 2 000 m of private property in M.U.s 7-02 to 7-05, 7-07 to 7-10, 7-12, 7-13, 7-15 and 7-17 from November 10 to November 20.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 28 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(2)  Despite Part 1 of Schedule 7, and for the purposes of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, a person may hunt antlerless white-tailed deer in Zone A of M.U. 7-20, as described in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation, Schedule II as shown on map 2008/2009 Elk Zone A of 7-20 from November 1 to November 30.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 2 (6), (7.1), (8), (9) and (10) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

 Mule (black-tailed) deer and white-tailed deer

2  (6)  Despite Part 1 of Schedule 7 for Region 7 and for the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season for white-tailed deer bucks unless the buck has at least 4 points on one antler, including the brow tine, and each of the tines is at least 2.54 cm (1 inch) in length.

(7.1)  It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder not hunt antlerless white-tailed deer in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 during the period September 10 to November 20, excepting bow only seasons, unless that holder is less than 18 years of age.

(8)  The open season for antlerless white-tailed deer and antlerless mule deer with a bow and arrow only in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30, 7-37 to 7-41 is from September 1 to September 9.

(9)  Despite items 2.2, 3, 9 and 10 of Part 1 of Schedule 7 for Region 7, the mule (black-tailed) deer and white-tailed deer seasons in M.U. 7-43 are restricted to Zone A of MU 7-43 from September 10 to October 5 and Zone B of MU 7-43 from November 1 to November 30.

(10)  For the purpose of subsection (9), Zone A lies to the west and Zone B to the east of the following described line:

Commencing at the junction of Graham River and an unnamed creek at 56.4633° north latitude and 122.901° west longitude and proceeding upstream along the midline of that unnamed creek to the head of the tributary of that creek at 56.5655° north latitude and 122.9299° west longitude; thence northwesterly approximately 100 metres to the head of the branch of Russell creek located at 56.5644° north latitude and 122.9319° west longitude; thence downstream along the midline of that creek and the midline of Russell Creek to its confluence with Chowade River at 56.6809° north latitude and 122.952° west longitude; thence upstream along the midline of Chowade River to 56.9665° north latitude and 122.952° west longitude; thence upstream along the midline of the unnamed creek entering Chowade River at that point from the north to 56.8152º north latitude and 123.1219° west longitude; thence approximately 800 metres north in a straight line through the wetland to the head of an unnamed creek located at 56.8222° north latitude and 123.1229° west longitude; thence downstream along the midline of that creek to its junction with Cypress Creek at 56.8512° north latitude and 123.13° west longitude.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 8.1 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

 Youth season

8.1  (1)  It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder not hunt white-tailed deer bucks in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 during the period September 1 to September 9, unless that holder is less than 18 years of age.

(2)  It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder not hunt antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer

(a) in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-5, 7-7 to 7-11, 7-15 and 7-17 from September 10 to November 9, and

(b) in M.U.s 7-6, 7-16, 7-18, 7-23, 7-26 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 from September 10 to November 20

unless that holder is less than 18 years of age.

[en. B.C. Reg. 168/2007, s. 20 (d); am. B.C. Regs. 159/2008, s. 2 (g); 175/2010, App. 2, s. 34.]

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 11 (3), (9), (12) and (13) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

(3)  For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season on bull elk from September 1 to September 10 in M.U.s 7-48 and 7-51 to 7-54, from August 15 to October 31 in M.U.s 7-37, 7-41, 7-57 and 7-58 and Zone A of M.U. 7-42, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-42', from September 10 to October 9 in M.U.s 7-02 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-38 to 7-40, or from September 10 to October 31 in M.U.s 7-49 and 7-50 unless the bull elk has at least one antler from which project at least 6 tines (points).

(9)  The open season for hunting with a bow only for bull elk in M.U. 7-50 and Zone A of M.U. 7-42, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-42', is September 10 to October 31, and in M.U.s 7-02 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30, 7-38 to 7-40 is September 1 to September 9.

(12)  For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season on bull elk from September 1 to October 31 in M.U.s 7-35, 7-44, 7-45 and 7-58, Zone A of M.U. 7-20, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-20', and Zone B of M.U. 7-43, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone B of 7-43', unless the bull elk has at least one branched antler with at least 3 tines (points).

