"Point in Time" Regulation Content

Environmental Management Act

Hazardous Waste Regulation

B.C. Reg. 63/88

NOTE: Links below go to regulation content as it was prior to the changes made on the effective date. (PIT covers changes made from September 19, 2009 to "current to" date of the regulation.)
Section 1 July 19, 2016
March 11, 2021
March 30, 2022
August 1, 2023
Section 2 July 19, 2016
Section 6 March 11, 2021
Section 11 August 1, 2023
Section 24.1 July 19, 2016
Part 6 Division 1 August 1, 2023
Section 39.01 August 1, 2023
Part 6 Division 2 Section 39.11 to 39.3 August 1, 2023
Part 6 Division 3 Section 39.31 to 39.4 August 1, 2023
Part Division 4 Section 39.5 August 1, 2023
Part 6 Division 5 Section 39.6 to 39.8 August 1, 2023
Part 6 Division 6 Section 39.9 August 1, 2023
Part 6 Division 7 August 1, 2023
Section 41.1 July 19, 2016
Part 6.1 August 1, 2023
Part 6.1 Division 1 Section 42.11 to 42.14 August 1, 2023
Part 6 Division 2 August 1, 2023
Section 42.2 March 11, 2021
August 1, 2023
Section 42.3 August 1, 2023
March 6, 2024
Section 42.4 August 1, 2023
Section 42.41 August 1, 2023
Section 42.42 February 1, 2024
Section 42.5 August 1, 2023
Section 42.51 August 1, 2023
Section 42.52 August 1, 2023
Section 42.53 August 1, 2023
Section 42.54 August 1, 2023
Part 6.1 Division 3 Section 42.6 August 1, 2023
Part 6.1 Division 4 Section 42.7 to 42.74 August 1, 2023
Part 6.1 Division 5 Section 42.8 to 42.82 August 1, 2023
Part 6.1 Division 6 Section 42.9 August 1, 2023
Section 43 August 1, 2023
Section 43.1 August 1, 2023
Section 43.2 August 1, 2023
Section 44 August 1, 2023
Section 45 March 11, 2021
March 30, 2022
August 1, 2023
Section 46 March 11, 2021
August 1, 2023
Section 48 August 1, 2023
Section 50 August 1, 2023
Section 51 March 6, 2024
Section 52 March 11, 2021
Section 54 March 11, 2021
Schedule 1 November 1, 2017
Schedule 1.1 November 1, 2017
Schedule 5 Form 1 August 1, 2023
March 6, 2024
Schedule 5 Form 2 March 6, 2024
Schedule 5 Form 3 March 6, 2024
Schedule 5 Form 5 March 6, 2024
Schedule 5 Form 6 March 6, 2024

 Section 1 (1) definitions of "contaminated site", "contamination", "ex situ" and "on site media" were added by BC Reg 179/2016, effective July 19, 2016.

 Section 1 (1) definition of "facility" BEFORE amended by BC Reg 179/2016, effective July 19, 2016.

"facility" means any works that are designed to or do handle, store, treat, destroy or dispose of hazardous waste, and includes recycle facilities, storage facilities, treatment facilities, incinerators, thermal treatment facilities, mobile facilities, secure landfills, piles, surface impoundments, land treatment facilities, secure buildings and in situ management facilities, but does not include an historical hazardous waste contaminated site;

 Section 1 (1) definition of "hazardous waste", paragraphs (i.2) and (t) were added by BC Reg 179/2016, effective July 19, 2016.

 Section 1 (1) definitions of "historical hazardous waste contaminated site" and "in situ management facility" BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 179/2016, effective July 19, 2016.

