B.C. Reg. 105/2004
Deposited March 23, 2004
effective April 1, 2004
This consolidation is current to September 27, 2022.
See the Cumulative B.C. Regulations Bulletin 2022
for amendments effective after September 27, 2022.
Link to consolidated regulation (PDF)
Link to Point in Time

Safety Standards Act

Safety Standards General Regulation

[Last amended September 6, 2022 by B.C. Reg. 43/2021]

Part 1 — Certificates of Qualification and Contractors' Licences
Division 1 — Certificates of Qualification
2Requirements for certificate of qualification
2.1Applicants with Canadian credentials
2.10Applicants with international credentials
2.11Certification agencies
2.2Terms and conditions on certificates of qualification
2.3Expiry and renewal of certificates of qualification
3Re-examination after failure to pass an examination
4No regulated work beyond scope of individual's qualifications
5Regulated work done under supervision
Division 2 — Contractor's Licence
6Requirements for contractor's licence
7Licence restricted to scope of field safety representative's qualifications
8Issue of contractor's licence for up to 5 year period
9Reporting obligations under contractor's licence
11Surety may be required to rectify non-compliance
Part 2 — Permits
12Permit required unless exempted or in an emergency
13Permit application procedure
14Amendment of permit for additional or other work at site
15Types of permits
16Limit on scope of regulated work under permit
17Installation permits
18Operating permits
19Responsibilities of operating permit holder
19.1Regulated work under a permit
Part 3 — Inspections by Safety Officers
20Certificate of inspection
21Cost of inspection not already charged for in permit fee
Part 4 — Prototypes
22Notification and testing of prototype
Part 5 — Field Safety Representatives
23Field safety representative
24Restrictions on field safety representatives
25Continuing education requirements for field safety representatives
26Duties of a field safety representative
Part 6 — Safety Officers
27Safety officer must hold appropriate certificate of qualification
28Safety officer certificate of qualification
29Temporary safety officer's certificates of qualification
30Expiry of safety officer's certificates of qualification
Part 7 — Documents
31Permission not transferable
32Documents issued by mistake
33Issue of duplicate certificate, licence, permit or other document
Part 8 — Reporting
34Duty to report incidents to the appropriate safety manager
35Compliance declarations
Part 9 — Miscellaneous Matters
36Removal of records from registry
37Offering or advertising to do regulated work


1   In this regulation:

"Act" means the Safety Standards Act;

"declaration" means a statement made in writing by an individual that a regulated product has been installed or regulated work has been performed in compliance with the Act;

"documentation" includes permits, certificates, licences, reports and records;

"field safety representative" means an individual who holds a certificate of qualification issued under section 23;


(a) in respect of electrical equipment has the meaning in the Electrical Safety Regulation, and

(b) in respect of gas equipment has the meaning in the Gas Safety Regulation;

"installation permit" means a permit issued under section 17;

"permit" includes all types of permits issued under the Act;

"prototype" means a regulated product that is under development and has not been approved for use;

"regulatory authority" means the ministry or local government that provides an inspection service under the Act and has the authority to require inspection of regulated work in an area of British Columbia.

Part 1 — Certificates of Qualification and Contractors' Licences

Division 1 — Certificates of Qualification


1.1   In this Division:

"Canadian credential" means an official recognition that

(a) is issued in another jurisdiction in Canada, and

(b) authorizes the holder to perform, in the other jurisdiction, work that is equivalent to regulated work that, under the Act, may be performed only by a holder of a certificate of qualification;

"international credential" means an official recognition that

(a) is issued in a jurisdiction outside Canada, and

(b) authorizes the holder to perform, in the other jurisdiction, work that is equivalent to regulated work that, under the Act, may be performed only by a holder of a certificate of qualification;

"safety regulation" means the Electrical Safety Regulation, Elevating Devices Safety Regulation, Gas Safety Regulation, and Power Engineers, Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Refrigeration Safety Regulation.