(13)  For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season on bull elk from September 1 to October 31 in M.U.s 7-19, 7-22, 7-31, 7-36, 7-43, 7-44, and those portions of M.U.s 7-20, 7-21, 7-35, 7-45 and 7-46 located outside Zone A of M.U. 7-20, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-20', unless the bull elk has at least one branched antler with at least 6 tines (points).

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 27 (4) and (5) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

(4)  Despite Part 1 of Schedule 7, and for the purposes of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, a person may hunt antlerless mule deer on private property and Crown land within 2 000 m of private property in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-5, 7-7 to 7-11, 7-15 and 7-17 from November 10 to November 20.

(5)  Despite Part 1 of Schedule 7, and for the purposes of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, a person may hunt antlerless mule deer in Zone A of M.U. 7-20, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-20', from November 10 to November 15.

 Schedule 7, part 2, section 2 (11) was added by BC Reg 53/2013, effective February 13, 2013.

 Schedule 7, part 2, section 29 was enacted by BC Reg 293/2012, effective October 5, 2012.

 Schedule 7, part 2, section 8.1 (2) (c) was added by BC Reg 53/2013, effective February 13, 2013.

 Schedule 7, part 2, section 2 (1.1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 103/2013, effective March 12, 2013.

(1.1)  Despite item 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 7 for Region 7 – Omineca/Peace and for the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season for mule (black-tailed) deer bucks unless the buck has at least one antler with at least 3 tines (points), excluding the brow tine, and each of the tines is at least 2.5 cm in length.

 Schedule 7, part 2, section 2 (12) was added by BC Reg 103/2013, effective March 12, 2013.

 Schedule 7, part 2, section 27 (5) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 103/2013, effective March 12, 2013.

(5)  Despite Part 1 of Schedule 7, and for the purposes of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, a person may hunt antlerless mule deer in Zone A of M.U. 7-20, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-20', from November 15 to November 20.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 30 was added by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 2 (1), (8), (11) and (12) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(1) Despite items 2, 2.1 and 2.2 of Part 1 of Schedule 7 for Region 7 — Omineca/Peace and for the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season for mule (black-tailed) deer bucks unless the buck has at least one antler with at least 4 tines (points), excluding the brow tine, and each of the tines is at least 2.5 cm in length.

(8) The open season for antlerless mule deer with a bow and arrow only in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30, 7-37 to 7-41 is from September 1 to September 9.

(11) The open season for hunting mule (black-tailed) deer with a bow only in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 is from September 1 to September 9.

(12) The open season for mule (black-tailed) deer bucks with a bow and arrow only in M.U.s 7-20, 7-21, 7-32 to 7-35 and 7-44 to 7-47 is from September 1 to September 30.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 2 (1.1) and (7) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(1.1) Despite item 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 7 for Region 7 — Omineca/Peace and for the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season for mule (black-tailed) deer bucks unless the buck has at least one antler with at least 4 tines (points), excluding the brow tine, and each of the tines is at least 2.5 cm in length.

(7) It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder not hunt antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-11, 7-15 to 7-18, 7-23, 7-26 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 during the period September 10 to November 20, excepting bow only seasons, unless that holder is less than 18 years of age.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 5.1 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.


5.1   The open season for hunting mule (black-tailed) deer bucks and white-tailed deer bucks with bow and arrow only in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 is September 1 to September 9.

[en. B.C. Reg. 163/2008, App. 5, s. 18 (b).]

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 8.1 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(2) It is a condition of a hunting licence that the holder not hunt antlerless mule (black-tailed) deer

(a) in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-11, 7-15 to 7-18, 7-23, 7-26 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 from September 10 to November 20,

(b) in M.U.s 7-12 to 7-14, 7-24 and 7-25 from October 1 to October 19, and

(c) in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 from September 1 to September 9

unless that holder is less than 18 years of age.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 8.1 (3) was added by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 11 (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(3) For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season on bull elk from September 1 to September 10 in M.U.s 7-48 and 7-51 to 7-54, from August 15 to October 31 in M.U.s 7-37, 7-41, 7-57 and 7-58 and Zone B of M.U. 7-42, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone B of 7-42', from September 10 to October 9 in M.U.s 7-02 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-38 to 7-40, or from September 10 to October 31 in M.U.s 7-49 and 7-50 and Zone A of M.U. 7-42, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-42' unless the bull elk has at least one antler from which project at least 6 tines (points).