"historical hazardous waste contaminated site" means any land or groundwater which

(a) was contaminated with hazardous waste on or before April 1, 1988, and

(b) is no longer used for any activity which adds new hazardous waste contamination to the land at that location;

"in situ management facility" means a facility used to

(a) prevent or control the movement or release of hazardous waste contaminants, or

(b) treat or destroy hazardous waste contaminants in soil or groundwater

at an historical hazardous waste contaminated site in such a way that the physical location of the hazardous waste contaminants and the soil is not substantially altered;

 Section 1 (3) was added by BC Reg 179/2016, effective July 19, 2016.

 Section 1 (1) definition of "household hazardous waste", paragraph (a) (iii) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 64/2021, effective March 11, 2021.

(iii) a person's use in relation to his or her own residence, and

 Section 1 (1) definition of "storm sewer" BEFORE amended by BC Reg 76/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

"storm sewer" means a manmade drain, ditch or sewer used primarily to carry natural precipitation runoff;

 Section 1 (1) definition of "surface impoundment" or "impoundment", paragraph (b)BEFORE amended by BC Reg 76/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

(b) a man-made excavation or dyked area formed primarily of earthen materials;

 Section 1 (1) definition of "biomedical waste", paragraph (p) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(p) waste described in paragraph (g) after a medical or infection control professional has certified that the waste does not contain a virus or agent listed in Risk Group 2, 3 or 4, as defined in the federal transportation of dangerous goods regulations,

 Section 1 (1) definitions of "consolidation site facility", "e-waste", "e-waste processing facility", "extended producer responsibility plan", "Indigenous nation", "moderate risk waste", "pharmaceutical waste", "producer", "qualified professional", "residential premises", "retailer", "return to retail return collection facility" and "temporary collection event" were added by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 1 (1) definitions of "federal interprovincial movement regulations", "household hazardous waste", "household hazardous waste collection facility" and "mobile household hazardous waste collection facility" BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

"federal interprovincial movement regulations" means the Interprovincial Movement of Hazardous Waste Regulations, SOR/2002-301, as amended from time to time;

"household hazardous waste" means a hazardous waste that

(a) results from any of the following involving anything in a "product category" as defined in the Recycling Regulation, B.C. Reg. 449/2004:

(i) a domestic activity at a residence,

(ii) personal use, or

(iii) a person's use in relation to the person's own residence, and

(b) under a regulation must be accepted at a return collection facility;

"household hazardous waste collection facility" means a permanent place that is operated for the collection and storage of household hazardous waste;

"mobile household hazardous waste collection facility" means a movable or transportable truck or trailer that is operated for the collection and storage of household hazardous waste;

 Section 1 (1) definition of "hazardous waste", paragraphs (i.3) and (i.4) were added by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 1 (1) definition of "hazardous waste", paragraphs (q) (part) and (r) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(q) household hazardous waste that

(r) wood ash, or pulp mill dregs and grit, that would be hazardous waste only because they are classified under the federal dangerous goods regulations as class 8, or

 Section 1 (1) definition of "hazardous waste", paragraph (q) (i) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(i) is removed from a return collection facility in accordance with an authorization from the owner of the return collection facility, and

 Section 1 (1) definition of "return collection facility" BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

"return collection facility" means a household hazardous waste collection facility or a mobile household hazardous waste collection facility;

 Section 1 (4) was added by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 2 (11) and (12) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 179/2016, effective July 19, 2016.

(11) Subject to subsection (12), sections 3, 6 to 13, 25, 28 and 33 do not apply to a facility used to manage hazardous waste from an historical hazardous waste contaminated site if

(a) the facility is located on the historical hazardous waste contaminated site or on other land that the director may approve,

(b) any requirement imposed by the director under subsection (12) is met, and

(c) in the case of an in situ management facility, the person who constructs the facility and the person who operates the facility receive a director's prior approval of the construction or operation.

(12) If a director considers it necessary for the protection of the public or the environment, the director may impose a requirement, in relation to a facility exempted under subsection (11), that the director considers will accomplish the same purpose as a requirement in a provision from which the facility is exempt.

 Section 6 (1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 64/2021, effective March 11, 2021.