[en. B.C. Reg. 45/2017, Sch. 3, s. 1; am. B.C. Reg. 45/2017, Sch. 5, s. 1.]

Requirements for certificate of qualification

2   An applicant for a certificate of qualification must pay any required fees and, subject to the regulations respecting the particular discipline,

(a) provide proof, acceptable to a provincial safety manager, of the applicant's relevant training and work experience, and

(b) pass any required examination for that certificate.

Applicants with Canadian credentials

2.1   (1) This section applies despite any provision of a safety regulation.

(2) On application by an individual who holds a Canadian credential, a provincial safety manager may issue a corresponding certificate of qualification if

(a) the applicant provides proof, acceptable to the provincial safety manager, of the applicant's identity, and

(b) the provincial safety manager is satisfied that the applicant's Canadian credential is in good standing in the jurisdiction where it was issued.

(3) A provincial safety manager may attach terms and conditions to a certificate of qualification issued under this section as follows:

(a) on issuing the certificate, only those terms and conditions

(i) necessary to ensure that the regulated work the individual is entitled to perform in British Columbia is equivalent to the work the individual is entitled to perform in the jurisdiction where the individual's Canadian credential was issued, and

(ii) as described in section 2.2 (2);

(b) after issuing the certificate, in which case, all of section 2.2 applies.

[en. B.C. Reg. 45/2017, Sch. 3, s. 2.]

Applicants with international credentials

2.10   (1) This section applies

(a) only with respect to certificates of qualification that may be issued under the Power Engineers, Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Refrigeration Safety Regulation, and

(b) despite any provision of that regulation.

(2) On application by an individual who holds an international credential, a provincial safety manager may issue a corresponding certificate of qualification if

(a) the applicant provides proof, acceptable to the provincial safety manager, of the applicant's identity, and

(b) the provincial safety manager is satisfied that

(i) the applicant's international credential is in good standing in the jurisdiction where it was issued, and

(ii) the applicant's training and work experience is equivalent to that required under the Power Engineers, Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Refrigeration Safety Regulation to be eligible for the certificate of qualification that is the subject of the application.

(3) Without limiting section 2,

(a) a provincial safety manager may require an applicant to

(i) provide further information or proof of the matters referred to in subsection (2) of this section as requested by the provincial safety manager for the purpose of evaluating the application, and

(ii) undertake examinations, interviews or other assessments, set by the provincial safety manager or as directed by the provincial safety manager, and

(b) the applicant must provide to the provincial safety manager

(i) the information and proof required under paragraph (a) (i) of this subsection, and

(ii) the results of all examinations, interviews or other assessments required under paragraph (a) (ii) of this subsection.

(4) All information and materials provided for the purpose of section 2 and subsection (3) of this section must be

(a) in the form and provided in the manner required by a provincial safety manager, and

(b) in English, or translated into English by a translator approved by the provincial safety manager.

[en. B.C. Reg. 45/2017, Sch. 5, s. 2.]

Certification agencies

2.11   An organization accredited by the Standards Council of Canada under the Standards Council of Canada Act as an organization engaged in conformity assessment is a certification agency for the purposes of a safety regulation.

[en. B.C. Reg. 170/2018, Sch. 3, s. 1.]

Terms and conditions on certificates of qualification

2.2   (1) Subject to section 2.1 (3), a provincial safety manager may, at any time, attach terms and conditions to a certificate of qualification issued under the Act.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a provincial safety manager may attach terms and conditions for the renewal or maintenance of any class of certificate of qualification.

(3) Terms and conditions attached under this section apply despite any provision of a safety regulation.

(4) The power to attach terms and conditions under this section includes the power to remove and change terms and conditions.

[en. B.C. Reg. 45/2017, Sch. 3, s. 2.]

Expiry and renewal of certificates of qualification

2.3   (1) A certificate of qualification

(a) expires on the date, if any, specified on the certificate of qualification, and

(b) may be renewed on payment of the renewal fee, if any, and in accordance with the terms and conditions

(i) attached under section 2.2 (2), and

(ii) that apply under a safety regulation with respect to an application for a certificate of the same class as that of the certificate being renewed.