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 11 (8) and (9) were added by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 13 (6) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(6) For the purpose of subsection (5), a brow palm is separated from a main palm by the deepest antler bay, and the deepest bay is the bay whose vertex (deepest location) is the shortest distance from the antler base when measured along the surface of the antler.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 30 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

Youth and senior calf moose season

30   The open season for calf moose in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-15, 7-17, 7-18, 7-24 to 7-30 and 7-38 from October 10 to October 19 is restricted to persons who are either less than 18 years of age or 65 years of age or older.

[en. B.C. Reg. 72/2014, App. 2, s. 20.]

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 1 (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(3) A person commits an offence where he hunts, takes or kills a bull moose described in subsection (2) and does not, while returning from hunting, keep the antlers and an incisor tooth of the animal and the species licence under which the animal was taken together and available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 3 (2) and (5) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(2) A person commits an offence where he kills a bull moose and does not, while returning from hunting, keep the antlers and an incisor tooth of the moose and the species licence under which the moose was killed, together and available for inspection by an officer.

(5) A person commits an offence where he hunts, takes or kills a calf moose and does not, while returning from hunting, keep the lower jaw, including the incisor teeth, and the species licence under which the moose was taken together and available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 4 (14) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

(14) There is no open season on mountain goat, except as provided in the Limited Entry Hunting Regulation (B.C. Reg. 134/93), in that portion of M.U. 7-42 contained within the following described boundaries:

commencing at a point on the east bank of the Prophet River at 123° 11' 27.24" west longitude and 57° 45' 21.99" north latitude; thence in a southeasterly direction for approximately 1 431 m; thence following a bearing of 172° 40' 52" for 31.2 km to the point of intersection with Pocketknife Creek; thence in a general southwesterly direction along Pocketknife Creek to the point of intersection with the unnamed creek flowing southerly into Pocketknife Creek at 123° 12' 26.28" west longitude and 57° 26' 28.72" north latitude; thence in a general northerly direction along the said unnamed creek to the prolongation of the easterly tributary of the Granger Creek; thence in a general northerly direction along Granger Creek to the point of intersection with the Prophet River; thence in a general northeasterly direction along the east bank of the Prophet River to the point of commencement, including all intervening territory, the whole containing 23 071 hectares, more or less.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 30 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

Youth and senior calf moose season

30   The open season for calf moose in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-15, 7-17, 7-18, 7-24 to 7-30 and 7-38 from the first Friday in October and the following 10 days is restricted to persons who are either less than 18 years of age or 65 years of age or older.

[en. B.C. Reg. 72/2014, App. 2, s. 20; am. B.C. Reg. 130/2016, App. 2, s. 24.]

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 1 (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(3) A person commits an offence where the person hunts, takes or kills a bull moose described in subsection (2) and does not, while returning from hunting, keep the antlers and an incisor tooth of the animal and the species licence under which the animal was taken together and available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 2 (1) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(b) in M.U.s 7-12 to 7-14, 7-24 and 7-25 from September 10 to September 30 and from October 20 to November 15,

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 2 (11) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(11) The open season for hunting mule (black-tailed) deer bucks with a bow only in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 is from September 1 to September 9.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 3 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(2) A person commits an offence where the person kills a bull moose and does not, while returning from hunting, keep the antlers and an incisor tooth of the moose and the species licence under which the moose was killed, together and available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 4 (15) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(15) There is no open season on mountain goat in that portion of M.U. 7-51 shown in the attached Map 7-4/05.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 4 (21), (22) and (23) were added by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 5.1 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.


5.1   The open season for hunting mule (black-tailed) deer bucks and white-tailed deer bucks with bow only in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 is September 1 to September 9.

[en. B.C. Reg. 163/2008, App. 5, s. 18 (b); am. B.C. Reg. 130/2016, App. 2, s. 20.]

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 8.1 (4) was added by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 11 (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(3) For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season on bull elk from September 5 to September 15 in M.U.s 7-48 and 7-51 to 7-54, from August 15 to October 31 in M.U.s 7-37, 7-41, 7-57 and 7-58 and Zone B of M.U. 7-42, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone B of 7-42', from September 10 to October 9 in M.U.s 7-02 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-38 to 7-40, or from September 10 to October 31 in M.U.s 7-49 and 7-50 and Zone A of M.U. 7-42, as shown on map '2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-42' unless the bull elk has at least one antler from which project at least 6 tines (points).

