B.C. Reg. 338/82
O.C. 1489/82
Filed July 30, 1982
effective August 1, 1982
This consolidation is current to March 18, 2025.
Link to consolidated regulation (PDF)
Link to Point in Time

Wildlife Act

Wildlife Act Commercial
Activities Regulation

[Last amended June 25, 2024 by B.C. Reg. 161/2024]

Division 1 — Guides
1.01.01Age requirement for guides
1.01.1Public liability insurance
1.04Guide outfitter licence with quota
1.041Guide outfitter licence term and condition
1.05.1Delivery of guide report
Schedule 1.06
1.10Guide outfitter licence fees
Schedule 1.10
1.16Qualifications of assistant guides
1.17Written authorizations
1.18Issuing new written authorizations
1.19Age requirement for assistant guides
Division 2 — Fur Traders, Taxidermists and Tanners
2.01Records to be kept
2.01.1Reports relating to grizzly bears
2.02Fees and surcharges
Schedule 2.02
2.04Term of annual licence
2.04.1Term of five year trapping licence
2.06Licensed fur trader to make return
Schedule 2.06
2.07Lynx pelt measurements to be submitted
2.08Bear parts prohibitions — general
2.09Trafficking prohibited
Division 3 — Trapping and Traplines
Schedule 3.04
3.05Examination of traplines
3.06Trapping near a dwelling
3.07Open seasons
Schedule 3.07
3.08Open seasons
Schedule 3.08
Schedule 3.08.1
3.09Fur royalty
Schedule 3.09
3.10Trapper education course
3.11Exemption re helicopter use
3.12.1Exemption re carcasses from motor vehicle collisions
3.12.2Exemption — bait for traplines
Schedule 3.12.2
3.14Abandonment of trapline
3.15Use of trapline
3.16Compulsory inspection and reporting
3.16.1Compulsory report of fur bearing animals killed
3.17Trapping on private property
3.18Registration of trapline
3.19Trapline registration transfer fee
3.20Quotas and bag limits
3.21Use of nails or spikes
Division 4
Division 5 — Transporters
5.02Transporter licence
5.03Eligibility for transporter licence
5.04Transporter licence conditions
5.05Transporter licence fees
Schedule 5.05
5.05.1Transporter licence reporting requirement
5.06Non-renewal of licence: non-use of area
Appendix 1
Appendix 2

Division 1 — Guides


1.01   In this Division:

"permanent identification number" means a unique number assigned under the authority of the director to a person who passes an assistant guide examination approved or established by the director;

"written authorization" means an authorization issued by a guide outfitter to an assistant guide.

[en. B.C. Reg. 18/2015, Sch. 1, s. 1 (b).]

Age requirement for guides

1.01.01   For the purposes of section 51 (1) (a) (iii) of the Wildlife Act, a regional manager may not issue a guide outfitter licence to a person unless the person is 19 years of age or older.

[en. B.C. Reg. 1/2019, Sch. 4, s. 1.]

Public liability insurance

1.01.1   (1) For the purposes of section 51 (1) (a) (ii) of the Wildlife Act, a regional manager may issue a guide outfitter licence to a person if the person has public liability insurance as follows:

(a) the amount of the insurance must be at least $2 million;

(b) the insurance must be applicable to the guide outfitter's guiding business;

(c) the insurance must cover the guiding activities of each assistant guide employed by the guide outfitter as permitted under section 48 (1.1) of the Wildlife Act.

(2) A guide outfitter must continue to have public liability insurance as described in subsection (1) while the guide outfitter is licensed.

[en. B.C. Reg. 1/2019, Sch. 4, s. 2.]


1.02   Where a guide outfitter guides, the guide outfitter commits an offence unless, at the time the guide outfitter

(a) guides, or

(b) employs an assistant guide to guide on the guide outfitter's behalf,

the guide outfitter is insured under a policy of public liability insurance as described in section 1.01.1.

[am. B.C. Regs. 217/2000, s. 1; 18/2015, Sch. 1, s. 2; 74/2017, App. 5, s. 2.]


1.03   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 125/90, s. 2 (b).]

Guide outfitter licence with quota

1.04   Where a regional manager issues a guide outfitter licence which attaches a quota as a condition of licence, the regional manager may specify

(a) species of game and their age, sex, horn or antler classification, and numbers of each class or classification of game that may be harvested,

(b) the area or areas within which the harvest may occur,

(c) the time period within which the game may be harvested, or

(d) the number of hunters or a class of hunters that may hunt a species in a defined time and area.

[am. B.C. Reg. 74/2017, App. 5, s. 3.]

Guide outfitter licence term and condition

1.041   (1) It is a term and condition of every guide outfitter licence that the holder must not block or damage a road, trail, airstrip or watercourse or other real or personal property while providing services under a guide outfitter licence.

(2) Without limiting section 16.01 (i) of the Wildlife Act General Regulation, a holder of a guide outfitter licence who contravenes the term and condition referred to in subsection (1) of this section commits an offence.

(3) An offence under subsection (2) of this section is prescribed as an offence for the purposes of section 84 (1) (b) (ii) of the Wildlife Act.

[en. B.C. Reg. 25/2005, s. 4; am. B.C. Reg. 1/2019, Sch. 4, s. 3.]


1.05   (1) A guide outfitter or assistant guide commits an offence if, while guiding for big game, the guide outfitter or assistant guide

(a) guides more than 2 hunters at one time, or

(b) fails to accompany a hunter the guide outfitter or assistant guide is guiding.

(2) A guide outfitter commits an offence if the guide outfitter

(a) guides a hunter outside the guide outfitter's guiding area, or

(b) allows an assistant guide employed by the guide outfitter to guide a hunter outside the guide outfitter's guiding area.

(3) An assistant guide employed by a guide outfitter commits an offence if the assistant guide guides a hunter outside the guide outfitter's guiding area.

(4) An offence under subsection (2) or (3) of this section is prescribed as an offence for the purposes of section 84 (1) (b) (ii) of the Wildlife Act.

[en. B.C. Reg. 18/2015, Sch. 1, s. 3; am. B.C. Regs. 1/2019, Sch. 4, s. 4; 64/2021, s. 2.]

Delivery of guide report

1.05.1   (0.1) In this section, "guide report" means a guide report referred to in section 55 (1) of the Wildlife Act.

(1) A guide outfitter must do one of the following within 30 days after a hunt is concluded:

(a) submit to the regional manager the original of the completed guide report that relates to the hunt;

(b) submit to the regional manager, in the form and manner specified by the director, the information in the completed guide report that relates to the hunt.

(2) A guide outfitter who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 67/2012, s. (b); am. B.C. Regs. 230/2019, Sch. 3; 112/2021, App. 4, s. 1.]


1.06   (1) For the purpose of section 69 of the Wildlife Act, royalties shall be submitted to a regional manager, not later than March 31 of the year following the calendar year in which the animals were taken, in the amount provided in Schedule 1.06.

(2) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 166/2001, s. 5.]

(3) A guide outfitter is exempt from the application of section 69 of the Wildlife Act in relation to animals taken on or after April 1, 2005 by a resident guided by or on behalf of the guide outfitter.

[en. B.C. Reg. 165/91, App. 1, s. 1; am. B.C. Regs. 23/2001, s. 5; 166/2001, s. 5; 72/2005.]

Schedule 1.06

[en. B.C. Reg. 36/2004, s. 1; am. B.C. Reg. 52/2018, Sch. 4, s. 1.]


(1)on a mountain sheep$   250.00
[B.C. Reg. 52/2018, Sch. 4, s. 1.]   
(3)on a mountain goat150.00
(4)on a moose125.00
(5)on an elk125.00
(6)on a caribou125.00
(7)on a cougar125.00
(8)on a black bear75.00
(9)on a deer50.00
(10)on a wolf50.00


1.07   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 125/90, s. 2 (b).]


1.08   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 72/97, s. (b).]


1.09   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 125/90, s. 2 (b).]

Guide outfitter licence fees

1.10   (1) The guide outfitter licence fee payable for a guide outfitter licence issued for a term

(a) up to and including 12 months is set out in Schedule 1.10 (1), and

(b) greater than 12 months is set out in Schedule 1.10 (1.1).

(2) The guide outfitter licence fee described in subsection (1) must be paid on or before the first day of the term of the guide outfitter licence.

(3) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 11, s. 1 (a).]

[en. B.C. Reg. 100/2014, s. 2; am. B.C. Regs. 18/2015, Sch. 1, s. 4; 127/2017, App. 11, s. 1 (a).]

Schedule 1.10

[en. B.C. Reg. 36/2004, s. 2; am. B.C. Regs. 100/2014, s. 3; 18/2015, Sch. 1, s. 5; 115/2015, s. (e); 127/2017, App. 11, s. 1 (b).]

Guide Licence Fees and Surcharges

(1)guide outfitter licence — term up to and including 12 months   $   450.00$   50.00
(1.1)guide outfitter licence — term greater than 12 months1 750.00250.00
(2)Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 18/2015, Sch. 1, s. 5 (a).]  
(3)guide outfitter licence application fee25.00
(4) and (5) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 115/2015, s. (e).]
(6)Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 11, s. 1 (b).]
(7)Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 18/2015, Sch. 1, s. 5 (a).]  
(8)Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 127/2017, App. 11, s. 1 (b).]


1.11   An applicant for a guide outfitter licence commits an offence if the applicant

(a) fails to pay

(i) the guide outfitter licence fee in accordance with section 1.10 (2),

(ii) the surcharge in accordance with section 1.14 (2), or

(iii) both the fee and surcharge referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii), and

(b) guides, or employs an assistant guide to guide on the applicant's behalf.

[en. B.C. Reg. 100/2014, s. 4.]


