"Point in Time" Regulation Content

Emergency Health Services Act

Emergency Health Services Regulation

B.C. Reg. 471/74

NOTE: Links below go to regulation content as it was prior to the changes made on the effective date. (PIT covers changes made from September 19, 2009 to "current to" date of the regulation.)
Title July 1, 2010
April 1, 2013
Section 1 April 1, 2013
Section 2 July 1, 2010
Section 3 April 1, 2013
Section 5 July 1, 2010
Section 6 July 1, 2010
April 1, 2013
Schedule 1 July 1, 2010
January 1, 2020
April 1, 2020
Schedule 2 July 1, 2010

 Regulation title BEFORE amended by BC Reg 191/2010, effective July 1, 2010.

Health Emergency Regulation

 Regulation title BEFORE amended by BC Reg 144/2013, effective April 1, 2013.

Emergency and Health Services Regulation

 Section 1 BEFORE re-enacted by BC Reg 144/2013, effective April 1, 2013.

 Who will pay cost of service?

1  Subject to section 2, the cost of providing ambulance service to residents in the Province of British Columbia will be assumed by the commission commencing July 1, 1974 and those persons providing ambulance service authorized by the commission will be reimbursed by the commission in a manner prescribed and approved by the commission.

 Section 2 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 191/2010, effective July 1, 2010.

 Fees for ambulance services

2  The fee for a service set out in Column 1 of the Fee Schedule to this regulation is set out to the right of that service in Column 2 of the Fee Schedule.

[en. B.C. Reg. 113/97, s. (a).]

 Section 3 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 144/2013, effective April 1, 2013.

 Commission may require contribution from others

3  This does not preclude the commission from requiring contribution from insurers or other agencies that may have the responsibility at present for paying for ambulance service.

 Section 5 was enacted by BC Reg 191/2010, effective July 1, 2010.

 Section 6 was enacted by BC Reg 191/2010, effective July 1, 2010.

 Section 6 BEFORE repealed by BC Reg 145/2013, effective April 1, 2013.

 EMA board member

6  For the purpose of section 6 of the Emergency and Health Services Act, the emergency medical assistant to be appointed to the board must be selected by the bargaining agent, as defined in section 1 of the Labour Relations Code, for emergency medical assistants.

[en. B.C. Reg. 191/2010, App. s. 3.]

 Schedule 1, title before amended by BC Reg 191/2010, effective July 1, 2010.

Fee Schedule

 Schedule 1, table item 9 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 180/2019, effective January 1, 2020.

9For the transportation of a person who, on the date of transport, is receiving
   (a) premium assistance under the Medical and Health Care Services Regulation, B.C. Reg. 426/97,
   (b) income assistance or hardship assistance under the Employment and Assistance Act, or
   (c) disability assistance or hardship assistance under the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act
No charge

 Schedule 1, table items 2, 4, 6 and 7 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 58/2020, effective April 1, 2020.

2For the transportation of an employee who requires an emergency health service if an employer is required, pursuant to an enactment, to provide emergency health services$530 for each ground call; $2 746 per hour for each call by helicopter; $7 per statute mile for each call by fixed wing aircraft
4For transportation of a person in any circumstances other than those described in item 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 and other than the inter-hospital transfer of a beneficiary$530 for each ground call; $2 746 per hour for each call by helicopter; $7 per statute mile for each call by fixed wing aircraft
6For the hiring of an ambulance and its attendants to stand by at a location and be available in case a medical emergency occurs$160 per hour (minimum 3 hours) that the ambulance and attendants remain at the location and $2.20 per km travelled to and from the ambulance station
7For the hiring of emergency medical assistants without an ambulance present to stand by in case a medical emergency occurs$92 per hour (minimum 3 hours) plus the applicable rate if ambulance transportation is required

 Schedule 2 was enacted by BC Reg 191/2010, effective July 1, 2010.