(1) The owner of a hazardous waste facility must keep for inspection by an officer an operating record at his or her facility and must record in a written or retrievable electronic form the following information for each hazardous waste received, stored or shipped:

 Section 11 (a) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(a) prepare and maintain in up-to-date readiness a contingency plan, approved by a director, which documents procedures to be followed during emergencies, including

 Section 24.1 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 179/2016, effective July 19, 2016.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to an on-site hazardous waste landfill associated with contaminated site remediation activities.

 Part 6, Division 1 heading was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 39.01 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Part 6, Division 2, sections 39.11 to 39.3 were enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Part 6, Division 3, sections 39.31 to 39.4 were enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Part 6, Division 4, section 39.5 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Part 6, Division 5, sections 39.6 to 39.8 were enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Part 6, Division 6, section 39.9 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Part 6, Division 7 heading was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 41.1 (1) (a) BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 179/2016, effective July 19, 2016.

(a) treatment and storage on the site where the hydrocarbon contaminated soil was generated,

 Part 6.1 heading was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Part 6.1, Division 1, sections 42.11 to 42.14 were enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Part 6, Division 2 heading was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 42.2 (2) (a) and (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 64/2021, effective March 11, 2021.

(a) by an occupant of a residential property from his or her place of residence, or

(b) by a farmer from his or her farm.

 Section 42.2 (1), (2) (part) and (3) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(1) The collection and storage of household hazardous waste at a return collection facility, in accordance with this section and sections 42.3, 42.4 and 50, is authorized.

(2) Section 10 of the Act does not apply if the household hazardous waste is transported directly to the return collection facility

(3) Despite section 48 of this regulation, for the purposes of section 9 (1) of the Act, the maximum amount of all categories of household hazardous waste authorized for storage at any one time under the authority of subsection (1) is 25 000 kg by weight or 25 000 litres by volume.

 Section 42.2 (4), (5) and (6) were added by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 42.3 (1) (a) (ii), (iv) and (v) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(ii) the maximum quantity of each category of household hazardous waste described in Schedule 6 to be stored at the proposed return collection facility;

(iv) the name, address, telephone number and facsimile number of a person available for 24 hour emergency contact;

(v) the proposed commencement date for the collection of household hazardous waste;

 Section 42.3 (1) (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(b) despite section 43 (1), (2) and (3), make a registration report and apply for a registered site number by completing and submitting to a director the information in Form 1 of Schedule 5 or, in the alternative, the information required by a form provided by a director for this purpose;

 Section 42.3 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(2) Every return collection facility must comply with all of the following specifications:

(a) if household hazardous waste is stored in an indoor return collection facility, it must be designed, constructed, operated and maintained in compliance with the Building Regulations of British Columbia and the British Columbia Fire Code Regulation;

(b) it must conform to the land use, building and zoning requirements of the host municipality and regional district in which the return collection facility is located;

(c) it must be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so that the capability of the return collection facility to collect and store household hazardous waste is not adversely affected by the weather;

(d) it must be equipped with a suitable access security system to prevent unauthorized access by persons or by animals;

(e) it must have a sign at each entrance to the return collection facility which identifies it as a return collection facility and specifies

(i) the hours of operation of the return collection facility,

(ii) the categories of hazardous waste, as described in Schedule 6, accepted at the return collection facility and, if applicable, any appropriate safety warnings,

(iii) the name and telephone number of the owner of the return collection facility,

(iv) a 24-hour emergency contact number, and

(v) a prohibition against the depositing of materials outside the return collection facility;

(f) it must have an impervious spill containment system sufficient to hold 110% of the largest volume of free liquid household hazardous waste in any given container or tank;

(g) it must have a suitable controlled forced air ventilation system if household hazardous waste is stored in an indoor household hazardous waste collection facility.

 Section 42.3 (5) was added by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 42.3 (1) (a) (iii) and (iv) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 42/2024, effective March 6, 2024.