1.12   (1) An applicant for a guide outfitter licence who has not previously held a guide outfitter licence must, at the time the applicant submits the application to the regional manager, pay the fee set out in Schedule 1.10 (3).

(2)-(3) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 115/2015, s. (e).]

[en. B.C. Reg. 100/2014, s. 4; am. B.C. Reg. 115/2015, s. (e).]


1.13   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 125/90, s. 2 (b).]


1.14   (1) The surcharge payable for a guide outfitter licence issued for a term

(a) up to and including 12 months is set out in Schedule 1.10 (1), and

(b) greater than 12 months is set out in Schedule 1.10 (1.1).

(2) The surcharge described in subsection (1) must be paid on or before the first day of the term of the guide outfitter licence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 100/2014, s. 4.]


1.15   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 444/88.]

Qualifications of assistant guides

1.16   For the purposes of section 48 (1.1) (a) and (2.1) (a) of the Wildlife Act, the prescribed qualifications for a person to guide for game as an assistant guide are as follows:

(a) the person passes an assistant guide examination approved or established by the director;

(b) the person pays any fees approved by the director for the examination;

(c) the person may lawfully work in British Columbia as an assistant guide.

[en. B.C. Reg. 18/2015, Sch. 1, s. 6; am. B.C. Regs. 107/2017; 112/2021, App. 4, s. 1.]

Written authorizations

1.17   For the purposes of section 48 (1.2) of the Wildlife Act, the written authorization that a guide outfitter issues to an assistant guide must be legible and contain the following information:

(a) the name, birth date and permanent address of the assistant guide;

(b) the permanent identification number of the assistant guide;

(c) the name of the guide outfitter;

(d) the number of the guide outfitter's licence;

(e) the date the written authorization is issued;

(f) the date the term of the guide outfitter's licence ends;

(g) the statement: "(name of assistant guide) has been hired as an assistant guide.";

(h) any restrictions on the assistant guide when guiding for game on behalf of the guide outfitter contained in the contract between the guide outfitter and the assistant guide, such as restrictions relating to seasons, areas or species;

(i) a signed statement by the guide outfitter that, to the best of the guide outfitter's knowledge, the information contained in the written authorization is true, accurate and complete.

[en. B.C. Reg. 18/2015, Sch. 1, s. 6; am. B.C. Reg. 112/2021, App. 4, s. 1.]

Issuing new written authorizations

1.18   For the purposes of section 48 (1.2) (b) of the Wildlife Act, the prescribed circumstances are as follows:

(a) the original written authorization is lost or destroyed;

(b) the information referred to in section 1.17 (a), (c), (d), (f) or (h) changes.

[en. B.C. Reg. 18/2015, Sch. 1, s. 6; am. B.C. Reg. 112/2021, App. 4, s. 1.]

Age requirement for assistant guides

1.19   For the purposes of section 48 (2.1) (h) of the Wildlife Act, the prescribed requirement that a person must meet to guide for game as an assistant guide is that the person must be 18 years of age or older.

[en. B.C. Reg. 18/2015, Sch. 1, s. 6; am. B.C. Reg. 112/2021, App. 4, s. 1.]


1.20   (1) For the purposes of section 48 (1.3) (a) of the Wildlife Act, the required records are a copy of every written authorization the guide outfitter issues.

(2) For the purposes of section 48 (1.3) (b) of the Wildlife Act, a copy of a written authorization must be kept for a period of 7 years from the date the authorization is issued.

[en. B.C. Reg. 18/2015, Sch. 1, s. 6; am. B.C. Reg. 112/2021, App. 4, s. 1.]

Division 2 — Fur Traders, Taxidermists and Tanners

Records to be kept

2.01   (0.1) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 52/2018, Sch. 4, s. 2 (a).]

(1) For the purpose of section 71 of the Wildlife Act, a taxidermist, tanner, licensed fur trader, meatcutter or an operator of a cold storage plant must, immediately upon receiving wildlife or wildlife parts, record what was received, whether directly or through an agent, describing

(a) the total number of wildlife or parts of them of each species acquired,

(b) the date of receipt of the wildlife or parts of them,

(c) the name and address of the person from whom wildlife or parts of them were acquired, and

(d) the legal authority that the person claims to have to possess the wildlife or parts of them.

(1.1) For the purpose of section 71 of the Wildlife Act, in addition to the requirements of subsection (1) of this section, a meatcutter or an operator of a cold storage plant must, immediately upon receiving the wildlife or wildlife parts referred to in that subsection, record

(a) the species and sex of the wildlife or wildlife parts, and

(b) the Management Unit from which the wildlife or wildlife parts were taken.

(2) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 52/2018, Sch. 4, s. 2 (a).]

[en. B.C. Reg. 186/90, s. 1; am. B.C. Regs. 254/92, s. 1; 197/99, s. 2; 130/2016, App. 3, s. 1; 127/2017, App. 7, s. 1; 52/2018, Sch. 4, s. 2.]

Reports relating to grizzly bears

2.01.1   (1) A taxidermist or tanner who receives a grizzly bear or a part of a grizzly bear must submit a report to the director within 10 days after receipt of the bear or part.

(2) A report under subsection (1) must include

(a) the information set out in section 2.01 (1) (a) to (d), and

(b) if the bear or part is acquired from an individual, the address of the primary residence of the individual.

(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 52/2018, Sch. 4, s. 3.]

Fees and surcharges

2.02   (1) The fees and surcharges payable for a trapping licence or fur trader's licence shall be those in Schedule 2.02.

(2) A duplicate copy of a licence may be issued if the holder of the licence

(a) completes a statement of loss in the form specified by the director, and

(b) pays the fee set out in Schedule 2.02.

[am. B.C. Regs. 217/2000, s. 4 (a) and (b); 36/2004, s. 3.]

Schedule 2.02

[en. B.C. Reg. 36/2004, s. 4; am. B.C. Reg. 238/2007.]

 Fee $Surcharge $
(1)for an annual trapping licence32.008.00
(1.1)for a five year trapping licence160.0040.00
(2)for a fur trader's licence90.0010.00
(3)for a fur trader to trade from a place of business in another Province   400.00
(4)for a duplicate trapping licence10.00
(5)for a duplicate fur trader's licence10.00


2.03   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 238/2007, s. (b).]

Term of annual licence

2.04   An annual trapping licence, fur trader's licence or fur trader's (transient) licence is valid from and including the later of

(a) July 1 of the year in which it is issued, or

(b) the date on which it is issued

to the following June 30.

[en. B.C. Reg. 238/2007, s. (c).]

Term of five year trapping licence

2.04.1   A five year trapping licence is valid from and including the later of

(a) July 1 of the year in which it is issued, or

(b) the date on which it is issued

to June 30 of the year 5 years after the year in which the licence was issued.

[en. B.C. Reg. 238/2007, s. (d).]


2.05   Where a person possesses more than one current trapping licence, the person commits an offence.

[am. B.C. Reg. 74/2017, App. 5, s. 4.]

Licensed fur trader to make return

2.06   (1) For the purpose of section 71 (2) (b) of the Wildlife Act, a licensed fur trader must, for each calendar month, make a full and complete return on the form contained in Schedule 2.06 of all wildlife or wildlife parts that have been received during that calendar month for processing, manufacturing, curing, selling or trading.

(2) A return under this section must be submitted within 30 days after the last day of the month to which the report relates.

(3) A person who contravenes this section commits an offence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 273/84, s. 1; am. B.C. Regs. 254/92, s. 2; 112/2021, App. 4, s. 1.]

Schedule 2.06

[en. B.C. Reg. 165/91, App. 1, s. 2.]

Lynx pelt measurements to be submitted

2.07   (1) A licensed fur trader shall measure each lynx pelt that the licensed fur trader acquires and shall submit all measurements taken as specified on the form and in the manner authorized by the director.

(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 191/87, s. 1; am. B.C. Regs. 74/2017, App. 5, s. 5; 64/2021, s. 2.]

Bear parts prohibitions — general

2.08   (1) A person commits an offence by possessing any of the following parts of a bear:

(a) a gall bladder or bile;

(b) male genitalia separated from the carcass and the hide.

(2) Despite subsection (1), a person who possesses a gall bladder or bile of a bear does not commit an offence under subsection (1) (a) if

(a) the gall bladder is attached to the carcass,

(b) the bile has not been extracted from the gall bladder, and

(c) the person killed the bear no more than 48 hours previously and has not yet gutted the bear.

(2.1) An offence under subsection (1) of this section is prescribed as an offence for the purposes of section 84 (1) (b) (ii) of the Wildlife Act.

(3) A person commits an offence by trafficking in any of the following parts of a bear:

(a) a gall bladder or bile;

(b) male genitalia separated from the carcass and the hide;

(c) a paw separated from the carcass and the hide.

(4) An offence under subsection (3) of this section is prescribed as an offence for the purposes of section 84 (1) (a) (ii) of the Wildlife Act.

[en. B.C. Reg. 52/2018, Sch. 4, s. 4; am. B.C. Reg. 1/2019, Sch. 4, s. 5.]

Trafficking prohibited

2.09   (1) A person commits an offence by trafficking in dead wildlife or a part of wildlife.

(1.1) An offence under this section is prescribed as an offence for the purposes of section 84 (1) (b) (ii) of the Wildlife Act.

(2) Despite subsection (1), a person does not commit an offence if the dead wildlife or part of wildlife was disposed of under section 46 of the Financial Administration Act.

(3) Despite subsection (1), a person does not commit an offence if the dead wildlife or part of wildlife was killed lawfully

(a) in British Columbia during an open season under, and in compliance with, the Wildlife Act and regulations under that Act, or

(b) outside of British Columbia and was subsequently brought into British Columbia in a lawful manner.