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 13 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(2) The open season for hunting bull moose with a bow only is from October 1 to October 15 in M.U.s 7-20, 7-21 and 7-32 to 7-35.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 13 (5) (b) and (c) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(b) in M.U.s 7-19, 7-22, 7-31, 7-36 and 7-42 to 7-58 from September 1 to October 31, and

(c) in M.U.s 7-20, 7-21 and 7-32 to 7-35 from September 1 to September 30 and from October 16 to October 31

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 13 (7) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

(7) A person commits an offence if he or she hunts, takes or kills a bull moose described in subsection (5) and does not, while returning from hunting, keep the antlers and an incisor tooth of the animal and the species licence under which the animal was taken, together and available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 7 (4) (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 43/2019, effective March 6, 2019.

(4) (a) For the purpose of section 26 (1) (c) of the Act, there is no open season for caribou in M.U.s 7-37 to 7-42, 7-50 to 7-54, 7-57 and 7-58 unless the caribou has one antler which bears at least 5 points (tines), including the tip of the main beam, above the rear point.

 Schedule 7, Part 2, section 8 was added by BC Reg 43/2019, effective March 6, 2019.

 Schedule 7, Part 3, section 1 (1.1), (1.2), (2), (2.1) and (8) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(1.1)  The bag limit for antlerless mule deer in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 is 2.

(1.2)  The bag limit for antlerless mule deer in M.U.s 7-19 to 7-22, 7-31 to 7-36 and 7-42 to 7-58 is 1.

(2)  The bag limit for white-tailed deer in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 is one.

(2.1)  The bag limit for white-tailed deer in M.U.s 7-19 to 7-22, 7-31 to 7-36 and 7-42 to 7-58 is one.

(8)  The aggregate bag limit for deer in M.U.s 7-19 to 7-22, 7-31 to 7-36 and 7-42 to 7-58 is 3.

 Schedule 7, Part 3, section 1 (6), (7) and (8) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(6)  The bag limit for mule deer bucks in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 is 1.

(7)  The bag limit for mule deer bucks in M.U.s 7-19 to 7-22, 7-31 to 7-36 and 7-42 to 7-58 is 1.

(8)  The aggregate bag limit for deer in M.U.s 7-19 to 7-22, 7-31 to 7-36 and 7-42 to 7-58 is 3.

 Schedule 7, Part 3, section 3 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.


3   The bag limit for cougar in M.U.s 7-19 to 7-22, 7-31 to 7-36 and 7-42 to 7-58 is one.

[en. B.C. Reg. 168/2007, s. 21 (c).]

 Schedule 8, Part 1, items 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 15 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

2MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26Oct. 1 to Oct. 201***
3MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks
(4 pt. or better)
8-1 to 8-11, 8-21 to 8-26Oct. 21 to Nov. 101***
5MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks
(youth season)
8-1 to 8-15
8-21 to 8-26**
Sept 1 to Sept 91***
6MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks
(youth season)
8-1 to 8-11, 8-21 to 8-26Nov. 11 to Nov. 181***
8WHITE-TAILED DEER Bucks8-1 to 8-15,
8-21 to 8-26
Sept. 10 to Nov. 241***
10MOOSE Bulls8-1 to 8-15,
8-21 to 8-26**
Sept. 20 to Oct. 311
15COUGAR8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26Nov. 25 to Feb. 151**

 Schedule 8, Part 1, table items 9, 9.1 and 33 were added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 8, Part 1, item 6 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

6MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks
(youth season)
8-1 to 8-11, 8-21 to 8-26Nov. 1 to Nov. 101***

 Schedule 8, Part 1, items 11, 26 to 30 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

11ELK Bulls (6 pt. or better)8-1, 8-9, 8-10, 8-12, 8-14**Sept. 10 to Oct. 201
26DUCKS8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26Sept. 12 to Dec. 258(16)
27COOTS; COMMON SNIPE8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26Sept. 12 to Dec. 2510(20)
8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26Sept. 12 to Dec. 255(10)
8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26Sept. 20 to Nov. 28;
Dec. 20 to Jan. 5;
Feb. 21 to Mar. 10
30MOURNING DOVES8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26Sept. 1 to Sept. 305(10)