(iii) the name, address, telephone number and facsimile number of the owner of the proposed return collection facility;

(iv) the name, address, telephone number and facsimile number of a person available for 24 hour emergency contact;

 Section 42.4 (1), (2), (3), (4) and (6) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(1) The owner of a return collection facility must keep an operating record at the return collection facility, for inspection by an officer, with the following information for each household hazardous waste stored at the return collection facility:

(a) a description of each household hazardous waste including the name and, if applicable, the product identification number, classification and packing group number as described in the federal dangerous goods regulations;

(b) a statement as to whether the household hazardous waste is a solid, liquid or gas or a combination of 2 or more of these;

(c) a record, updated at least weekly, of the quantity, in kilograms or litres, of each household hazardous waste described for the purposes of paragraph (a) in storage at the return collection facility.

(2) The records required under subsection (1) must be kept for a minimum of 2 years after the household hazardous waste has been removed from the return collection facility, and be made available for inspection by an officer.

(3) The owner of a household hazardous waste collection facility where household hazardous waste is stored must do all of the following:

(a) ensure that there is sufficient clearance between containers stored at the household hazardous waste collection facility to permit a visual inspection of the containers for leaks and spills;

(b) make a weekly inspection of the household hazardous waste collection facility for any irregularities including, without limitation, malfunctions, container damage, leaks and spills which may lead to the escape of the household hazardous waste from the household hazardous waste collection facility or may pose a threat to human health or the environment;

(c) maintain at the household hazardous waste collection facility, for inspection by an officer, a record of inspections conducted as required by paragraph (b) showing

(i) any irregularities at the household hazardous waste collection facility and the date the irregularities were discovered, and

(ii) the corrective action taken and the date the action was taken.

(4) The owner of a return collection facility must

(a) prepare and maintain a current contingency plan which documents procedures to be followed during emergencies, and

(b) test the contingency plan required by paragraph (a) if directed by a director, in writing, to conduct such a test.

(6) The owner of a household hazardous waste collection facility must

(a) notify a director at least 90 days in advance of an impending closure of the household hazardous waste collection facility,

(b) prepare a written closure plan and obtain approval of the plan from a director, and

(c) complete the closure of the household hazardous waste collection facility in accordance with the approved closure plan.

 Section 42.4 (5) (a) and (b) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(a) each person employed at the return collection facility is adequately trained in the handling of each specific household hazardous waste handled by that person and accepted at the return collection facility, and

(b) at least one person employed at the return collection facility is adequately trained in the handling of all household hazardous wastes accepted at the return collection facility.

 Section 42.4 (5.1) was added by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 42.41 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 42.42 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective February 1, 2024

 Section 42.5 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 42.51 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 42.52 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 42.53 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 42.54 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Part 6.1, Division 3, section 42.6 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Part 6.1, Division 4, sections 42.7 to 42.74 were enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Part 6.1, Division 5, sections 42.8 to 42.82 were enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Part 6.1, Division 6, section 42.9 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 43 (1) (part) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(1) A person who,

 Section 43 (1.1) was added by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 43.1 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 43.2 was enacted by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 44 (1) (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(a) the person receiving the hazardous waste is an authorized consignee,

 Section 44 (2) (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(a) the person receiving the hazardous waste is an authorized consignee, and

 Section 44 (3) (a) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(a) the person is an authorized consignee, and

 Section 45 (5) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 64/2021, effective March 11, 2021.

(5) Where a holder of a transport licence violates the terms of his or her licence or contravenes the Act or a regulation under the Act, a director may suspend or cancel his or her licence.

 Section 45 (4) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 76/2022, effective March 30, 2022.

(4) A director may, on receipt of an application setting out the information referred to in subsection (3), issue a transport licence with such conditions as he considers necessary for the protection of the environment.

 Section 45 (1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(1) A person must not, after 90 days from the effective date of this regulation, transport by road hazardous waste for which a manifest is required without having a licence issued under this section.