(4) Subsection (1) does not apply to

(a) trafficking in cast antlers,

(b) wildlife lawfully kept or held under the Game Farm Regulation, B.C. Reg. 5/2015, or the Fur Farm Regulation, B.C. Reg. 8/2015,

(c) dead wildlife or part of wildlife that has been processed or manufactured into a product that no longer resembles the original dead wildlife or part of wildlife, or

(d) dead wildlife or a part of wildlife respecting which a permit has been issued under section 2 (p), (x) or (y) of the Permit Regulation, B.C. Reg. 253/2000, if the person who has the right of property or possession in the wildlife or part retains the permit as evidence of that right.

(5) Nothing in this section exempts a person from section 22 of the Wildlife Act or section 2.08.

(6) The burden of proving an entitlement under subsection (2) or (3) is on the person claiming the exemption.

[en. B.C. Reg. 197/99, s. 4; am. B.C. Regs. 217/2000, s. 5; 253/2000, s. (f); 5/2015, s. (e); 8/2015, s. (e); 1/2019, Sch. 4, s. 6; 112/2021, App. 4, s. 2.]


2.10   A person is exempt from section 73 (1) of the Wildlife Act if the person's activity as a furtrader is confined to selling pelts taken by the person as

(a) the holder of a hunting licence, or

(b) a person exempted from holding a hunting licence

to the holder of a fur trader's licence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 217/2000, s. 6; am. B.C. Reg. 64/2021, s. 3.]

Division 3 — Trapping and Traplines


3.01   In this Division:

"bait" means anything, including meat, cereal, cultivated crops, a restrained animal or any manufactured product or material, that may attract wildlife, but does not include a decoy;

"compound crossbow" means a crossbow on which the bow string passes through a series of pulleys;

"egg trap" means a holding device set in a manner designed to capture a raccoon by a front paw;

"foot snare" means a snare that is set in a manner designed to capture an animal by the foot or leg;

"foot-hold trap" means a trap or device, other than a snare, that is set in a manner designed to capture the animal for which it is set by the foot or leg;

"killing snare" means a snare that is set in a manner designed to capture an animal by the neck;

"killing trap" means a trap or trapset that is designed to kill an animal;

"management unit" or "M.U." means an area designated as a management unit by B.C. Reg. 64/96, the Management Unit Regulation;

"modified foot-hold trap" means a trap that has

(a) a minimum space of 5 mm between the jaws of the trap when in a closed position,

(b) manufactured pads of a rubber-like substance fastened to the trap jaws, or

(c) lamination of the trap jaws to increase the surface area of the jaw face;

"Region 1" means the area within M.U.s 1-1 to 1-15;

"Region 2" means the area within M.U.s 2-1 to 2-19;

"Region 3" means the area within M.U.s 3-12 to 3-20 and 3-26 to 3-46;

"Region 4" means the area within M.U.s 4-1 to 4-9 and 4-14 to 4-40;

"Region 5" means the area within M.U.s 5-1 to 5-15;

"Region 6" means the area within M.U.s 6-1 to 6-30;

"Region 7" means the area within M.U.s 7-1 to 7-58;

"Region 8" means the area within M.U.s 8-1 to 8-15 and 8-21 to 8-26;

"trapping" means the act of setting or placing a trap in an operative condition or killing by the use of a firearm.

[en. B.C. Reg. 454/82; am. B.C. Regs. 273/84, s. 2, 295/85, s. 1; 247/86, s. 1; 191/87, s. 2; 205/88, s. 1; 175/89, s. 1; 186/90, s. 3; 254/92, s. 3; 192/96, s. 1; 197/99, s. 5; 169/2001, s. 1; 169/2020, App. 6, s. 1.]


3.02   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 168/90, s. 3.]


3.03   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 295/85, s. 2.]


3.04   (1) A person commits an offence where the person

(a) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 197/99, s. 6 (a).]

(a.1) uses a solidly fastened foot-hold trap designed to trap wolves if there is more than 60 cm of chain connecting the trap to the place where it is fastened,

(a.2) uses a trap to trap wolves from April 1 to October 14 in Region 4 or in any of M.U.s 3-12, 3-13, 3-17 to 3-20, 3-26 to 3-33, 3-35 to 3-42, 5-1 to 5-6 and 5-12 to 5-14, other than a trap

(i) described in Column 3 of Schedule 3.04, and

(ii) for trapping wolf as listed in Column 1 of Schedule 3.04,

(a.3) uses a killing snare to trap wolves in Region 4 from April 1 to November 30,

(b) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 153/83, s. (f).]

(c) traps beaver, otter, mink or muskrat on land by means of a foot-hold trap, unless the trap is equipped with a submerging device,

(d) uses foot-hold traps that have teeth or other projections on the jaws of the traps,

(e) uses a killing snare on land, unless the snare is

(i) equipped with a locking device,

(ii) designed to catch squirrels or species of the family Leporidae, or

(iii) a mechanically powered killing snare,

(f) traps a wolverine, skunk or squirrel, except by means of a killing trap, killing snare or live box trap,

(g) sets spring poles or running poles unless they are equipped with a killing trap,

(g.1) sets a killing snare to trap wolves or coyotes, in Region 5, within 10 m of any bait placed by the person,

(h) uses a trap equipped with a spearing device,

(i) traps a black bear

(i) except by the use of a rifle, shotgun or bow,

(ii) with a crossbow (except a compound crossbow) having a pull of less than 68 kg,

(iii) with a compound crossbow having a pull of less than 45 kg at full draw,

(iv) with a crossbow having a bolt weighing less than 16.2 g,

(v) with a bow having a pull of less than 18 kg within the archer's draw length, or

(vi) with a bow using an arrow with a broadhead less than 2.2 cm at the widest point,

(j) traps a fox or coyote, except by means of a killing trap, killing snare, modified foot-hold trap, live box trap or foot snare,

(j.1) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 115/2018, App. 5, s. 1 (c).]

(j.2) traps a bobcat except by means of a killing snare or live box trap or by means of a trap

(i) described in Column 3 of Schedule 3.04, and

(ii) for trapping bobcat as listed in Column 1 of Schedule 3.04,

(j.3) traps a wolf except by means of a killing snare, killing trap or live box trap or by means of a restraining trap

(i) described in Column 3 of Schedule 3.04, and

(ii) for trapping wolf as listed in Column 1 of Schedule 3.04,

(k) uses a snare made of wire heavier than 20 gauge unless licensed or authorized to trap,

(l) uses a snare made of braided wire, unless licensed or authorized to trap,

(m) uses any Conibear trap larger than #220 for land animal sets within any municipality,

(n) traps on private property without the written permission of the owner,

(o) uses a foot-hold trap that is smaller than size No. 1 1/2 or the equivalent for the purpose of trapping muskrats, unless the trap is modified with a minimum weight of 150 grams (5.25 oz.) applied in such a manner as to remain attached to the trap during the course of normal use,

(p) traps a fur bearing animal and if the animal is alive when the person checks the trap, the person does not immediately release or kill the animal,

(q) traps a raccoon except by means of a killing snare, live box trap or egg trap, or by means of a trap

(i) described in Column 3 of Schedule 3.04, and

(ii) for trapping raccoon as listed in Column 1 of Schedule 3.04,

(r) uses a rat trap unless the bait and trigger are completely covered, with an opening not larger than 4.5 cm wide and 5 cm high,

(s) uses recorded or electronic calls for the purpose of trapping a fur bearing animal, other than for trapping wolf, coyote, lynx or bobcat,

(t) traps a beaver by means of a restraining trap or a killing trap except for a killing trap

(i) described in Column 3 of Schedule 3.04,

(ii) for trapping beaver as listed in Column 1 of Schedule 3.04, and

(iii) positioned as listed in Column 2 of Schedule 3.04,

(u) traps a fisher except by means of a live box trap or killing snare, or by means of a trap

(i) described in Column 3 of Schedule 3.04, and

(ii) for trapping fisher as listed in Column 1 of Schedule 3.04,

(v) traps a lynx except by means of a live box trap, killing snare, killing trap, or by means of a trap

(i) described in Column 3 of Schedule 3.04, and

(ii) for trapping lynx as listed in Column 1 of Schedule 3.04,

(w) traps a marten except by means of a live box trap or killing snare, or by means of a trap

(i) described in Column 3 of Schedule 3.04, and

(ii) for trapping marten as listed in Column 1 of Schedule 3.04,

(x) traps a muskrat by means of a killing trap except for a killing trap

(i) described in Column 3 of Schedule 3.04,

(ii) for trapping muskrat as listed in Column 1 of Schedule 3.04, and

(iii) positioned as listed in Column 2 of Schedule 3.04,

(y) traps an otter by means of a killing trap except for a killing trap

(i) described in Column 3 of Schedule 3.04, and

(ii) for trapping otter as listed in Column 1 of Schedule 3.04, or

(z) traps a weasel except by means of a live box trap, killing snare or killing trap, or by means of a trap

(i) described in Column 3 of Schedule 3.04, and

(ii) for trapping weasel as listed in Column 1 of Schedule 3.04.

(2) Despite subsection (1), a person may trap a fur bearing animal by the use of a firearm.

(3) A person commits an offence if the person traps

(a) with a rifle using

(i) a full metal jacketed non-expanding bullet, or

(ii) a tracer, incendiary or explosive bullet,

(b) with a shotgun using a tracer or incendiary shot shell,

(c) a black bear

(i) by placing bait, or

(ii) by using a dead animal or a part of it as bait,

(d) a black bear, or a wolf not caught in a trap or snare,

(i) with a rifle using a rimfire cartridge, or

(ii) with a shotgun

(A) less than 20 gauge, or

(B) using a shot shell loaded with shot smaller than the shot size 1 Buck.

(3.1) An offence under subsection (3) (c) of this section is prescribed as an offence for the purposes of section 84 (1) (b) (ii) of the Wildlife Act.