(2) An individual who applies to renew a certificate of qualification before the certificate expires is exempt from meeting any application requirements other than as provided for under subsection (1) (b).

[en. B.C. Reg. 45/2017, Sch. 3, s. 2.]

Re-examination after failure to pass an examination

3   (1) If an individual, on their initial attempt, fails to pass any required examination for a certificate of qualification, the individual may not take the examination again until 30 days after the previous examination.

(2) If an individual fails to pass an examination for a certificate of qualification on the second or any subsequent attempt, a provincial safety manager may stipulate terms or conditions in respect of the length of time that must elapse before the individual may take the examination again.

No regulated work beyond scope of individual's qualifications

4   An individual must not perform regulated work unless it is within the scope of the individual's certificate of qualification or other training credential recognized by a provincial safety manager.

Regulated work done under supervision

5   (1) Despite section 4, an individual may do regulated work for which specific qualifications would be required under the Act if the individual is supervised by a person who

(a) is specifically authorized under the Act to perform that type of work, and

(b) supervises the individual on site and provides guidance and assistance to the individual as the regulated work is performed.

(2) A person who supervises the work of an individual under subsection (1) must not do any of the following:

(a) allow that individual to perform regulated work outside of the scope of the supervisor's qualifications;

(b) supervise a number of individuals in excess of any ratios of supervision established under the regulations.

Division 2 — Contractor's Licence

Requirements for contractor's licence

6   An applicant for a contractor's licence must provide all of the following:

(a) unless exempted by the regulations for a specific discipline, the name, certificate of qualification number and class of certificate of qualification of a field safety representative;

(b) evidence of the bond required by the provincial safety manager unless exempted by the regulations;

(c) the required fee.

Licence restricted to scope of field safety representative's qualifications

7   (1) A licensed contractor must not do regulated work beyond the qualifications of the contractor's field safety representative named on a licence issued under section 6.

(2) Except under section 5 (1), a licensed contractor must not allow an individual to perform regulated work for which the contractor is responsible unless the individual is qualified to perform the regulated work.

Issue of contractor's licence for up to 5 year period

8   A contractor's licence may be issued for a period of up to 5 years.

Reporting obligations under contractor's licence

9   (1) A licensed contractor must immediately notify a provincial safety manager

(a) when the field safety representative named on the contractor's licence under section 6 ceases to be employed by the licensed contractor, and

(b) when another individual is employed by the licensed contractor to replace the field safety representative named on the contractor's licence.

(2) A notice under subsection (1) (b) must include the name and certificate of qualification number of the individual.


10   (1) A bond as required under section 6 (b) may be provided only by a bond of a surety authorized under the Insurance Act.

(2) A licensed contractor must report to a provincial safety manager any changes in the status of any bond required under section 6 (b) including, but not limited to, renewals.

(3) A bond provided for the purposes of section 6 (b) must contain a provision requiring the insurer to inform a provincial safety manager of any change of status to that bond.

(4) The licence of a contractor who holds a bond under section 6 (b) is suspended if the bond lapses.

(5) A suspension under subsection (4) is reversed only if the licensed contractor provides evidence, acceptable to a provincial safety manager, that the bond has been reinstated.

Surety may be required to rectify non-compliance

11   If a licensed contractor, in the opinion of a provincial safety manager, has failed to comply with the Act, and neglects or refuses to rectify the non-compliance, a provincial safety manager may require the surety to cause work to be done to rectify the non-compliance up to the maximum amount of the bond.

Part 2 — Permits

Permit required unless exempted or in an emergency

12   (1) A person must obtain the appropriate permit from the regulatory authority before performing regulated work or using a regulated product unless exempted from doing so under the Act.