 Section 45 (2) (c) was added by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 46 (2) (c) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 64/2021, effective March 11, 2021.

(c) the hazardous waste is transported by a homeowner or farmer from his or her home or farm directly to a facility operated by the government or, a municipality or an agent of the government or a municipality.

 Section 46 (2) (c) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(c) the hazardous waste is transported by a homeowner or farmer from the person's home or farm directly to a facility operated by the government or, a municipality or an agent of the government or a municipality.

 Section 46 (2) (d) was added by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

 Section 48 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

Storage of hazardous waste

48   Parts 2 and 3 and sections 16, 42.3 (2) and (3) and 42.4 (1) to (6) do not apply to storage facilities storing less than the quantity set out in Column II of Schedule 6.

[en. B.C. Reg. 319/2004, s. 37.]

 Section 50 (5) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(5) A person must not place hazardous waste in an unwashed container that previously held a material which is incompatible with that hazardous waste.

 Section 51 (4) (a) and (c) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 42/2024, effective March 6, 2024.

(a) publish a copy of the application in one or more newspapers specified by the director;

(c) display a copy of the application in one or more branch post offices of Canada Post Corporation.

 Section 52 (2) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 64/2021, effective March 11, 2021.

(2) Part 7 of this regulation does not apply to an officer, as defined in the Act, during the performance of his or her duties where the officer is responding to an accidental spill or abandonment of dangerous goods.

 Section 54 BEFORE repealed by 2003-53-141 (3), effective March 11, 2021.

Transition — hazardous waste storage permits

54   During the period that this provision is in force in accordance with section 141 (3) of the Act, despite the repeal of section 10 of the Waste Management Act, a director may

(a) order that a specific permit issued under that section of the Waste Management Act authorizing the storage, treatment, disposal or recycling of hazardous waste remains valid and in force,

(b) exercise the authority under section 13 of the Waste Management Act in relation to a permit in respect of which the director has made an order under paragraph (a) as if that section had not been repealed, and

(c) cancel an order under paragraph (a).

[en. B.C. Reg. 319/2004, s. 43.]

 Schedule 1 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg 243/2016 (as amended by BC Reg 195/2017), effective November 1, 2017.

Schedule 1

[en. B.C. Reg. 132/92, s. 34.]

Dioxin Toxicity Equivalency Factors

Column 1Column 2


* Toxicity equivalency factor 

 Schedule 1.1 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg 243/2016, effective November 1, 2017.

Schedule 1.1

[en. B.C. Reg. 132/92, s. 34.]

PAH Toxicity Equivalency Factors

Column 1Column 2


* Toxicity equivalency factor 

 Schedule 5, Form 1, under heading C. Hazardous Waste Management Facility, subsection (1) BEFORE amended by BC Reg 170/2023, effective August 1, 2023.

(1) Check the appropriate box below:

Onsite Management Facility [ ]Receiver of Hazardous Waste [ ]
Return Collection Facility (for household hazardous wastes) [ ]

 Schedule 5, Form 1 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg 42/2024, effective March 6, 2024.

Form 1

[en. B.C. Reg. 261/2006, s. 31 (a); am. B.C. Regs. 375/2008, s. 24; 170/2023, App. 1, s. 23.]

[s. 43]

Registration Form


Reason for Submittal:

[ ] To provide an Initial Registration Report

[ ] To provide Subsequent Notification of changes to a registration report for

Generator Registration (BCG) No. / Provincial ID No....................................... Dated..................................................[dd/mm/yyyy]


Registered Site (RS) No................................................... Dated .................................................[dd/mm/yyyy]

If this is Subsequent Notification, please indicate what changes are being reported

[ ] Facility Name Change[ ] Mailing Address Change[ ] Management Company Change
[ ] Adding a Waste Type[ ] Removing a Waste Type 
[ ] Changing Quantity of Previously Registered Waste(s) 
[ ] Other (Describe)  


(1) A person required to register under section 43 (1) or (2) or to give notice under section 43 (4) must complete this form.