(4) The prohibited hours for trapping wildlife using a firearm are from one hour after sunset on any day until one hour before sunrise of the day following.

(5) Despite subsection (4), a person who holds a trapping licence or a person exempted from holding a trapping licence while trapping on a registered trapline may use a firearm during the prohibited hours to kill a fur bearing animal caught in a trap.

(6) A person who traps wolf, black bear, lynx, bobcat or wolverine with a shotgun loaded with single-projectile ammunition is exempt from section 26 (1) (h) of the Wildlife Act.

[en. B.C. Reg. 454/82; am. B.C. Regs. 153/83, ss. (f) and (g); 335/83, Sch. D, s. 1; 273/84, s. 4; 295/85, s. 3; 247/86, s. 2; 191/87, s. 3; 205/88, ss. 2 and 3; 175/89, s. 2; 202/91, App. 1, ss. 2 and 3; 254/92, s. 4; 291/95, s. 1; 228/98, s. 1; 197/99, s. 6; 217/2000, s. 7; 268/2003, s. 2; 478/2004, s. (a); 223/2005, s. 1; 171/2006, App. s. (a); 170/2007, s. 1; 109/2011, Sch. s. 1; 80/2012, App. 7, s. 1; 198/2013, App. 3, s. 1; 95/2015, App. 2; 130/2016, App. 3, s. 2; 74/2017, App. 5, s. 4; 115/2018, App. 5, s. 1; 1/2019, Sch. 4, s. 7; 169/2020, App. 6, s. 2; 64/2021, s. 2; 167/2021, App. s. 1; 157/2022, App. 7, s. 1; 16/2023, App. 4, s. 1.]

Schedule 3.04

[en. B.C. Reg. 175/2010, App. 5, s. 1; am. B.C. Regs. 164/2011; 198/2013, App. 3, s. 2; 130/2016, App. 3, s. 3; 115/2018, App. 5, s. 2; 169/2020, App. 6, s. 3; 112/2021, App. 4, s. 3; 157/2022, App. 7, s. 2; 161/2024, App. 5.]

ItemColumn 1
Species to be trapped
Column 2
Trap Position
Column 3
1BeaverUnderwater or on land Bélisle Classique 330
Bélisle Super X 280
Bélisle Super X 330
BMI BT 300
BMI 280 Body Gripper
BMI 330 Body Gripper
Breathe Easy Live Beaver Trap
Bridger 330
Comstock 12 X 18 X 39 Swim Through Beaver Cage
Dam Beaver Live Beaver Trap
Duke 280
Duke 330
Ezee Set Live Beaver Trap
Hancock Live Beaver Trap
Killing snare
Koro "Klam" Live Beaver Trap
LDL C280
LDL C280 Magnum
LDL C330
LDL C330 Magnum
Rudy 280
Rudy 330
Sauvageau 1000-11F
Sauvageau 2001-8
Sauvageau 2001-11
Sauvageau 2001-12
Sauvageau 2001-14
Species-Specific 330 Dislocator Half Magnum
Species-Specific 440 Dislocator Half Magnum
Submersion sets using limb-holding traps
Woodstream Oneida Victor Conibear 280
Woodstream Oneida Victor Conibear 330
1.1BobcatN/ABélisle Footsnare #6
Bélisle Sélectif
Bélisle Super X 280
Bélisle Super X 330
BMI 220 Body Gripper
BMI 220 Magnum Body Gripper
BMI 280 Body Gripper
BMI 280 Magnum Body Gripper
Bridger 220
Bridger 280 Magnum Body Gripper
Duke 280
LDL C220
LDL C220 Magnum
LDL C280 Magnum
LDL C330
LDL C330 Magnum
Oneida Victor #1.5 Soft Catch equipped with 4 coil springs
Oneida Victor #1.75, offset, laminated jaws equipped with 2 coil springs
Oneida Victor #3 Soft Catch equipped with 2 coil springs
Oneida Victor #3 Soft Catch equipped with 4 coil springs
Oneida Victor #3 equipped with 3/16-inch offset, double rounded steel jaw laminations (3/16-inch on topside of jaw and 1/4-inch on underside of jaws), with 2 coil springs
Rudy 330
Sauvageau 2001-8
Sauvageau 2001-11
Woodstream Oneida Victor Conibear 330
2FisherN/ABélisle Super X 120
Bélisle Super X 160
Bélisle Super X 220
Koro #2
LDL C160 Magnum
LDL C220 Magnum
Rudy 120 Magnum
Rudy 160 Plus
Rudy 220 Plus
Sauvageau 2001-5
Sauvageau 2001-6
Sauvageau 2001-7
Sauvageau 2001-8
3LynxN/ABélisle Footsnare #6
Bélisle Sélectif
Bélisle Super X 280
Bélisle Super X 330
BMI 220 Body Gripper
BMI 220 Magnum Body Gripper
BMI 280 Body Gripper
BMI 280 Magnum Body Gripper
Bridger 220
Bridger 280 Magnum Body Gripper
Duke 280
LDL C220
LDL C220 Magnum
LDL C280 Magnum
LDL C330
LDL C330 Magnum
Oneida Victor #3 Soft Catch equipped with 2 coil springs
Oneida Victor #3 Soft Catch equipped with 4 coil springs
Oneida Victor #3 equipped with a minimum of 8 mm thick, non-offset steel jaws, 4 coil springs and an anchoring swivel centre mounted on a base plate
Rudy 330
Sauvageau 2001-8
Sauvageau 2001-11
Woodstream Oneida Victor Conibear 330
4MartenN/ABélisle Super X 120
Bélisle Super X 160
BMI 126 Magnum Body Gripper
Koro #1
Koro #2
LDL B120 Magnum
LDL C160 Magnum
Northwoods 155
Oneida Victor Conibear 120-3 Magnum Stainless Steel
Rudy 120 Magnum
Rudy 160 Plus
Sauvageau 2001-5
Sauvageau 2001-6
Sauvageau C120 Magnum
5MuskratOn landBélisle Super X 110
Bélisle Super X 120
BMI 120 Body Gripper
BMI 120 Body Gripper Magnum
BMI 126 Body Gripper Magnum
Bridger 120
Bridger 120 Magnum Body Gripper
Bridger 155 Magnum Body Gripper
Duke 120
Killing snare
Koro Large Rodent Double Spring
Koro Muskrat Trap
LDL B120
LDL B120 Magnum
Oneida Victor 120 Stainless Steel
Oneida Victor Conibear 110-3 Magnum Stainless Steel
Oneida Victor Conibear 110-3 Stainless Steel
Oneida Victor Conibear 120-3 Magnum Stainless Steel
Oneida Victor Conibear 120-3 Stainless Steel
Ouell 411-180
Ouell RM
Rudy 110
Rudy 120
Rudy 120 Magnum
Sauvageau 2001-5
Sauvageau C120 "Reverse Bend"
Sauvageau C120 Magnum
Triple M
WCS Tube Trap Int'l
Woodstream Oneida Victor Conibear 110
Woodstream Oneida Victor Conibear 120
6Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 130/2016, App. 3, s. 3 (e).]
7MuskratUnderwaterAny jaw type trap (body gripping or foot-hold) set as a submersion set that exerts clamping force on a muskrat and that maintains a
muskrat underwater
Koro Muskrat Trap
submarine cages
7.1OtterN/A Bélisle Super X 220
Bélisle Super X 280
Bélisle Super X 330
LDL C220
LDL C220 Magnum
LDL C280 Magnum
Sauvageau 2001-8
Sauvageau 2001-11
Sauvageau 2001-12
Rudy 220 Plus
Rudy 280
Rudy 330
Woodstream Oneida Victor Conibear 220
Woodstream Oneida Victor Conibear 280
Woodstream Oneida Victor Conibear 330
8RaccoonN/A Bélisle Classique 220
Bélisle Super X 160
Bélisle Super X 220
Bélisle Super X 280
BMI 160 Body Gripper
BMI 220 Body Gripper
BMI 280 Body Gripper
BMI 280 Magnum Body Gripper
Bridger 160
Bridger 220
Bridger 280 Magnum Body Gripper
Duke 160
Duke 220
Koro #2
LDL C160
LDL C160 Magnum
LDL C220
LDL C220 Magnum
LDL C280 Magnum
Northwoods 155
Oneida Victor C-220 Stainless Steel
Rudy 160
Rudy 160 Plus
Rudy 220
Rudy 220 Plus
Sauvageau 2001-6
Sauvageau 2001-7
Sauvageau 2001-8
Species-Specific 220 Dislocator Half Magnum
Woodstream Oneida Victor Conibear 160
Woodstream Oneida Victor Conibear 220
9WeaselN/A Bélisle Super X 110
Bélisle Super X 120
BMI #60
BMI 120 Body Gripper Magnum
BMI 126 Body Gripper Magnum
Bridger 120
Bridger 120 Magnum Body Gripper
Bridger 155 Magnum Body Gripper
Koro Large Rodent Double Spring
Koro Muskrat Trap
Koro Rodent Trap
LDL B120 Magnum
Ouell 411-180
Ouell 3-10
Ouell RM
Rudy 120 Magnum
Sauvageau C120 Magnum
Sauvageau C120 "Reverse Bend"
Sauvageau 2001-5
Triple M
Victor Rat Trap
WCS Shorty Tube Trap
WCS Tube Trap Int'l
Woodstream Oneida Victor Conibear 110
Woodstream Oneida Victor Conibear 120
10WolfN/A Bélisle Footsnare #8
BFV Beer no 1 PLUS
Bridger Alaskan #5 Offset and Laminated Jaws
Bridger Alaskan #5 Rubber Jaws
Bridger Brawn #9 Rubber Jaws
Duke Pro Series 850-OS
LAY 76 Laminated
Livestock Protection EZ Grip No. 7
MB 750 Alaskan OS (3/8')
Muskwa no 9 Laminated Offset
Oneida Victor #3 Soft Catch equipped with 4 coil springs, a
minimum 8 mm thick base plate and an anchoring swivel
mounted on the base plate
Ruby Red Wolf 4 1/2
X Treme Wolf

Examination of traplines

3.05   (1) A holder of a licence, permit or other authorization to trap commits an offence by failing to examine

(a) every 72 hours, every holding or non-killing trap, except an egg trap, set by that licence holder,

(b) every 24 hours, every egg trap set by that licence holder, and

(c) every 14 days, every killing trap or killing snare set by that licence holder.