 Schedule 8, Part 1, item 12 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

12ELK Bulls (6 pt. or better)8-4 to 8-7, 8-15**Sept. 25 to Oct. 201

 Schedule 8, Part 1, item 15.1 was added by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Schedule 8, Part 1, items 1, 2, 4, 10, 11 and 14 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

1MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks (4 pt. or better)8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26Sept. 10 to Sept. 301***
2MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26Oct. 1 to Oct. 311***
4MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks (4 pt. or better)8-12 to 8-15Oct. 21 to Oct. 311***
10MOOSE Bulls8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26**Oct. 15 to Nov. 151
11ELK Bulls (6 pt. or better)8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26**Sept. 10 to Oct. 201
14BLACK BEAR8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26Apr. 1 to June 15
Sept. 1 to Nov. 30

 Schedule 8, Part 1, item 15 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

15COUGAR8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26Nov. 15 to Feb. 151**

 Schedule 8, Part 1, item 6 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

6MULE (Black-tailed) DEER Bucks (youth season)8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26Nov. 1 to Nov. 101***

 Schedule 8, Part 1, item 30 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

30MOURNING DOVES8-1 to 8-15, 8-21 to 8-26Sept. 1 to Sept. 305(15)

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 1 (2) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(b) for white-tailed deer (either sex) in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-15 and 8-21 to 8-26 is November 25 to December 10.

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 1 (11) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(11)  A person commits an offence if the person kills a mule (black-tailed) deer buck during the open seasons in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-15 and 8-21 to 8-26 during the period September 10 to September 30 or in M.U.s 8-12 to 8-15 during the period October 21 to October 31 or in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-11 and 8-21 to 8-26 during the period October 21 to November 10, unless the buck has at least 4 points on one antler, not including the brow tine.

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 1 (12) (c) was added by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 1 (2) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

(b) for white-tailed deer (either sex) in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-15 and 8-21 to 8-26 is December 1 to December 10.

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 1 (11) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

(11)  A person commits an offence if the person kills a mule (black-tailed) deer buck during the open seasons in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-15 and 8-21 to 8-26 during the period September 10 to September 30 or in M.U.s 8-12 to 8-15 during the period November 1 to November 10 or in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-11 and 8-21 to 8-26 during the period October 21 to November 10, unless the buck has at least 4 points on one antler, not including the brow tine.

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 1 (12) (a) and (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

(a) mule (black-tailed) deer bucks and white-tailed deer bucks in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-15 and 8-21 to 8-26 during the period September 1 to September 9, excepting bow only seasons,

(b) mule (black-tailed) deer bucks in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-11 and 8-21 to 8-26 during the period November 11 to 18, or

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 1 (12) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

(b) mule (black-tailed) deer bucks with fewer than 4 points on both antlers, not including the brow tine, in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-11 and 8-21 to 8-26 during the period September 1 to September 30 or November 1 to November 10, or

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 11 BEFORE amended and subsection (2) was added by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.


11   The open season for hunting blue, spruce (Franklin) and ruffed grouse with a bow only in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-15 and 8-21 to 8-26 is December 1 to December 10.

[en. B.C. Reg. 190/2002, s. 22 (b).]

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 14 was enacted by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 1 (11) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(11) A person commits an offence if the person kills a mule (black-tailed) deer buck during the open seasons in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-15 and 8-21 to 8-26 during the period September 10 to September 30 or during the period November 1 to November 10 unless the buck has at least 4 points on one antler, not including the brow tine.

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 12 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.


12   (1) In addition to section 18 (2) of Division 7, a person who

(a) is not in possession of a firearm, and

(b) is in possession of a hunting licence.

does not commit an offence under section 78 of the Act if he or she allows a dog to pursue cougar or accompanies a person who allows a dog to pursue cougar during the period November 15 to March 31 in Region 8.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the cougar is subsequently injured or killed.

[en. B.C. Reg. 291/2004, s. 23 (b); am. B.C. Reg. 152/2006, s. 24 (c).]

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 2 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(2) A person commits an offence where he kills a bull elk in Region 8 – Okanagan and does not, while returning from hunting keep the antlers of the elk and the species licence under which the elk was killed, together and available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 8 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 74/2017, effective March 1, 2017.