(2) Identification numbers are site specific: complete a separate form for each hazardous waste site.

(3) All persons must complete parts A and D. Part B is to be completed for facilities that generate hazardous waste. Part C is to be completed for management facilities. Some generator facilities may also be management facilities, and in that case, parts A, B, C and D must be completed. Note: a generator that temporarily stores hazardous waste before shipping it to a management facility is not considered to be a management facility.

(4) Send original Form 1 to: Regional Manager, Environmental Protection at the applicable regional office. Retain a copy for your records.

(5) Please print or type the required information on the form.

Physical State:L=Liquid; S=Solid; G=Gas; SL=sludge.
Waste Identification:Name of Waste: (a) TDG Regulations classified Hazardous Wastes — enter UN Number, TDG Class and waste name in accordance with TDG Regulations, (b) hazardous wastes not regulated by TDGR: enter "N/A" for UN Number and TDG Class, use defined hazardous waste name.
Generated/30-day period:Estimate of amount generated.
Storage/Capacity:Maximum storage or capacity of the facility (under the regulation for each hazardous waste).
Units:Use metric, litres or kilograms (L or kg).
Handling codes:01 storage; 02 thermal treatment; 03 chemical treatment;
04 physical treatment; 05 biological treatment; 06 secure landfill;
07 recycled; 08 solidification;
09 other, please specify......................................................................;
10 land farming; 11 off site management.


(1) Registered corporate name (as filed with the Registrar of Companies in British Columbia).

Registered Name: ....................................................................................................

Trade Name: .........................................................................................................

Corporate Number issued by Registrar of Companies: .................................................

If the generator/facility owner is a partnership or proprietorship provide the full name of the principal(s).



(2) Corporate address (Full postal mailing address)

Street Address: ......................................................................................................................................

City: ......................................................................... Province: ............................... Postal Code: ...........................

(3) Primary contact information at mailing address (Print Name, Telephone, Fax and email address)

Name: ...................................................................................................................................................

Telephone Number: (.....)......................................... Fax Number: (.....)....................................................

Email: .................................................................................................................................................

(4) Facility/site physical address, PO Box is not acceptable.

Street Address: .....................................................................................................................................

City: ................................................................ Province: ............................................... Postal Code: .................

(5) If no physical address can be provided for the site, complete the location coordinates below.

Latitude: .................... Deg. .............................. Min. ..........................Sec

Longitude: ................. Deg. .............................. Min. ..........................Sec

(6) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC): ...........................................................................

Note:The SIC system was developed to provide a method to define and classify establishments according to their primary activity. Please provide the SIC code that best describes the activities of this facility/site.

(7) Are there any discharges from the facility? YES [ ] NO [ ]

If yes, indicate the nature of the discharge:

[ ] Air Emission[ ] Effluent[ ] Residue (Solids, Sludge, etc.)

Describe the discharge: .................................................................................................

(8) If there are effluent discharges (as indicated above), indicate the receiving site:

Municipal Sewer YES [ ] NO [ ] Storm Sewer/Environment YES [ ] NO [ ]


Note:A generator ordinarily generates and stores hazardous waste onsite and ships the hazardous waste to a management or disposal facility. However, some generator facilities may also be management facilities. If a generator facility is also a management facility, the generator must also complete Part C.

(1) Generator type (Sawmill, Restaurant, Petroleum Refinery, Residence, etc.)


(2) Source / process generating the Hazardous Waste (e.g. maintenance shop)


(3) List the name, address and License to Transport number of the principal intended hazardous waste carrier(s)/transporter(s) for each waste type; attach a separate sheet if necessary




(4) List the name and address of the principal intended receiver(s)/consignee(s) where you intend to ship the hazardous wastes generated for each waste type; attach a separate sheet if necessary




(5) Complete the following table:

 Waste IdentificationQuantity  
Physical StateName of WasteTDG
UN #
/ 30-day
L or kg

(6) Is the mode of generation ongoing, intermittent or one-time only?