(2) A holder of a licence, permit or other authorization to trap on private property commits an offence unless the person examines the holding or non-killing traps the person has set on private property at least once every 24 hours.

[en. B.C. Reg. 454/82; am. B.C. Regs. 273/84, s. 5; 254/92, s. 5; 193/2002, s. 1; 74/2017, App. 5, s. 4.]

Trapping near a dwelling

3.06   A person who traps within 200 m of a dwelling commits an offence unless the person is using,

(a) if the trap is set on land, a live box trap or egg trap, or

(b) if the trap is set on or in water,

(i) a Conibear trap not larger than size No. 330, or equivalent,

(ii) foot-hold traps not larger than size No. 2, or

(iii) submarine traps.

[en. B.C. Reg. 454/82; am. B.C. Regs. 217/2000, s. 8; 74/2017, App. 5, s. 4; 169/2020, App. 6, s. 4.]

Open seasons

3.07   (1) Subject to section 3.08, the open season for the trapping of each species of fur bearing animal in each region is that set out in Schedule 3.07.

(2) Despite subsection (1), there is no open season for a black bear less than 2 years old or any black bear accompanying it.

(3) Despite subsection (1), there is no open season on white or blue (glacier) coloured black bears.

[en. B.C. Reg. 454/82; am. B.C. Regs. 247/86, s. 3; 217/2000, s. 9 (a) and (b); 163/2008, App. 4, s. 2; 137/2009, s. 2; 52/2018, Sch. 4, s. 5; 167/2021, App. s. 1.]

Schedule 3.07

[en. B.C. Reg. 163/2008, App. 4, s. 3; am. B.C. Regs. 175/2010, App. 5, s. 2; 80/2012, App. 7, s. 2; 72/2014, App. 4, s. 1; 130/2016, App. 3, s. 4; 115/2018, App. 5, s. 3; 192/2019, App. 3; 169/2020, App. 6, s. 5; 220/2021, s. 1.]

 Region 1Region 2Region 3Region 4Region 5Region 6Region 7Region 8
BeaverOct. 1–Apr. 30Oct. 15–Apr. 30Oct. 15–Apr. 30Oct. 15–Apr. 30Oct. 15–Apr. 30Oct. 31–May 31*Oct. 1–May 31Oct. 15–Apr. 30
Black BearNo open seasonNo open seasonOct. 1–May 31*Oct. 1–May 31Oct. 15–May 15*Sept. 15–May 31*Oct. 1–May 31Oct. 1–May 31
BobcatNo open seasonNov. 15–Feb. 15Nov. 15–Feb. 15Nov. 15–Feb. 15Nov. 15–Feb. 15No open seasonNo open seasonNov. 15–Feb. 15
CoyoteOct. 15–Mar. 31*Sept. 10–Jun. 15Oct. 15–Mar. 31Oct. 15–Mar. 31*Oct. 15–Mar. 31Oct. 15–Mar. 31Oct. 15–Mar. 31*Oct. 15–Mar. 31
FisherNo open seasonNo open seasonNo open seasonNo open seasonNo open seasonNov. 1–Feb. 15*Nov. 1–Feb. 15*No open season
FoxOct. 15–Feb. 28*Oct. 15–Feb. 28Oct. 15–Feb. 28Oct. 15–Feb. 28Oct. 15–Mar. 31Oct. 15–Feb. 28Oct. 15–Feb. 28No open season
LynxNo open seasonNo open seasonNov. 15–Feb. 15Nov. 15–Feb. 15Nov. 15–Feb. 15Nov. 1–Feb. 15Nov. 15–Feb. 15Nov. 15–Feb. 15
MartenNov. 1–Feb. 15Nov. 1–Feb. 15Nov. 1–Feb. 15Nov. 1–Feb. 15Nov. 1–Feb. 15Nov. 1–Feb. 28Nov. 1–Feb. 28*Nov. 1–Feb. 15
MinkNov. 1–Feb. 15Nov. 15–Feb. 15Nov. 1–Feb. 15Nov. 1–Feb. 15Nov. 1–Feb. 15Nov. 1–Feb. 28*Nov. 1–Feb. 15*Nov. 1–Feb. 15
MuskratOct. 15–Apr. 30Nov. 15–Feb. 15Oct. 15–Apr. 30Oct. 15–Apr. 30Oct. 15–Apr. 30Oct. 31–May 31*Oct. 1–May 31Oct. 15–Apr. 30
River OtterNov. 15–Mar. 31Oct. 15–Apr. 30*Oct. 15–Apr. 30Oct. 15–Apr. 30Oct. 15–Apr. 30Oct. 1–May 31Oct. 1–May 31Nov. 1–Apr. 15
RaccoonOct. 1–Mar. 31Oct. 1–Mar. 31Oct. 1–Mar. 31Oct. 1–Mar. 31Oct. 1–Mar. 31Oct. 1–Mar. 31*Oct. 1–Mar. 31Oct. 1–Mar. 31
SkunkOct. 15–Feb. 28*Oct. 15–Feb. 28Oct. 15–Feb. 28Oct. 15–Feb. 28Oct. 15–Feb. 28Oct. 15–Feb. 28Oct. 15–Feb. 28Oct. 15–Feb. 28
Douglas, Northern Flying and Red SquirrelNov. 1–Mar. 15Nov. 1–Mar. 15Nov. 1–Mar. 15Nov. 1–Mar. 15Nov. 1–Mar. 15Nov. 1–Mar. 31*Nov. 1–Mar. 31Nov. 1–Mar. 15
WeaselNo open seasonNov. 1–Feb. 15*Nov. 1–Feb. 15Nov. 1–Feb. 15Nov. 1–Feb. 15Nov. 1–Feb. 28*Nov. 1–Feb. 28Nov. 1–Feb. 15
WolfSept. 10–June 30Sept. 10–Jun. 15*Oct. 15–Mar. 31*Oct. 15–Mar. 31*Oct. 15–Mar. 31*Oct. 15–Mar. 31Oct. 15–May 31*Oct. 15–Mar. 31
WolverineNo open seasonNo open seasonNov. 1–Jan. 31No open seasonNov. 1–Jan. 31Nov. 1–Feb. 28*Nov. 1–Feb. 28No open season

* See Schedule 3.08 for different season dates in part of the region.

Open seasons

3.08   (1) The open season for the trapping of fur bearing animals within portions of regions are those set out in Schedule 3.08.

(2) Despite subsection (1), the open season for trapping wolves in M.U.s 3-12, 3-13, 3-17 to 3-20, 3-26 to 3-33, 3-35 to 3-42, 5-1 to 5-6 and 5-12 to 5-14 from April 1 to October 14 is restricted to private land only.

[en. B.C. Reg. 454/82; am. B.C. Regs. 247/86, s. 5; 163/2008, App. 4, s. 2; 109/2011, Sch. s. 2; 130/2016, App. 3, s. 5; 167/2021, App. s. 1.]

Schedule 3.08

[en. B.C. Reg. 223/2005, s. 3; am. B.C. Regs. 155/2006, s. 2; 170/2007, s. 4; 175/2010, App. 5, s. 3; 109/2011, Sch. s. 3; 80/2012, App. 7, s. 3; 293/2012, App. 4, s. 1; 130/2016, App. 3, s. 6; 115/2018, App. 5, s. 4; 112/2021, App. 4, s. 4; 220/2021, s. 2.]

Region 1CoyoteNo open season in M.U.s 1-1 to 1-13
FoxNo open season in M.U.s 1-1 to 1-13
SkunkNo open season in M.U.s 1-1 to 1-13
Region 2River OtterOpen season in M.U.s 2-2 to 2-5 and 2-12 to 2-16 is November 15 to February 28
WeaselNo open season for long-tailed weasel in M.U.s 2-03, 2-04, 2-06, 2-18 and 2-19
WolfNo open season in M.U.s 2-2 to 2-4, 2-7 to 2-10 and 2-17 to 2-19
Region 3Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 80/2012, App. 7, s. 3.]
WolfNo open season in M.U.s 3-45 and 3-46
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 220/2021, s. 2 (a).]
Region 4WolfNo closed season in M.U.s 4-2 to 4-5, 4-20 to 4-22, 4-24 to 4-26, 4-34 to 4-37 and 4-40
CoyoteOpen season in M.U. 4-1 if a person is using a killing snare December 1 to March 31
Region 5Black BearOpen season in M.U.s 5-2 and 5-15 is October 1 to May 31
Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 220/2021, s. 2 (a).]
WolfNo closed season in M.U.s 5-1 to 5-6, 5-12 to 5-14
Region 6Black bearOpen season in M.U.s 6-3 and 6-11 to 6-14 is October 15 to May 15
WolverineOpen season in M.U.s 6-3, 6-11 and 6-14 is November 1 to February 15
FisherNo open season in M.U.s 6-1 to 6-18 and 6-28 to 6-30
MinkOpen season in M.U.s 6-3, 6-11 and 6-14 is November 15 to February 15
WeaselNo open season in M.U.s 6-12 and 6-13
RaccoonOpen season in M.U.s 6-12 and 6-13 is January 1 to December 31
BeaverOpen season in M.U.s 6-12 and 6-13 is January 1 to December 31
MuskratOpen season in M.U.s 6-12 and 6-13 is January 1 to December 31
Douglas, Northern Flying and Red SquirrelOpen season in M.U.s 6-12 and 6-13 is January 1 to December 31
Region 7MinkOpen season in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 is November 1 to February 28. Open season in M.U.s 7-49 to 7-54 is October 15 to February 15
MartenOpen season in M.U.s 7-49 to 7-54 is November 1 to March 15
FisherNo open season in M.U.s 7-1 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41
WolfThere is no closed season for wolf in those portions of M.U.s 7-19 to 7-22,
7-31 to 7-36 and 7-42 to 7-58 below the 1 100 m elevation
CoyoteThere is no closed season for coyote in those portions of M.U.s 7-19 to 7-22,
7-31 to 7-36 and 7-42 to 7-58 below the 1 100 m elevation
Black BearThe open season in M.U.s 7-2 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-41 is September 15 to May 31
LynxOpen season in M.U.s 7-12 to 7-18, 7-23 to 7-30 and 7-37 to 7-40 is November 1 to February 15
Region 8 See Schedule 3.07


3.08.1   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 186/90, s. 6.]