(2) In an emergency or if required to perform regulated work when the permit issuing office is closed, a person is not required to obtain a permit before performing regulated work if the person

(a) is authorized under the Act to perform the regulated work, and

(b) applies for a permit from the regulatory authority on the first business day following the emergency or the next day that the permit issuing office is open.

Permit application procedure

13   An application for a permit must be accompanied by any required fee and must include the following:

(a) a description of the regulated work to be performed;

(b) the address of the place where the regulated work is to be performed;

(c) the name and address of the person for whom the regulated work under the permit is to be performed;

(d) if the regulated work is to be performed by a licensed contractor, the licensed contractor's name, address and registration number;

(e) if the regulated work is to be performed by a homeowner, the name of each person who will be assisting with the regulated work other than members of the homeowner's immediate family.

Amendment of permit for additional or other work at site

14   On payment of any required fee, a safety officer may amend a permit to allow additional regulated work to be performed under the permit.

Types of permits

15   A safety officer may issue the following types of permit under the Act:

(a) installation permits;

(b) operating permits.

Limit on scope of regulated work under permit

16   A permit holder must not perform regulated work beyond the qualifications of the permit holder's field safety representative named on a permit issued under this Part.

Installation permits

17   (1) An installation permit is required to install or alter a regulated product.

(2) An installation permit may be issued to any of the following:

(a) a licensed contractor;

(b) a person who holds an operating permit;

(c) an owner of a regulated product;

(d) a homeowner who performs regulated work as permitted under the regulations.

(3) Unless exempted by the regulations, an application for an installation permit must contain the name, certificate of qualification number and class of certificate of qualification of the field safety representative.

(4) To issue an installation permit a safety officer may require a bond.

Operating permits

18   (1) A person must have an operating permit to do any of the following:

(a) operate a regulated product;

(b) maintain a regulated product.

(2) An operating permit may be issued to any of the following:

(a) an owner of a regulated product;

(b) the owner of a building or other premises where regulated work is to be performed.

(3) An operating permit may be issued for the use of one or more regulated products listed in section 2 (1) (b) of the Act.

(4) Unless specified in the regulations, an application for an operating permit is not required to contain the name, certificate of qualification number and class of certificate of qualification of the field safety representative.

(5) To issue an operating permit a safety officer may require a bond.

Responsibilities of operating permit holder

19   The holder of an operating permit must do all of the following:

(a) if required under the permit, maintain a log of work performed under the permit;

(b) in the case of a multi-year operating permit, pay any required instalments of the permit fee;

(c) submit any required declaration confirming compliance with the Act;

(d) if a field safety representative is named in the permit, immediately notify the regulatory authority if the field safety representative ceases to be contracted or employed by the permit holder.

[am. B.C. Reg. 170/2018, Sch. 3, s. 2.]

Regulated work under a permit

19.1   (1) This section applies to a person who holds a permit, other than a homeowner.

(2) For the purposes of section 23 (1) (a) of the Act, a person who holds a permit is authorized to manage or direct individuals doing regulated work under the permit.

(3) For the purposes of section 23 (1) (b) of the Act, a person who is authorized under the Act to do regulated work may do the regulated work for a person who holds a permit.

[en. B.C. Reg. 474/2004.]

Part 3 — Inspections by Safety Officers

Certificate of inspection

20   (1) This section applies to an inspection performed by a safety officer.

(2) On completion of an inspection by a safety officer of regulated work or a regulated product, the safety officer must issue a certificate of inspection to the permit holder.

(3) If the certificate under subsection (2) identifies any non-compliances with respect to the regulated work or regulated product, the permit holder must correct the non-compliances and notify the safety officer that the corrections have been completed.

(4) Issuance of a certificate of inspection does not prevent a safety officer from re-inspecting regulated work.

Cost of inspection not already charged for in permit fee

21   If a safety officer performs an inspection for which a fee has not already been charged as part of the permit fee, the permit holder must pay a separate fee.

Part 4 — Prototypes

Notification and testing of prototype

22   (1) A person who develops or possesses a prototype must not use the product except for product demonstration or product testing.