(2) A person commits an offence where he kills a bull moose as described in subsection (1) and does not, while returning from hunting, keep the antlers of the moose and the species licence under which the moose was killed, together and available for inspection by an officer.

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 1 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

(2) The open season for hunting with a bow only

(a) for mule (black-tailed) deer bucks in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-11, 8-21, 8-22 and 8-24 to 8-26 is November 25 to December 10, and

(b) for white-tailed deer (either sex) in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-15 and 8-21 to 8-26 is December 1 to December 20.

 Schedule 8, Part 2, section 1 (12) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

(b) mule (black-tailed) deer bucks with fewer than 4 points on both antlers, not including the brow tine, in M.U.s 8-1 to 8-15 and 8-21 to 8-26 during the period September 1 to September 30 or November 1 to November 10, or

 Schedule 8, Part 3, section 7 (2) and (3) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

(2)  In M.U.s 8-1, 8-9, 8-10, 8-12, 8-14, 8-15, 8-22 and 8-26 during the period April 15 to May 15, the bag limit is one bearded turkey.

(3)  In M.U.s 8-1 and 8-9 during the period October 1 to November 30, the bag limit is one turkey.

 Schedule 8, Part 3, section 1 (1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

(1) The aggregate bag limit for deer is 2.

 Schedule 9 was enacted by BC Reg 77/2010, effective March 23, 2010.

 Schedule 9, items "2010 Caribou GOS Zone B of 7-57", "2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 4-23", "2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-20", "2010 Elk GOS Zone A of 7-42", "2010 Elk GOS Zone B of 7-42", "2010 Elk GOS Zone C of 4-6", "2010 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-3", "2010 Moose GOS Zone B of 6-15>", "2010 Moose GOS Zone K of 6-20", "2010 Mountain Goat GOS Zone D of 6-20", "2010 Mountain Sheep GOS Zone E of 6-25" and "2010 Mule Deer GOS Zone A of 2-11" were added to list of maps by BC Reg 175/2010, effective June 17, 2010.

 Schedule 9, item "2010 Mountain Goat GOS Zone A of 4-30" was added to list of maps by BC Reg 301/2010, effective October 15, 2010.

 Schedule 9, items "2012 Mountain Goat GOS Zone a of 6-04" and "2012 Mountain Goat GOS Zone a of 6-09" were added to list of maps by BC Reg 80/2012, effective July 1, 2012.

 Schedule 9, item BEFORE repealed from list of maps by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

2010 Moose GOS Zone B of 6-15

 Schedule 9, items "2014 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-25" and "2014 Moose GOS Zone B of 6-15" were added to list of maps by BC Reg 72/2014, effective July 1, 2014.

 Schedule 9, items "2016 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-3", "2016 Moose GOS Zone A of 6-19", "2016 M.U. 7-52 Moose Compulsory Inspection", "2016 Peace Moberly Tract A" and "2016 Peace Moberly Tract B" were added to list of maps by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

 Schedule 9, items BEFORE repealed from list of maps by BC Reg 130/2016, effective July 1, 2016.

2010 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-3

2012 Mountain Goat GOS Zone A of 6-04

 Schedule 9, item BEFORE repealed from list of maps by BC Reg 66/2018, effective April 11, 2018.

2010 Moose GOS Zone K of 6-20

 Schedule 9, items BEFORE repealed from list of maps by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

2014 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-25

2016 Elk GOS Zone X of 4-3

 Schedule 9, items "2018 Blanchet Mountain Goat Closed Area", "2018 Chilcotin Mountain Goat Closed Area", "2018 Driftwood Mountain Goat Closed Area", "2018 Mitchell Mountain Goat Closed Area", "2018 Moose GOS Zone A of 6-21", "2018 Moose GOS Zone A of 6-25", "2018 Moose GOS Zone A of 7-21", "2018 Moose GOS Zone B of 7-21", "2018 Moose GOS Zone A of 7-31", "2018 Moose GOS Zone B of 7-31" and "2018 Mountain Goat GOS Zone A of 7-51" were added to list of maps by BC Reg 115/2018, effective July 1, 2018.

 Schedule 9, items "2019 Caribou Zone A of 6-18" and "2019 Caribou Zone A of 7-39 and 7-40" were added to list of maps by BC Reg 43/2019, effective March 6, 2019.