[ ] Ongoing[ ] Intermittent[ ] One-time only


(1) Check the appropriate box below:

Onsite Management Facility [ ]Receiver of Hazardous Waste [ ]
Return Collection Facility (for hazardous wastes) [ ]
Return to Retail Collection Facility [ ]
Consolidation Site Facility [ ]

(2) Type of activity (Check all that apply)

[ ] Store[ ] Treat[ ] Recycle[ ] Dispose

(3) Complete the following table:

 Waste IdentificationQuantity  
Physical StateName of WasteTDG
UN #
L or kg


1) I certify that the information provided on this form is correct and complete.

[print company name if applicable]

[print name]

[telephone number]
[fax number]
[date (dd/mm/yy)]

2) If you are acting as an agent of the owner of the waste, please provide the information requested below and generator confirmation that you are acting on their behalf.

[print company name]

[print name]

[telephone number]
[fax number]
[date (dd/mm/yy)]


[print name]


DATE: ..........................................................INITIALS: ....................................................

Generator Registration (BCG) No. / Provincial ID No. .........................................................................

Registered Site (RS) # .........................................................................

 Schedule 5, Form 2 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg 42/2024, effective March 6, 2024.

Form 2

[en. B.C. Reg. 261/2006, s. 31 (b).]

[s. 43]

Province of British ColumbiaApplication for a Licence to Transport
Ministry of EnvironmentHazardous Waste
I/we hereby apply for (check one)File Number:
[ ] a licence to transport hazardous waste within the Province of
British Columbia
66500-20/LT ........................
(office use only)
[ ] a revision of a licence (number LT ...............) 
[ ] a renewal of a licence (number LT ................) 
PO Box or StreetCityProv/StateCountryPostal Code
Phone Number:Fax Number:Cell Number:
Email Address:
NSC Number:Date:
Certificate of Registration under
B.C. Business Corporations Act

(Please attach copy of certificate:)
This undertaking relates to the transportation of the following wastes:
by vehicles dispatched from an operation located at:
AddressPO Box or StreetCityProv/StateCountryPostal Code
[If more than one address, attach list of all dispatch addresses]


Province of British ColumbiaApplication for a Licence to Transport
Ministry of EnvironmentHazardous Waste
 1. If 10 or fewer vehicles/trailers are used for transporting hazardous waste,
copies of the registration and insurance documents are required to be submitted to
this office. (A minimum $5 million third party legal liability is required for each vehicle/trailer) or
2. If 11 or more vehicles/trailers are used to transport hazardous waste, a completed and
dated fleet list may be used. In addition, a current Certificate of Insurance/letter from the
insurance company must be attached indicating a minimum $5 million third party legal liability
for all vehicles/trailers noted on the fleet list.
 FLEET LIST - ....................................................................
Vehicle MakeLicence
Plate No
or State
Net Load

(kg or L)
Load Type
(i.e. bags, bulk,
barrels, roll off,
tank, etc.)
Coverage $
[Attach a separate sheet for additional vehicles/trailers operating under this licence]

Province of British ColumbiaApplication for a Licence to Transport
Ministry of EnvironmentHazardous Waste
Liability Insurance provided by ..................................................... is carried
by the applicant on each vehicle.
(Print Name),
certify that I am aware of the requirements of the Hazardous Waste Regulation
as related to the transportation of hazardous waste.

Print name of applicant
Signature of applicant
Date of Application
Telephone Number
Fax Number

 Schedule 5, Form 3 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg 42/2024, effective March 6, 2024.

Form 3 (s. 47)

[en. B.C. Reg. 132/92, s. 37; am. B.C. Reg. 109/2002, s. 1.]