Schedule 3.08.1

Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 186/90, s. 7.]

Fur royalty

3.09   (1) For the purposes of section 73 of the Wildlife Act, the royalty per pelt or skin is set at 3% of the average price paid at auction in Canada for the pelt or skin of the particular species during the preceding three years, as determined by the director responsible for the wildlife program.

(2) A person who kills a fur bearing animal under the authority of a licence to hunt wildlife is exempt from paying a royalty in relation to the pelt or skin of that animal, unless the person intends to offer the pelt or skin for sale.

(3) Despite subsection (2), a person who kills a fur bearing animal under the authority of a licence to hunt wildlife is exempt from paying a royalty in relation to the pelt or skin if the person sells the pelt or skin to a licensed fur trader.

[en. B.C. Reg. 454/82; am. B.C. Regs. 217/2000, s. 10 (a); 47/2003, s (a); 74/2017, App. 5, s. 6; 64/2021, s. 2; 112/2021, App. 4, s. 1; 12/2022, s. (c) (i).]

Schedule 3.09

Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 47/2003, s. (b).]

Trapper education course


(a) A person who traps commits an offence unless that person, since July 1, 1982, has completed a trapper education course approved by the director.

(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a person authorized to trap under

(i) section 26 (2) of the Wildlife Act, or

(ii) the Designation and Exemption Regulation, B.C. Reg. 168/90.

[en. B.C. Reg. 228/98, s. 5; am. B.C. Reg. 112/2021, App. 4, s. 1.]

Exemption re helicopter use

3.11   The holder of a licence or permit to trap fur bearing animals or a person who is exempted from holding a licence is, for the purposes of trapping, exempt from the operation of section 27 (2) (b) of the Wildlife Act, and a person who transports that person or fur bearing animals taken by that person is, for those purposes, exempt from the operation of section 27 (2) (b) of that Act.

[en. B.C. Reg. 153/83, s. (h); am. B.C. Regs. 74/2017, App. 5, s. 7; 64/2021, s. 4; 112/2021, App. 4, ss. 1 and 5.]


3.12   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 340/2005, s. 12.]

Exemption re carcasses from motor vehicle collisions

3.12.1   (1) In this section:

"motor vehicle" includes a locomotive;

"trapper" means a person who

(a) holds a licence or permit to trap fur bearing animals, or

(b) is exempt from holding a licence or permit to trap fur bearing animals.

(2) For the purpose of possessing and transporting any mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, moose or black bear, or wildlife described in Schedules B and C of the Designation and Exemption Regulation, B.C. Reg. 168/90, a trapper is exempt from sections 33 (2) and 37 of the Wildlife Act if

(a) the wildlife is dead as a result of colliding with a motor vehicle, other than a motor vehicle operated by the trapper,

(b) the meat of the wildlife is unfit for human consumption,

(c) the carcass of the wildlife is to be used only

(i) by the trapper, and

(ii) as bait for traps set under the authority of the trapper's licence or licence exemption, and

(d) at the time of possession and transport, the trapper has, on the trapper's person, the trapper's current trapping licence or proof of the trapper's licence exemption.

(3) A trapper who possesses or transports wildlife under subsection (2) must, within 30 days after taking possession,

(a) complete a report on a form provided for this purpose by the Director of the Fish and Wildlife Recreation and Allocation Branch of the ministry responsible for this regulation,

(b) deliver the completed form to the address shown on the form, and

(c) maintain a copy of the completed form for at least 2 years.

(4) A person who fails to comply with this section commits an offence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 442/2004; am. B.C. Regs. 64/2021, s. 3; 112/2021, App. 4, s. 1.]

Exemption — bait for traplines

3.12.2   (1) For the purpose of possessing and transporting any wildlife listed in Schedule 3.12.2 or wildlife described in Schedule B or C of the Designation and Exemption Regulation, B.C. Reg. 168/90, a licensed trapper or a person exempt from holding a trapping licence is exempt from sections 33 (2) and 37 of the Wildlife Act if

(a) the wildlife carcass is to be used only

(i) by the trapper, and

(ii) as bait for traps set under the authority of the trapper's licence or licence exemption, and

(b) at the time of possession and transport, the trapper has, on the trapper's person,

(i) the trapper's current trapping licence or proof of licence exemption, and

(ii) a permit issued under section 2 (c) (iii) of the Permit Regulation, B.C. Reg. 253/2000, permitting the trapper to trap that wildlife during the closed season.

[en. B.C. Reg. 171/2006, App., s. (b); am. B.C. Regs. 64/2021, ss. 3 and 4; 112/2021, App. 4, s. 1.]

Schedule 3.12.2

[en. B.C. Reg. 171/2006, App. s. (c); am. B.C. Reg. 157/2022, App. 7, s. 3.]

Common NameScientific Name
BeaverCastor canadensis
CoyoteCanis latrans
Weasel (long-tailed, least, short-tailed)Mustela frenata, Mustela nivalis, Mustela richardsonii
FoxVulpes vulpes
Marmot (except Vancouver Island Marmots)All species of genus Marmota except Marmota vancouverensis
MinkMustela vison
MoleAll species of the family Talpidae
MuskratOndatra zibethicus
Prairie dogAll species of the genus Cynomys
River OtterLutra canadensis
Squirrel (ground, flying, Douglas, red)Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, Tamiasciurus douglasii, Glaucomys sabrinus, all species of the genus Spermophilus.


3.13   The boundaries of a registered trapline shall be defined by the regional manager.

[en. B.C. Reg. 153/83, s. (h).]

Abandonment of trapline

3.14   (1) No person shall continue to hold a registered trapline unless the person

(a) renews the person's licence,

(b) carries on active trapping on the person's registered trapline to the satisfaction of the regional manager,

(c) obtains permission from the regional manager to temporarily discontinue the use of the person's registered trapline for a period not exceeding 2 years, or

(d) uses or causes the use of the person's trapline by a licensed trapper or a person exempted from holding a licence.

(2) Where a person fails to comply with subsection (1), the regional manager shall cancel the registration of the person's trapline.

[en. B.C. Reg. 291/95, s. 4; am. B.C. Reg. 64/2021, ss. 2 and 3.]

Use of trapline

3.15   For section 3.14, a person fails to use the person's trapline where within a year the person fails to take from the trapline

(a) fur bearing animals of a value of $200, or

(b) 50 pelts,

except where it is unreasonable to expect that value of animals or number of pelts to be taken from the trapline.

[en. B.C. Reg. 153/83, s. (h); am. B.C. Regs. 74/2017, App. 5, s. 8; 64/2021, ss. 2 and 3; 12/2022, s. (c) (ii).]

Compulsory inspection and reporting

3.16   (1) A person commits an offence if the person takes or kills by trapping

(a) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 268/2003, s. 4.]

(b) in Region 5, 6 or 7, a wolverine,

(c) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 157/2022, App. 7, s. 4 (a).]

(d) in Region 2, a bobcat,

(e) in Region 1 or M.U.s 2-5, 2-6 and 2-11 to 2-16, a wolf, or

(f) in any M.U., a fisher,

unless the person reports the killing to an officer

(g) within 15 days after the last day of the continuous season in which the fur bearing animal was killed, and

(h) if applicable, before the fur bearing animal is exported from the Province.

(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), "reports" means providing the following information:

(a) the date and location of kill;

(b) the type of trap and set used;

(c) the number of days the trap was set before the fur bearing animal was killed;

(d) the sex and age class of the fur bearing animal.

(3) A person commits an offence if the person takes or kills by trapping

(a) in Region 3, a wolverine,

(b) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 157/2022, App. 7, s. 4 (d).]

(b.1) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 220/2021, s. 3 (b).]

(c) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 16/2023, App. 4, s. 2 (d).]

(d) in Region 4, 5 or 8, a lynx, or

(e) in Region 4, 5 or 8, a bobcat,

(f) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 169/2020, App. 6, s. 7 (b).]

unless the person submits the prescribed parts of the fur bearing animal and the prescribed information to an officer

(g) within 15 days after the last day of the continuous season in which the fur bearing animal was killed, and

(h) if applicable, before the fur bearing animal is exported from the Province.

(4) For the purposes of subsection (3),

(a) the pelt of the fur bearing animal is prescribed, and

(b) the prescribed information is the following:

(i) the location and date of the kill;

(ii) the type of trap and set used;

(iii) the number of days the trap was set before the fur bearing animal was killed;

(iv) the sex and age class of the fur bearing animal.