(2) A person must not use a prototype in a manner that may cause harm to any person or damage to property.

(3) On application by a person who develops or possesses a prototype, a provincial safety manager may provide an approval under section 10 (2) of the Act.

(4) A person must not use a regulated product approved under subsection (3) unless the person obtains any required permit for the use of the regulated product.

Part 5 — Field Safety Representatives

Field safety representative

23   (1) An individual may obtain a certificate of qualification as a field safety representative for the particular qualifications set out in the certificate if the individual

(a) has training or experience that is recognized by the provincial safety manager,

(b) is a professional engineer in good standing with the association under the Engineers and Geoscientists Act, or

(c) is a technologist in good standing with the association under the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians Act.

(2) In addition to the requirements under subsection (1), a provincial safety manager may require the individual to take an appropriate examination or complete any additional training.

Restrictions on field safety representatives

24   (1) A certificate of qualification as a field safety representative entitles the individual, on behalf of their employer, to make declarations that regulated work complies with the Act and regulations.

(2) A field safety representative must not make a declaration about regulated work other than regulated work within the scope of field safety representative's class of certificate of qualification.

(3) Repealed. [B.C. Reg. 217/2006.]

[am. B.C. Reg. 217/2006.]

Continuing education requirements for field safety representatives

25   (1) A provincial safety manager may require a field safety representative to demonstrate up to date knowledge relevant to that individual's class of certificate of qualification.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a provincial safety manager may require an individual to do one or both of the following:

(a) attend courses of instruction;

(b) successfully complete an examination.

Duties of a field safety representative

26   (1) An individual who holds a certificate of qualification as a field safety representative must do all of the following in respect of regulated work performed under a permit:

(a) ensure that the regulated work complies with all requirements under the Act;

(b) request any inspections required under the Act or on the permit from the regulatory authority;

(c) if permitted to do so by the regulatory authority following a request under paragraph (b), sign a declaration that the work has complied with all of the requirements under the Act;

(d) ensure that the persons performing regulated work under a permit have the qualifications that are appropriate for that type of work.

(2) A field safety representative who makes a declaration about a regulated product or regulated work must disclose to a safety officer any regulated product or regulated work that creates a risk of personal injury or damage to property.

(3) A field safety representative named on an application for an operating permit or contractor's licence must, in addition to the duties of a field safety representative under subsections (1) and (2), represent the operating permit holder or licensed contractor in code, technical and worker qualification matters that are within the scope of the field safety representative's certificate of qualification.

Part 6 — Safety Officers

Safety officer must hold appropriate certificate of qualification

27   An individual must not exercise any of the powers of a safety officer unless

(a) that individual holds an appropriate certificate of qualification issued by a provincial safety manager, and

(b) is appointed as a safety officer under section 11 of the Act.

Safety officer certificate of qualification

28   (1) An individual may apply under section 2 for a certificate of qualification as a safety officer.

(2) A certificate of qualification issued under subsection (1) may restrict the areas of British Columbia to which the certificate of qualification applies.

(3) A provincial safety manager may require an applicant to take an examination for a safety officer's certificate of qualification, and, if so, the examination must

(a) be set by a provincial safety manager,

(b) be held at a place and time selected by a provincial safety manager, and

(c) be held only after written notification to the applicant of the time and place of the examination.

(4) A safety officer who holds a safety officer's certificate of qualification under this section, while employed by a regulatory authority, must not perform for anyone other than their employer inspections of regulated work or regulated products in the discipline for which the certificate of qualification is issued.

Temporary safety officer's certificates of qualification

29   (1) A provincial safety manager may issue a temporary safety officer's certificate of qualification to any individual if satisfied that the individual has sufficient knowledge and experience for that certificate.

(2) A temporary safety officer's certificate of qualification issued under subsection (1) may contain limitations on the powers of the person to conduct inspections.