Instructions: The Carrier shall (a) complete this form;

(b) keep this form with the manifest;

(c) when the shipment has been completed:
Attach Copy A to Copy 1 of Manifest and mail to the appropriate authority in the jurisdiction where consignor is located
Attach Copy B to Copy 2 of Manifest and retain
Attach Copy C to Copy 5 of Manifest and deliver to consignee

Collection Point Information: Waste Name: .............................. Reference Manifest No.: ..............................
 TDG Classification ..............................
 TDG Product Identification No. (PIN) ..............................
NameAddressCityPostal CodeTelephoneConsignor
kg or L
kg or L

Carrier's Name (Please Print): .......................................... Vehicle Licence Plate No. ..............................

Date:.............................(Y/M/D) Driver's Name: ..............................(Please Print)

Driver's Signature ...........................................

 Schedule 5, Form 5 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg 42/2024, effective March 6, 2024.

Form 5 (s. 47.1)

[en. B.C. Reg. 132/92, s. 37; am. B.C. Regs. 109/2002, s. 1; 319/2004, s. 2.]



This form can only be used as an attachment to a HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST under the following conditions:

(a) There is only one Consignor (Generator) and only one Consignee (Receiver) for the shipment described on the referenced manifest.

(b) There are no additions to or deletions of waste from the consignment after the shipment leaves the consignor's site.

(c) This form must be attached to the Reference Manifest and must be in the vehicle when the shipment is being transported.

CONSIGNOR: ...................................... Reference Manifest No.: ....................

Carrier NameCarrier
Vehicle Registration
(Lic. Plate No.)
Date CarriedShipping LocationsCarrier

I certify the above shipments have been made in compliance with all hazardous waste regulations.

Consignor Contact Name (Please Print)SignatureTelephone No.FAX No.Date (Y/M/D)

INSTRUCTIONS: When the shipment has been completed the Consignee (Receiver):

Attaches Copy A to Copy 3 of Manifest and mails to the appropriate authority in the jurisdiction where Consignee is located.

Attaches copies of Copy B to copies of Copy 4 of Manifest and returns to each Carrier.

Attaches Copy C to Copy 5 of Manifest and retains for 2 years.

Attaches Copy D to Copy 6 of Manifest and mails to Consignor.

 Schedule 5, Form 6 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg 42/2024, effective March 6, 2024.

Form 6 (s. 47.2)

[en. B.C. Reg. 132/92, s. 37; am. B.C. Regs. 109/2002, s. 1; 319/2004, s. 2.]



This form can only be used as an attachment to a HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST under the following conditions:

(a) There is only one Consignor (Generator) and only one Consignee (Receiver) for all of the waste listed on the referenced manifest and on this form.

(b) There are no additions to or deletions of waste from the consignment after the shipment leaves the consignor's site.

(c) The form must be attached to the Reference Manifest and must be in the vehicle when the shipment is being transported.

CONSIGNOR: ...................................... Reference Manifest No.: ....................

Physical State
Shipping Name of WasteWaste Identification
Qty ShippedUnits
L or Kg
ClassificationPacking groupPackagingQty Rec'dUnits
L or Kg
Identify any Shipment Discrepancy Problems. Attach Addendum if NecessaryHandling CodeDecontamination

I certify the above shipments have been made in compliance with all hazardous waste regulations.

Consignor Contact Name (Please Print)SignatureTelephone No.FAX No.Date (Y/M/D)

INSTRUCTIONS: When the shipment has been completed the Consignee (Receiver):

Attaches Copy A to Copy 3 of Manifest and mails to the appropriate authority in the jurisdiction where Consignee is located.

Attaches copies of Copy B to copies of Copy 4 of Manifest and returns to each Carrier.

Attaches Copy C to Copy 5 of Manifest and retains for 2 years.

Attaches Copy D to Copy 6 of Manifest and mails to Consignor.