(5) A person commits an offence if, outside the open season for a fur bearing animal, the person takes or kills the fur bearing animal by trapping, unless the person complies with subsection (6) as follows:

(a) if the fur bearing animal is a fisher, within 30 days after the fur bearing animal is killed;

(b) in the case of any other fur bearing animal, on or before June 30 of the licence year in which the fur bearing animal is trapped.

(6) For the purposes of subsection (5), the person must submit the following to an officer:

(a) the entire carcass and the pelt of the fur bearing animal;

(b) the location and date of the kill;

(c) the type of trap and set used;

(d) the number of days the trap was set before the fur bearing animal was killed.

[en. B.C. Reg. 197/99, s. 9; am. B.C. Regs. 193/2002, s. 5; 268/2003, s. 4; 223/2005, s. 4; 170/2007, s. 5; 130/2016, App. 3, s. 7; 158/2020, Sch. 3; 169/2020, App. 6, s. 7; 220/2021, s. 3; 157/2022, App. 7, s. 4; 16/2023, App. 4, s. 2.]

Compulsory report of fur bearing animals killed

3.16.1   (1) In this section:

"FWID number" has the same meaning as in the Wildlife Act General Regulation;

"trapping year" means the period beginning July 1 and ending June 30.

(2) A person who holds a trapping licence issued under section 40.1 of the Wildlife Act must submit a report to the director, in accordance with this section, respecting fur bearing animals killed under the licence during the trapping year.

(3) The report must include the person's trapping licence number and FWID number.

(4) If the person did not kill a fur bearing animal under the licence during the trapping year, the report must

(a) state that no fur bearing animals were killed, and

(b) be submitted on or before July 31 of the following trapping year.

(5) If the person killed one or more fur bearing animals under the licence during the trapping year, the report must include all of the following information for each fur bearing animal killed:

(a) the management unit in which the fur bearing animal was killed and either

(i) the trapline number, or

(ii) a statement that the kill occurred on private property;

(b) the month in which the fur bearing animal was killed;

(c) the fur bearing animal's species and sex.

(6) The information required under subsection (5)

(a) may be submitted, with respect to one or more fur bearing animals killed during the trapping year, at any time during the trapping year, and

(b) must be submitted, with respect to all fur bearing animals killed during the trapping year, on or before July 31 of the following trapping year.

(7) For greater certainty, the reporting requirements under this section are in addition to those imposed under section 3.16.

(8) A person commits an offence if the person fails to make a report as required under this section with respect to

(a) the trapping year that begins July 1, 2022, and

(b) each subsequent trapping year.

[en. B.C. Reg. 167/2021, App. s. 2.]

Trapping on private property

3.17   (1) A person must not trap on private property that is not within the boundaries of a registered trapline area unless

(a) the person possesses a valid trapping licence, and

(b) the person has obtained the written permission of the property owner.

(2) A person who violates subsection (1) commits an offence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 145/2024, Sch. 1.]

Registration of trapline

3.18   A regional manager may, by public auction or sealed tender from persons who qualify under section 42 of the Wildlife Act, select the successful applicant for registration of a trapline.

[en. B.C. Reg. 360/89; am. B.C. Reg. 112/2021, App. 4, s. 1.]

Trapline registration transfer fee

3.19   Where the rights to a registered trapline are transferred to a person or group of persons, that person or group of persons shall pay a transfer fee of $50.00.

[en. B.C. Reg. 124/90, App. 2, s. 2; am. B.C. Reg. 36/2004, s. 5.]

Quotas and bag limits

3.20   Notwithstanding sections 10 and 11 of the Hunting Regulation (B.C. Reg. 190/84), a licensed trapper commits an offence if, by authority of a trapping licence, the licensed trapper takes more than

(a) two black bear in one licence year.

(b) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 80/2012, App. 7, s. 4.]

(c) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 192/96, s. 5.]

[en. B.C. Reg. 214/93, s. 6; am. B.C. Regs. 206/94, s. 6; 192/96, s. 5; 80/2012, App. 7, s. 4; 64/2021, s. 2.]

Use of nails or spikes

3.21   A person who lawfully sets a trap for fur bearing animals under a licence, permit or exemption from the requirement for a licence or permit is authorized to make reasonable use of a nail or spike to secure the trap to any timber in the area in which a trap may be lawfully set by that person.

[en. B.C. Reg. 202/91, App. 1, s. 7; am. B.C. Reg. 167/2021, App. s. 1.]

Division 4


4.01   Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 217/2000, s. 11.]

Division 5 — Transporters


5.01   In this Division:

"licence activity report" means the form prescribed in Appendix 2;

"transporter" means a person who, for money or other compensation, transports a hunter to, from or between locations so that the hunter can hunt but does not include a person who operates a scheduled commercial flight or a chartered aircraft unless the person also provides ground transportation, accommodation or other ground services to the hunter.

[en. B.C. Reg. 25/2005, s. 5.]

Transporter licence

5.02   (1) A person must not act as a transporter unless the person holds a transporter licence issued under section 15 of the Wildlife Act.

(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence.

(2.1) An offence under this section is prescribed as an offence for the purposes of section 84 (1) (b) (ii) of the Wildlife Act.

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who is licensed as a guide outfitter.

[en. B.C. Reg. 25/2005, s. 5; am. B.C. Reg. 1/2019, Sch. 4, s. 8.]

Eligibility for transporter licence

5.03   (1) A person is eligible for a transporter licence only if

(a) the person

(i) is a citizen or permanent resident of Canada,

(ii) carries public liability insurance in an amount of not less than $2 million that is

(A) applicable to the person's transporting business,

(B) in effect at the time of the application for a transporter licence, and

(C) effective for the term of the transporter licence,

(iii) satisfies the director that the person has a good working knowledge of the Wildlife Act and regulations by achieving a passing grade on an examination set by the director for that purpose, and

(iv) submits to the director a transporter licence application and management plan, in the form and with the information required by the instructions set out in Appendix 1, along with the application fee under Schedule 5.05 (2), and

(b) based on the applicant's application and management plan, the director is satisfied that the person's transporter activities are unlikely to have a significant negative impact on wildlife.

(2) An applicant for a transporter licence must submit the application fee, and the transporter licence application and management plan, required under subsection (1) (a) (iv) at least 3 months before the date the licence is required.

(3) The director need not make a decision on an application submitted under this section for 3 months after the date on which the director is in receipt of the application fee, application and management plan.

[en. B.C. Reg. 25/2005, s. 5.]

Transporter licence conditions

5.04   (1) The following are terms and conditions of every transporter licence:

(a) a holder of a transporter licence must not block or damage a road, trail, airstrip or watercourse or other real or personal property while providing transporter services under a transporter licence;

(b) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 1/2019, Sch. 4, s. 9 (a).]

(c) a holder of a transporter licence must maintain the public liability insurance required under section 5.03 for the term of the licence.

(2) The director may make anything set out in the transporter licence application or management plan submitted under section 5.03 a term or condition of the licence issued on the basis of that application and management plan.

(3) Without limiting section 16.01 (m) of the Wildlife Act General Regulation, a holder of a transporter licence who contravenes either of the following commits an offence:

(a) a term and condition referred to in subsection (1) (a) of this section;

(b) a term or condition imposed by the director under subsection (2) of this section.

(4) An offence under subsection (3) of this section is prescribed as an offence for the purposes of section 84 (1) (b) (ii) of the Wildlife Act.

[en. B.C. Reg. 25/2005, s. 5; am. B.C. Reg. 1/2019, Sch. 4, s. 9.]

Transporter licence fees

5.05   (1) The fee and surcharge payable for a transporter licence are those set out in Schedule 5.05 (1).

(2) A transporter licence fee and surcharge must be paid on or before April 1.

(3) If an applicant for a transporter licence fails to pay the fee and surcharge in the time specified under subsection (2), the holder must pay the late payment fee set out in Schedule 5.05 (3) with the amount required under subsection (2).

(4) A duplicate copy of a transporter licence may be issued if the licence holder

(a) signs a declaration affirming that the licence has been lost, stolen or destroyed, and

(b) pays the fees under Schedule 5.05 (4) and (5) for a duplicate transporter licence and declaration.

[en. B.C. Reg. 25/2005, s. 5.]

Schedule 5.05

[en. B.C. Reg. 25/2005, s. 5.]

(1)transporter licence — April 1 to March 31 or any portion of that period$450$50
(2)transporter licence application fee$25
(3)transporter licence late payment fee$25
(4)duplicate transporter licence fee$10
(5)declaration for s. 5.05 (4) (a)$10

Transporter licence reporting requirement

5.05.1   (1) A holder of a transporter licence must file in accordance with subsection (2) a completed licence activity report setting out the information required by the form of that report in relation to the holder's transporting activities for the year.

(2) A licence activity report must be filed

(a) with the regional manager indicated on the transporter licence, and

(b) by December 31 of each year.

(3) A holder of a transporter licence who fails to file a licence activity report in accordance with this section commits an offence.

[en. B.C. Reg. 1/2019, Sch. 4, s. 10.]

Non-renewal of licence: non-use of area

5.06   If the holder of a transporter licence has not applied for a new licence by the expiry date of the licence, the director

(a) must review the transporter's operation, and

(b) after affording the transporter an opportunity to be heard, may advise that the person is not eligible for a transporter licence for the new licence year,

and, if the director so advises, the person is not eligible for a transporter licence for that year whether or not they satisfy the requirements in section 5.03 (1).

[en. B.C. Reg. 25/2005, s. 5.]

Appendix 1

[en. B.C. Reg. 25/2005, s. 6; am. B.C. Regs. 4/2010, s. 3; 112/2021, App. 4, ss. 6 and 7.]