Expiry of safety officer's certificates of qualification

30   (1) A certificate of qualification of a safety officer issued under section 28 expires on the earlier of

(a) the expiry date specified in the certificate, or

(b) the date the individual ceases to be a safety officer.

(2) If a safety officer ceases to hold that office and within 2 years is again appointed as a safety officer, the individual's certificate of qualification must be considered to have been maintained.

Part 7 — Documents

Permission not transferable

31   A permission issued under the Act cannot be transferred without the prior approval of the regulatory authority.

Documents issued by mistake

32   (1) A person's licence or other permissions may be revoked or suspended by a provincial safety manager if the licence or other permission was issued in error.

(2) A revocation or suspension under subsection (1) cannot be the subject matter of an appeal to the appeal board.

Issue of duplicate certificate, licence, permit or other document

33   On payment of any required fee and if satisfied that a certificate, licence, permit or other document issued to a person under the Act has been lost, stolen or destroyed, a provincial safety manager or other person who issued the document must issue a duplicate of the document to the person.

Part 8 — Reporting

Duty to report incidents to the appropriate safety manager

34   (1) If any of the following persons attend an incident, the person has a duty to report it to the appropriate safety manager:

(a) a holder of a permit to perform regulated work;

(b) a person who is authorized to perform or performs regulated work;

(c) a person who is authorized to operate or operates a regulated product or system;

(d) an officer or employee of a utility.

(2) The owner of a plant must report an incident to the appropriate safety manager.

[am. B.C. Reg. 170/2018, Sch. 3, s. 4.]

Compliance declarations

35   (1) In this section, "declaration of compliance" means a declaration or notice that, or another form of statement indicating that, regulated work complies with the Act and the regulations.

(2) A person who is required under a safety regulation to give a declaration of compliance to a regulatory authority, provincial safety manager or safety officer

(a) must not give the declaration of compliance unless the person has first physically inspected the regulated work that is the subject of the declaration, and

(b) must confirm both of the following in the declaration of compliance:

(i) that the person has personally inspected the regulated work;

(ii) that the person believes, based on their inspection, that the regulated work complies with the Act and the regulations.

[en. B.C. Reg. 170/2018, Sch. 3, s. 5.]

Part 9 — Miscellaneous Matters

Removal of records from registry

36   (1) A person against whom an enforcement action has been taken may apply to the registrar for a review of the person's enforcement action records.

(2) An application must

(a) be in the form and manner required by the registrar, and

(b) be accompanied by the applicable fee, if any.

(3) On completing a review, the registrar may remove from the registry information about an enforcement action taken against the applicant if satisfied of all of the following:

(a) the applicant has complied with all requirements imposed under the enforcement action;

(b) at least 7 years have passed since the enforcement action was taken;

(c) no further enforcement action was taken against the applicant within the 7-year period referred to in paragraph (b).

[en. B.C. Reg. 43/2021, Sch. 1.]

Offering or advertising to do regulated work

37   (1) This section applies with respect to regulated work that may be done by a licensed contractor

(a) under the Electrical Safety Regulation, the Gas Safety Regulation or the Power Engineers, Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Refrigeration Safety Regulation, or

(b) holding a licence of Class A, RA, M, C, H, AM or IC under the Elevating Devices Safety Regulation.

(2) Unless a waiver is given under subsection (4), a person who offers or advertises to do regulated work must include with the offer or advertisement both of the following:

(a) the name of the licensed contractor, as stated on the licensed contractor's licence, who will do the regulated work;

(b) the licence number of the licensed contractor who will do the regulated work.

(3) A person referred to in subsection (2) must ensure that the information required under that subsection is provided in a manner that is clear.

(4) A provincial safety manager may waive a requirement under subsection (2) if satisfied that a person or class of persons cannot practicably comply with the requirement because of the form of the intended offer or advertisement.

[en. B.C. Reg. 43/2021, Sch. 2.]

[Provisions relevant to the enactment of this regulation: Safety Standards Act, S.B.C. 2003, c. 39, s. 88.]