Transporting Application

Transporting services may be provided only in defined Transport Areas and when authorized by a valid Transporter Licence issued by the minister responsible for the Wildlife Act.
Please complete this application and prepare a detailed management plan in the form attached and submit them to the WLAP regional office for the area to which your application relates:
Vancouver Island Region
2080 A Labieux Road
Nanaimo BC V6T 6J9
Skeena Region
3726 Alfred Avenue
Bag 5000 Smithers BC V0J 2N0
Lower Mainland Region
2 − 10470 − 152nd Street
Surrey BC V3R 0Y3
Omineca Region
4051 − 18th Avenue
Prince George BC V2N 1B3
Thompson Region
1259 Dalhousie Drive
Kamloops BC V2C 5Z5
Peace Region
400 − 10003 − 110th Avenue
Fort St. John, BC V1J 6M7
Kootenay Region
205 Industrial Road G
Cranbrook BC V1C 7G5
Okanagan Region
102 Industrial Place
Penticton BC V2A 7C8
Cariboo Region
400 − 640 Borland Street
Williams Lake BC V2G 4T1
Supplying insufficient information will delay evaluation.
1. Submission of the application does not entitle the applicant to any rights and is not permission to provide transporting services.
2. More information may be requested from the applicant during the review of this application.
3. WLAP reserves the right to refuse any application.
Application Form
Name(s) and Mailing Address
SurnameGiven NameMiddle Name
Date Received
WLAP File Number:
Company Name  [  ]
BC Incorp. No., BC Registered No.
GST Registration Number
Mailing AddressPostal Code:            
Your File Number:
E-mail AddressCanadian Citizen or Permanent Resident
Yes [  ] No [  ]
Home Phone
(          )
Business Phone
(          )
Fax Number
(          )
Age: 19 or over
Yes [  ] No [  ]
Years of experience as (check one or more as applies):
A transporter
A principal of a transporter business
An employee of a transporter business
[  ] _______________
[  ] _______________
[  ] _______________
Applicant/Agent's Signature(s)Fee Enclosed [  ]Date
Please attach a detailed Business Management Plan that addresses the following:
Proposed activity and purpose of the service or activity; Maps of transport area and associated structures − permanent or temporary

Management Plan Form

The Management Plan Form, when completed, describes the proposed operation of an applicant for a transporter licence. The purpose of this form is to:

• obtain information detailing an applicant's proposed operation,

• act as a resource document to be used by the ministry to evaluate and adjudicate applications for transporter licences, and

• provide the basis for transporter licence conditions.

If a transporter licence is issued on the basis of the information provided in this form, the completed form becomes part of the transporter licence documentation and the director may use the information to set terms and conditions in the transporter licence. Failure of the licence holder or the licence holder's employees to comply with licence conditions may lead to administrative action or prosecution.

For further information or assistance regarding the completion of this form, please contact the nearest regional office of the Ministry of Environment.

1 This management plan covers the period from ........................... to ............................

2 Name of transporter licence applicant .........................................................................

3 Contact information (address, phone number)..............................................................

4 Description of the operation and activities offered (please fill in each field below and attach separate pages as necessary):

(4.1) General description of operation

(a) describe location and setting of operation and types of services and activities offered,

(b) describe applicant's experience as an outdoor operator,

(c) describe key areas of concern respecting environmental impact, and

(d) describe overlap of the applicant's operation with other uses in the area.

(4.2) General Area of Operation Describe and attach a map, 1:250,000 or 1:50,000 scale, setting out the boundary of operations.

(4.3) Specific Areas and Routes of Operations Describe and attach maps, 1:20,000 or 1:50,000 scale, indicating where specific transport activities will occur. Mark all trails and routes to be used by the operation.

(4.4) Site Layout Plans for Intensive Sites (if applicable) Describe intensive use sites here and attach detailed maps, 1:1,000 or 1:5,000 scale, showing the position of all existing and proposed structures, facilities or other improvements to be placed on Crown land.

(Note: all maps must have a north arrow, legend and scale)

(4.5) Facilities (if applicable)

(a) Describe each facility that has at least two permanent structures, excluding pit toilets, and that is the main location or one of the main locations for the applicant's operation ("base facility"). Include an overview of the facility and indicate whether the facility is on private or Crown land and whether the facility is within a Provincial Park. Cross-reference to the attached map information with GPS locations.

(b) Describe each facility that has only one permanent structure, excluding pit toilets, and that the applicant's operation uses for temporary accommodation, storage of supplies or fuel or as an emergency shelter or an improved helicopter landing site ("satellite facilities"). Include an overview of each satellite facility and indicate whether the facility is on private or Crown land and whether it is within a Provincial Park. Cross-reference to the attached map information with GPS locations.

(c) Describe each site that has no permanent improvements or structures and that the applicant's operation uses on a non-exclusive basis for temporary tenting accommodation or the storage of supplies ("tent/spike camps"). Include an overview of each tent/spike camp and indicate whether the camp is on private or Crown land and whether it is within a Provincial Park. Cross-reference to the attached map information with GPS locations.

(4.6) Improvements at Base Facilities and Satellite Facilities (if applicable) List the existing improvements — including, without limiting this, trails, tent sites, cabins, docks, staging areas) Cross-reference to the attached map information with GPS locations.

(4.7) Client access Explain how your clients will access your operation, including modes of transportation and access routes.

5 Planned Improvements (if applicable) Describe the construction, dismantling, maintenance, remediation or clean-up work that will be done at the transporter's base operation and satellite camps and whether timber must be removed for the construction or maintenance. Provide details on the dimensions, construction schedule, and if applicable, sources of potable water and method of waste and sewage disposal.

6 Environmentally Sensitive Areas (if applicable) Describe environmentally sensitive areas, including, without limiting this, riparian areas, streams, water bodies, mineral licks and hot springs and indicate their location on the attached maps. Indicate how* impacts on the natural state of these environmentally sensitive zones will be avoided,

(a) if they are not within 100 metres of facilities, sites or trails associated with the transporter operation, and

(b) if they are within 100 metres of facilities, sites or trails associated with the transporter operation.

(* For example, limits on the type of transporting activity and on the frequency, intensity and duration of activities, and limits on the number of clients per month for a given area or route.)

7 Potential Impacts on Wildlife Describe potential adverse impacts of the operation on sensitive wildlife populations and wildlife habitat in the proposed general area of the operation and how* these impacts will be avoided or mitigated.

(* For example, limits on the type of transporting activity and on the frequency, intensity and duration of activities, and limits on the number of clients per month for a given area or route.)

(Review the Wildlife Guidelines for Backcountry Tourism / Commercial Recreation: http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/wld/twg/documents/wildlife_guidelines_recreation_may06_v2.pdf, which describes how the Wildlife Guidelines are applied to Commercial Recreation operations and provides a generalized approach for operators in addressing wildlife issues on Crown land.)

Attach the information required as outlined in the Guidelines.

Ensure that any information supplied by a qualified professional is appropriately signed and sealed.

8 Summary of First Nations Contact (You must contact each First Nation that has an interest or a potential interest in the area of your application and provide the following in relation to each contact. If there are no First Nations that have a potential interest in the application area and you have confirmed this with the Ministry of Environment, proceed to item (8.2) and then to item 10.)

(8.1) List all of the First Nations that have a potential interest in the application area.

(8.2) Have you confirmed the list with the Ministry of Environment? If so, when and with whom was the confirmation made?

(8.3) Summarize all of the discussions you have undertaken with each First Nation to date, including:

(a) dates and the names of key contacts,

(b) a description of any concerns that the First Nation raised regarding potential impacts that your operation might have on their interests,

(c) a description of any options suggested by either you or the First Nation that would serve to resolve their concerns, and

(d) a description of the nature of any formal agreement reached with a First Nation.

(8.4) Attach copies of correspondence with each First Nation and a copy of any agreement described in item (8.3) (d).

9 Avoiding or Mitigating Impacts on Aboriginal Rights and Title (If applicable, and based on information provided in item 8 (8.3), describe the measures that will be taken to resolve concerns of First Nations relating to their asserted aboriginal rights and title.)

10 Overlaps with existing uses and plans

(10.1) If applicable, identify any overlaps within the proposed general area of the operation with

(a) mineral tenures,

(b) timber tenures and forest use,

(c) land use planning, park use planning or local or regional zoning requirements, and

(d) commercial recreation operations and guide outfitter territories.

(10.2) If your operation overlaps with anything listed under item (10.1), describe how access and activities may have to be coordinated with other users and describe any agreements made with other users to achieve this.

(10.3) If your operation overlaps with a guide outfitter territory, you are required to contact the identified guides to discuss this overlap. If there are concerns regarding the overlap you will be required to work out an agreement with the identified guide outfitters.

(A final decision will be made by the Director as to boundaries for transporter areas.)

11 Hazards and Safety Plan You are required to have a Hazards and Safety Plan that meets or exceeds Workers Compensation Board and approved industry standards.

By signing below, I ....................................................................................................[print name]

(a) certify that I have prepared a Hazards and Safety Plan which meets or exceeds Workers Compensation Board and approved industry standards,

(b) acknowledge that my areas of use may overlap with those of existing commercial recreation operators or guide outfitting territories, and that, if so, I must contact these existing operators,

(c) declare that my transporting operation will comply in all respects with this management plan,

(d) declare that the information provided in this form is true and complete, and

(e) request that the director issue a transporting licence for the year .............. in my name.

signature of applicant

date signed

Appendix 2

[en. B.C. Reg. 1/2019, Sch. 4, s. 11; am. B.C. Reg. 112/2021, App. 4, s. 8.]


1   In this Appendix, "FWID number" has the same meaning as in the Wildlife Act General Regulation.

Licence activity report

2   The following form is prescribed for the purposes of section 5.05.1 (1):

[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Wildlife Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 488, ss. 108 and 109.]